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Zen Buddhist Names - sources 201-400

Est. 24 Jan 2010.
This document is a part of the Zen Buddhism WWW Virtual Library

This document lists sources of information about Buddhist names given to students and teachers active within the Zen tradition. Additions, corrections and comments will be appreciated. Please send email to Dr T. Matthew Ciolek tmciolek@ciolek.com. For names used in the context of Tibetan Buddhism see the Dharma Names.

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image of meditating Bodhidharma
Source of the graphics: Groupe de Recherches et d'Etudes sur le Zen (GREZ)

Sources no. 001-200   Sources no. 201-400   Sources no. 401-600   Sources no. 601-800  

Sources 201-400

[source ?] = The source of information will be listed at a later stage.

[201] "[M]y Dharma name was given recently. Joren - meaning Lotus Purity." Leslie Wagner, email, 24 Jan 2010.
[202] "[...] Would you be so kind to add the following dharma name to the catalog? Zen name: Virya, Vīrya; Language: Sanskrit; Meaning: energy, vigor; Bearer: HEIJMAN Marieke. Niko TYDEMAN Sensei (Netherlands) gave me this name in July 2005. Thank you very much, Marieke." Marieke Heijman, email, 19 Feb 2010.
[203] "I received Jukai and the name Eisho at Kanzeon Zen Center in SLC UT in Dec 12 2006 My birth name is Richard Marriott, Thank you for doing this." Richard Marriott, email, 16 Mar 2010.
[204] "Hi, if you like you can add Ryotetsu meaning 'well accomplished' or 'well penetrating' given to me by Maezumi Roshi about 35 years ago at the Zen Center of Los Angeles. Best Regards, Jan Freed", email, 31 Mar 2010.
[205] Luis Fenandez Inniss, email, 5 Apr 2010.
[206] "My dharma name is Chudo the implication is 'the middle way', given by Nyogen Yeo Roshi, Dec. 7 2006." Luis Escobar L.-Dellamary, email, 9 Apr 2010.
[207] http://www.zenonmain.org/ZoM/About_Us.html
[208] Sanskrit Names in the Sanghata and Their Meanings - http://www.sanghatasutra.net/sanskrit_names_alpha.pdf
[209] http://www.zcbclaresangha.org/teaching.htm
[210] "Dear Dr. Ciolek,
'Daiho' does, indeed, mean 'Great Dharma.' You have me listed in your names page under 'Sodaiho' So means priest or monk and is an honorific. Hogaku meanes dharma mountain. Shozen means 'correct' Zen. Zengaku means zen mountain.
I hope this helps.
Rev. Harvey Daiho Hilbert http://clearmindzen.org, Order of Clear Mind Zen", Harvey Daiho Hilbert, email, 1 Aug 2010.
[211] "Hello, I came upon the Zen Buddhist name web site and thought I would add my name to it. I am a Soto Zen priest and my dharma name is Kigaku Shudo (Radiant High Mountain, Practice of the Way). Gassho. -- Brian Schroeder", email, 14 Aug 2010.
[212] "Hello Dr. Ciolek, Just writing to provide an update for your online Zen Buddhist Dharma name database. I have just recieved the precepts as a soto zen priest (August 19th, 2010) with Treeleaf Zendo from my ordaining teacher, the monk Taigu Tetsuten Sekiryu Turlur. in addition to my current dharma name my "way name" is Mokusho (黙 照) - Moku - Silent, sho - awakening.
This name also belonged to my teacher's ordaining teacher, Etienne Mokusho Zeisler. Thank you again! Gassho Shohei", Dirk Lenentine, email, 23 Aug 2010.
[213] - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Baker_Aitken
[214] - http://community.zen-sangha.org/?author=53
[215] "Dear Sir, The meaning of the Dharma name Tetsu Ten is Philosophy of Heavens. [...] Sekiryu is Stone Dragon. Taigu being Big fool of course, [...] Thank you for your very good work. Deep bows, Taigu Turlur, teacher of Treeleaf Zendo [http://www.treeleaf.org]", Pierre Turlur, email, 29 Aug 2010
[216] "Dear Doctor Ciolek, My name is Pat Hawk, a teacher in the Diamond Sangha. I am a Dharma Heir of Robert Aitkten. According to Aitken Roshi, my Dharma Name "Seisho" means "Western Bell" in Sino-Japanese. My teaching name is "Shin'un Ken" meaning "House of the Spreading Cloud." Yours, Pat Hawk.", email, Fri, 12 Nov 2010.
[217] "Thank you for maintaining this list. Ewa, Emyo is actually Eva Malia (she used to have my last name Nielsen, we were married for 10 years, now she uses her Maiden name. Her full name is Eva Maria Malia Baro, and, she as I are both registered Soto Priests as well. I hope this helps and, I'm sure the Big Mind office (big mind.org) would love to help you update the list as well. Sincerely, Troy Nielsen (Dharma name Kakuon).", email, 30 Nov 2010.
[218] "Dear Mr. Ciolek, My name is Kees van de Klundert. During the Maha Sangha Gatthering on Ameland on januari 22 201 [2010?], I have received Jukai. I was a student of Genpo Roshi at that time. The name I was given by Genpo Roshi [163] is Eka, Favourable Wisdom, after the Japanese name of the second Chinese patriarch (Hui k'o).
A good friend of mine [...] Connie Franssen [...] also received a Zen name during Jukai. She receved the name from Niko Sojun Sensei. Her name is Teisui, She who follows the stream with great confidence .
And an other friend [...] Harry Aaldering [...] received some years ago from Genpo Roshi the name Hogetsu, Lettin' go Moon, Kees van de Klundert, email, 2 Jun 2011.
[219] Treeleaf Zendo. 2010. Zen lineage chart: Chinese and Japanese Zen ancestors - http://www.treeleaf.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2680&p=38241
[220] Kanji characters provided by http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasutani & Online Kanji Converter to Hiragana, Romaji, English - http://nihongo.j-talk.com/kanji/
[221] "Greetings, Mr. Ciolek, I noticed today that I am listed on your website as Gendo John Wolfe and that I received Jukai from Genpo Roshi on August 1, 1992. The date is correct, but my surname is spelled "Wolff" and my Dharma name means "Source of the Way." Also, my teacher's Dharma name, Myoyu, (AKA Susan Andersen), is listed as "the meaning is to be ascertained." Her name means "Subtle, Mysterious Harmony." Thank you for your attention. In Gassho, Gendo John Wolff", email, 5 Jul 2011.
[222] Artwork by Nantembo Toju (1839-1925) http://www.robynbuntin.com/MoreByArtist.asp?ArtistID=329
[223] http://www.zen-zang.nl/english/branch/Zen-Zang_founder_Carolina.html
[224] Dear Matthew; I wish to submit the following for inclusion in Dharma Name Catalogue found on your website. [...] Shoukai - (Living Ocean) conferred by Jundo Cohen of Treeleaf.org, Jan. 11, 2011 http://www3.sympatico.ca/rjmaxwell/shoukai2.jpg thank you for your work, Gassho, Richard Maxwell", email, 22 August 2011.
[225] Hi, I am Fleur Sakura Woess from Vienna. My dharma name is Nenge, "handing over the flower". It was selected for me by Reiko Mukai Osho from Hokoji temple/Rinzai Lineage. May be you would like to add it to your Buddhist Names list. Gassho Fleur", Dr. Fleur Sakura Wöss, email, 26 August 2011.
[226] "The name given to me is Shinko. It is Japanese and the meaning given to me by my sensei is "True Faithful Light" The name was given at my jukai ceremony in January of 2010. My name is Linda K West and I live in Santa Fe NM" , email, 24 Oct 2011.
[227] Dazu Huike - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huike
[228] Zen and art online resources, Fugai Ekun 1568-1654 - http://www.dharmanet.org/Zenart.htm
[229] Haiku For People - Basho, Matsuo (1644-1694) - http://www.toyomasu.com/haiku/
[230] Dumoulin, Heinrich. 1990. Zen Buddhism: A History. Vol. 2. Japan. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co./ London: Collier Macmillan Publishers, pp. 199.
[231] Yamada, Koun. 2004. The gateless gate: the classic book of Zen koans. Sommerville, MA: Wisdom Publications. pp. 195.
[232] Yamada, Koun. 2004. The gateless gate: the classic book of Zen koans. Sommerville, MA: Wisdom Publications. pp. xii.
[233] "I see "Shoji" has "meaning to be ascertained" This is my Zen name, it means "Birth and Death" is taken from a fascicle in Dogen's Shobogenzo. I took Jukai as a member of the Ocean Zendo of Long Island. Rather remarkably (and appropriate for the name) I took it in an intensive care ward where I was critically ill. Nick Shoji Patterson", email, 14 Dec 2011.
[234] Dear Dr T. Matthew Ciolek, you might want to add the name Myoku which means "wondrous sky" or "wondrous emptyness", given to me on Jukai in Dec 2011, Warm Regards Peter Linsener / Myoku, email, 4 Jan 2012.
[235] "Hi there, I thought I'd add my Dharma name as well to the list: Dokan: Ring of the Way Can be translated as Endless practice as well..but Ring of the Way is more literal. Gassho! Dokan", Shawn Edwards, email, 7 Jan 2012.
[236] Dear Mr. Ciolek, If I may, I would like to offer my Dharma name to your database. Hoyu Ho 法 (Dharma) Yu 湯 (Hot Water) [also "Hot Spring" - tmciolek] [...] John Brisson", email, 20 Jan 2012. "Yu, in the case of my Dharma name, means (Hot water for tea) not Yu as in hot springs. My Zen teacher chose this meaning for the kanji Yu because I am a certified Japanese Tea Ceremony instructor." John Brisson, email, 24 Jan 2012.
[237] "Sandra Jishu Angyo Holmes, the Co-Founder of the Zen Peacemaker Order. Jishu was her Buddhist name. Angyo, which means peacemaker, was a name which members of the Zen Peacemaker Order received when they were installed in the Order." - http://www.greenriverzen.org/jishu-angyo-holmes
[238] Isshin 一心 (One Heart) (J.) - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isshin-ryū
[239] WALTER Wolfgang E'un-ken (Cloud of Wisdom) - http://www.zen-walter.de/wolfgang-walter.html
[240] Src: http://www.shastaabbey.org/pdf/bookDenk04.pdf - excerpts "[...] [Ryozan Enkan] Ryozan (C. Liang-shan): his personal name was Enkan (C. Yüan-kuan, 'Observant of Circumstances')
[...] [Daiyo Kyogen] Daiyo's [... Daiyo (C. Tai-yang, 'The Great Sun,'] personal name was Kyogen (C. Ching-hsüan, 'He in Whom the Precepts Are Deep'); because this was also the name of the emperor at the time, he is called Kyoen (C. Ching-yen) in The Record of the Transmission of the Lamp and elsewhere, but his real name was indeed Kyogen.
[Tosu Gisei] Gisei (C. I-ch'ing, 'He Whose Faith Is Ever Green') was his personal name; [....] [Master Dokai of Mt. Fuyo] Dokai (C. Tao-chieh, 'A Model of the Way') was his personal name;
[Tanka Shijun] Tanka's personal name was Shijun (C. Tzu-ch'un, 'Pure and Honest as a Child');
[Choro Seiryo (Zhenxie Qingliao / Chen-hsieh Ch'ing-liao, 1089-1151)] Seiryo (C. Ch'ing-liao, 'Clear in Intelligence') was his personal name, Shinketsu (C. Chen-hsieh, 'Truly at Rest') was his Buddhist name and Goku (C. Wu-k'ung 'The Enlightened Void') was his title as a meditation master.
[Tendo Nyojo, T'ien-t'ung Ju-ching] - (C. Ju-ching, 'He Who Is Like Purity') was his personal name.
[Koun Ejo] Ejo ('The Great-hearted One') was his personal name; his family name was Fujiwara. [...]"
[241] [OUR TEACHER [...] Henry Shukman] His teaching name is Ryu'un-Ken (Dragon Cloud) - http://mountaincloud.org/shukman.html
[242] "I was given the name Genyo -- "Song of the (Great) Mystery" at a jukai ceremony on July 20, 2008, by Sensei (now Roshi) Eve Myonen Marko. I am now a Preceptor and leading jukai ceremonies, and giving dharma names myself. Your online catalog is very helpful. thanks a lot, John Genyo Sprague.", email, 5 March 2012.
[243] "My dharma name is Heisoku meaning calm breath. It was given by Jundo Cohen of Treeleaf in January 2011. Please include this in your list. My name is Nigel Riley.", email, 9 April 2012.
[244] "My name is Fugen Andersson. I was ordained by Jundo Cohen in 2010, my full dharma name is Endo Fugen and my Layname is Torbjörn Andersson. The english meaning of the dharma names are Endo: Round whole way, Fugen: origin of wind!", email, 14 May 2012.
[245] "Dear Dr. Ciolek, It has been a long time since I contacted you. [...] Also, many years ago I mentioned that my own Dharma name is Mitra Bishop and that I do not go by "Frances Mitra" Bishop. Because it was so confusing to be known by one name and have my official identification in another, my name was legally changed many years ago. It is now simply "Mitra Bishop." Also, once I completed my formal practice at the Rochester Zen Center I went on pilgrimage to Japan (Japan only, since I had lived in Southeast Asia and been to Singapore and Hong Kongand later to Taiwan) in 1992 after having met Harada Shodo-roshi and done sesshin with him in the States. I spent two months at Sogen-ji in Okayama, Japan, (Harada-roshi's temple), then went also to sit at Soko Morinaga-roshi 's temple in Kyoto (Daishu-in), then did Rohatsu sesshin at Bukkoku-ji under Tangen-roshi. A few months later I returned to Japan and lived and trained for the next three years at Sogen-ji. When I returned from that period of intensive training, Roshi Philip Kapleau authorized me to teach. I have continued to train with Harada-roshi to this day, attending several sesshin a year with him, some at Sogen-ji and some in the States, while also teaching Zen students at Mountain Gate in northern New Mexico, U.S.A. (www.sanmonjizen.org) and at Hidden Valley Zen Center (www.hvzc.org). I give you this information since you have been carefully archiving contemporary Zen teachers and their training. WIth nine bows, Mitra", email, 8 June 2012.
[246] "Dear Dr. Ciolek, I am writing to you having just returned from the jukai ceremony at Boundless Way Zen. At the ceremony, I was given the dharma name of "Seishi," which my teachers translated as 'clear intention.'", Chris Amirault, email, 30 July 2012.
[247] "My name is Mike Bard. I am a member of the Treeleaf Soto Zendo and my dharma name is Daido. Could you please add me to your list.", Mike Daido Bard, email, 10 Sep 2012.
[248] "Hi Dr. Ciolek, [...] I took Jukai recently, and received my Dharma name, Donen, from [name redacted] sensei of the [name redacted] line. Unlike the Donen on your list already, mine is translated as 'Way of Mindfulness'. Please feel free to add it to your list. Warm regards, [name redacted 7 Oct 2018, at correspondent's request]", email, 20 Nov 2012.
[249] "Hi Matthew, I have another Dharma name translation for you -- in a teisho at our Rohatsu sesshin last week, Sensei Sunyana Graef (Vermont Zen Center) translated her Dharma name "Sunyana" as "Empty Vehicle". With metta, [name redacted 7 Oct 2018, at correspondent's reques]", email, 16 Dec 2012.
[250] "Just to let you know that my Dharma name given by Robert Kennedy Roshi is KUNDO meaning no way or 'pathless path'. One in the Dharma, May your life go well, Patrick Kundo Eastman." email, 21 Dec 2012.
[251] Dear Dr T. Matthew Ciolek, My Dharmaname Shinshi (steadfast resolve) was given to my on 27th of June 2010 by Niko Sojun Tydeman of the Zencenter of Amsterdam. [...] Best regards, Gassho, Petra Hubbeling, email, 17 Apr 2013.
[252] - http://www.ciolek.com/WWWVLPages/ZenPages/Hakuin.html
[253] - http://northwestdharma.org/nw-dharma-news-wp/2013/03/salem-oregon-celebrates-new-zen-sensei/
[254] - http://zenpeacemakers.org/dharma-successors/
[255] "Dear Dr. Ciolek, [...] When Jikyo Roshi gave me "Purna" as a Dharma name, she did not, as far as I know, intend the [Anapurna - tmc] pun (at least not consciously), but I have always enjoyed that association. She emphasized the "full and complete" meaning of Purna. At transmission, when we get an additional Dharma name, she gave me the Japanese "Jyakunen," which means serene-as-it-is.", Ann Pirruccello, email, 6 Jun 2013.
[256] - http://www.wonbuddhist.org/community/dharma-circle/85-receving-the-dharma-name
[257] "Dear Dr.Ciolek,
Greetings from sunny San Diego. We had a wonderful 7-day sesshin last week and had terrific weather for outside kinhin. I was able to get the meanings of the Dharma names for several members of my Dharma family. [...]
Barry McMahon's Dharma Names: Kaigen: Origin of the Precepts [Kai (precepts) gen (origin)] Tenryu: Heavenly Dragon [Ten (heavenly) Ryu (dragon)]
Joan Hoebericht's Dharma Names: Hogetsu: Dharma Moon. Ganshin: Cherished Heart.
Steve Sarian's Dharma Name: Aishi: Compassionate Service
John Gage's Dharma Names: Jjiyu: Compassion coming from within Anshin: Peaceful Mind
Nicolee McMahon's Dharma Names:
Jikyo: jewel mirrored compassion [Ji/compassion, kyo/jewel Mirror]
Keiren: lotus wisdom [Kei/wisdom, ren/ lotus]
[...] Best, Annie Purna Pirruccello", email, 21 Jun 2013.
[258] "Corrections to Dharma names: "Gensei" and "Rokoji" - Hello, The teacher who held these names and who is referenced in source #103, Tenzan Toyoda, was my teacher. Following are some corrections regarding the meanings of these: 1. Gensei [] has the approximate meaning of "mysterious life". The current meaning showed in the list references a possible implication of the name in this particular case only, since Toyoda was a dharma descendent of Omori Sogen. But the actual meaning of the name is not as described. 2. Rokoji does indeed mean "old layperson". However, it is not a name but an honorific title. It is the analogue of the title Roshi: "Roshi" is used in Rinzai Zen for priests who receive inka shomei, while laypersons who receive inka might be called "Rokoji". Thanks very much for all your work, it's very helpful. Sincerely, Meido [Moore], www.rinzaizen.org", email, 28 Jun 2013.
[259] - http://sweepingzen.com/dainin-katagiri-roshi/
[260] Zen Master Ji Kwang (aka Roland Wöhrle-Chon). 2013. Wu Bong Dae Soen Sa Nim [1950-2013, an obituary]. Primary Point, vol 30 no. 2 Summer 2013. http://www.kwanumzen.org/wp-content/uploads/Primary_Point_Summer_2013_large.pdf
[261] "Greetings. I'd like to suggest to add the name 'Gyoji' (continuous practice, from the Shobogenzo). Gassho, Gyoji", Gyoji Bradbury, email, 31 Oct 2013.
[262] "Dear Dr. Ciolek, Thank you for your time effort and energy that you have given to this project. Here is an addition: Seiso Whole expression Dharma name given to me on August 11, 2013 for my ordination as a Soto Zen Priest Many thanks With gratitude Seiso Paul Cooper", email, 1 Jul 2014.
[263] "DearT. Matthew Ciolek Here is an updated list of dharma names that have been given recently by Tenkei Coppens to his students receiving Jukai. Each name was checked by our Japanese friend, Rev. KoichiIsoda of Keisho-in, Fujinomiya Also our website changed address to www.zenrivertemple.org Best wishes, Tamara Gabrysch
JUKAI LIST of the students of Tenkei Roshi
(It is the list of 17 Oct 2013, without duplicate names that were already listed in Tamara Gabrysch, email, 16 May 2008 [i.e. in the source 167]
AlieRozendal (NL) - May 4, 2011---------------Jimon慈聞 Compassion Listening(1328-200)
Alize Nijholt(NL) - May 5, 2012--------------- Shojun 正遵 Follow the Truth (41-1380)
Annelies de Leeuw(NL) May 5, 2012----------Seien清円 Pure Circle (517-4)
Betty Vogels(NL) May 5, 2012-----------------Jisho慈性 Compassion Nature (1328-723)
Carla Goosens(NL) - May 5, 2012-------------Koshin広心 Generous Heart (114 147)
Diana van Gelder (NL) - May 6, 2009 ----Rinsho 臨照 Presence Illumination (994-510)
Egbert Klarenbeek (NL) May 5, 2012 ---------- Soden 祖田Ancestor Field (736-59)
Erik Raven(NL) May 5, 2012------------------Daicho大 超 Great Byond (53-1594)
Jonas Gronwald(D) May 5, 2012--------------Konen光 然 Illumination Blaze (116-528)
MarkWesterhuis (NL)- May 4, 2011-------------Ekai恵海 Generosity Ocean (1196-88)
MarloesHarkema (NL) - May 4, 2011------Myokan 妙鑑 Wondrous Mirror (1841-1117)
MoragSmith (GB) - May4, 2011------------------Joshin浄心 Pure Heart (1417-147)
Riavan Bakel (NL) - May 4, 2011-------------- Hogetsu 法月 Letting-go Moon (391-16)
SimonSomers (NL) - May 4, 2011-----------------Shinjo 真乗 True Vehicle(514-320)
TjallieDoorman (NL)- May 4, 2011 -------------Gendo 玄道 SubtleWay (1227-188)
ToonFugers (NL)- May 4, 2011 ------------------Daigan 大願 Great Vow(53-446)
Alina Nube (NL) - Jan 15, 2011 -------------------Seikyo 清鏡 ClearMirror(517-462)
Dina Pasman(N) - Oct 16, 2013 ---------------Shorin 照臨 Illuminating Presence(510-994)
Els 't Jong (NL) - May 1, 2013 ------------------- Myotei 明庭 Illumination Garden (208-352)
Eric van den Berg (NL) - April 5, 2009 -----Kogen 弘元 Broad Source (N57-106)
Erik de Vries (NL)- Jan 22, 2012 -----------------Kizan 機山 Function Mountain (453-24)
Han Schnek (NL) - Oct 9, 2010 ------------------Keido 慶道 Joyful Way (1204- 188)
Hans van Loon (NL) - Aug 22, 2002 --------Hosei 法生 Dharma Life (584 42)
Herman Postma (NL)-Jan 22, 2012 -------------Daishi 大志 Great Inspiration (53-692)
Iris Ousen (NL) - May 5, 2002 ----------------Shinka 心花 Mind Flower ((147-9)
James Landman (NL) - Oct 13, 2012-----------Goan 悟庵 Enlightenment Hut(1239-N1623)
Janna de Vries (NL) - May 6, 2009 ------------Komyo 光苗Bright Seedling (116-1740)
Johanna Hemstra (N) - Oct 16, 2013 ---------Eishin 英心 Excellent Heart(426-147)
Joost Blom (NL) - Oct. 22, 2011 ---------------------Fushin 富心 Rich Heart(780-147)
Katharina Jarek-Knabe (PL)- Aug 12, 2009---- Seicho 清調 Pure Melody (517-348)
Kees Moerbeek (NL) - Oct 13, 2012------------ KaidoʊKʓ 階道 Steps Way -(242-188)
Leo Folz (D) - Feb13, 2002 --------------------- Jitsuzan実山True Mountain (296-24)
Lonneke Mensink(NL) - Oct13, 2012 --------- Hokyo 寶(宝)鏡 Treasure Mirror(971-462)
Marcel Calkhoven (NL)- Aug 12, 2009----------Kaiun 快雲 Dynamic Cloud (631-78)
Marcella Vande Reyd(B) - May 1, 2013 -----Chisho 智照 Wisdom Shining (N2490-510)
Margaret Kirby (USA) - Dec 3, 2008 -------Myoku妙空 Wondrous Sky (1841-15)
Martine Welling(N) - Oct 16, 2013 -----------Gyosho暁照 Dawn Light(1174 - 510)
Nel Nieuwendijk (NL) - Oct 9, 2010 --------Jyakunen 寂然 Serene As-it-Is (1345-528)
Pepijn Meerloo (NL) - May 6, 2009 -----------Issan 一山 One Mountain (1-24)
Peter de Rooden (NL) - April 5, 2009 ------Shoryu 祥龍Auspicious Dragon (1398-1899)
Peter Lloyd (GB) - April 13, 2013 --------------Hakugyu白牛 WhiteBull (65-97)
Peter McCabe (UK)- Oct 13, 2012------------Genmon 玄門 Subtle Gate (1227-211)
Robert Jan Raaman (NL) - Aug 24, 2012 ------- Daiten ....大 ... Great Composure (53-N1844)
Wayne Gregoire (USA) - Sep 12, 2011 ----------- Taikan 諦観 Truth Insight (N5663-445)
Werner Stolzel (D) - Oct 18, 2008 -----------Zengan 禅岩 Zen Rock (1502-249)
Tamara Gabrysch, email, 17 Oct 2013
[264] "Dear Dr T. Matthew Ciolek, I'd like to inform you of the dharma-name I recieved yesterday during jukai ceremony in the lineage of Maezumi-roshi, Genpo-roshi, Niko-sensei and Andr van der Braak to me. My dharma-name is: Fuso 不争 (Japanese) and it means "no conflict". Warm regards, Arjan F. Tervoort, The Netherlands", email, 10 Jun 2014.
[265] Suzuki Shogaku Shunryu aka Suzuki Shōgaku Shunryū - http://sweepingzen.com/shunryu-suzuki-bio/ [in May 2024, no longer at sweepingzen.com. Try the WayBack machine at the https://web.archive.org - tmc]
[266] Sensei Irene Kaigetsu Kyojo Bakker - http://www.upaya.org/people/bio/sensei-irne-kaigetsu-kyojo-bakker- and Peter Bruza, email, 22 Aug 2014
[267] "Hi, This is to inform you that I recieved Jukai from Genpo Merzel Roshi on jan 18th 2008 (Ameland) and the dharma name my teacher gave me is Mokudo (silent way). Gassho, Annetje Mokudo Brunner", email, 20 Nov 2014
[268] "I ran across your site while researching my Dharma Name; just wanted to let you know that Kogetsu can also be translated as "Tiger Moon".. : ) Attached is pic of my Rakusu. Thanks for your site." Cassandra Siegman, email, 6 Dec 2014.
[269] "Dear Mr Ciolek, Thank you so much for all your good work, it is appreciated by many. Someone just pointed out you also have a list of Zen Buddhist names. I'd like to add some, which were given to me by the heart-brother of Maezumi Roshi, Junyu Kuroda Roshi.
My buddhist name is Shugetsu, which means Autumn Moon. My monk name is Junko, meaning Pure Light.
Thank you so much, Gassho, Ingrid Shugetsu Appels", email, 3 Jan 2015
[270] http://www.zenrivertemple.org/teachers.html
[271] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yamada_Koun
[272] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imagawa_Yoshimoto
[273] "Greetings -- I've been ordained in the Five Mountain Zen Order, and have received a new Dharma Name: Eunsahn Citta. (It's basically the Korean version of Inzan). In the Dharma, Rev Eunsahn Citta Tom Gartland [...]. Inzan Gartland, email, 21 Feb 2015
[274] "Ive just been visiting your zenpages site to check some details about Dharma names.[...] To fill in one missing detail I noticed, my Dharma name, Myo Sei, means Bright Star. [...] John Tarrant also gave me transmission, two weeks later, in June 2001, in a separate ceremony in the US. [...] My teaching name from John is Lazy Tiger. [...]", Susan Murphy Roshi, email, 7 Mar 2015.
[275]"Jay Ryudo Rinsen Weik Sensei, [....] His personal website is: http://jayrinsenweik.com/ [...] Deep gratitude, Michael Chuso Zickar", email, 21 May 2015." and "Rinsen means 'Wheel Turning Wizard.' Chuso means 'Hits the Mark Sangha.' With deep gratitude, Chuso", Michael Zickar, email, 28 May 2015.
[276] http://jayrinsenweik.com/zen
[277] "Dear Matthew, Would it be possible to add my buddhist name to your list? My name is Kobun and I understand that there are some others like Kobun Chino Otogawa,a Soto zen priest, who wear also this name. As I understand It means something as Cultivate the ability to express yourself", Dick Verstegen, email, 15 July 2015.
[278] Dharma Names | Hardcore Zen by Brad Warner, 13 May 2014, https://hardcorezen.info/dharma-names/2733 (accessed Oct 2015).
[279] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonard_Cohen (accessed Nov 2015).
[280] Chris Charyk, email, 16 Nov 2015
[281] http://sweepingzen.com/hakuyu-taizan-maezumi-roshi-lineage-chart/ (accessed Dec 2015).
[282] http://magi.wikia.com/wiki/Hakuyuu_Ren (accessed Dec 2015).
[283] http://nyoho.com/tag/dharma-name/ (accessed Dec 2015).
[284] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nyogen_Senzaki (accessed Dec 2015).
[285] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matsuo_Basho (accessed Jan 2016).
[286] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bassui_Tokusho (accessed Jan 2016).
[287] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanshan_(poet) (accessed Jan 2016).
[288] https://www.reverbnation.com/myokirising (accessed Mar 2016). Link supplied by Barbara J. Wilson, email, 8 Feb 2016
[289] "Dr. Ciolek [...] A few updates: My dharma name is: Ruzan (flowing mountain) not, Ryuzan .[...] Thank you, Ray Cicetti", email, 3 Apr 2016.
[290] "[...] Also, on your site Zen Buddhist Names: an online catalog. Would you like to list this name? Zengen (J) Nothing Hidden (Thompson, Scott)
Thank you for the work you do! charles birx", email, 29 April 2016.
[291] http://chancenter.org/cmc/bios-2/our-lineage/ (accessed 8 May 2016).
[292] https://zmm.mro.org/spring2016-jukai/ (accessed 8 May 2016).
[293] http://sfv.wonbuddhism.org/blog/62-a-dharma-name-by-any-other (accessed 12 May 2016).
[294] http://sokukoji.org/2015/01/27/jukai-ceremonies/ (accessed 13 May 2016).
[295] https://shingyobuddhistmd.wordpress.com/about/ (accessed 13 May 2016).
[296] "Dear Matthew, Would it be possible to add my dharma name to the list. Daijo was given to me from Shingyo Temple, Muko Takei meaning quiet earth. Thank you and may the Buddha be with us all. Ghasso Joseph Chonko", email, 19 Jun 2016.
[297] John Bowker. "Daijo." The Concise Oxford Dictionary of World Religions. 1997. Encyclopedia.com. 20 Jun. 2016
[298] Roselyn Stone - http://sunmountainzen.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/mat-chat-2-1.pdf
[299] "James Myoun Ford Roshi asked that I write to inform you ofJosh Mu'nen Bartok's Inka Shomei ceremony, which took place at the Greater Boston Zen Center in Cambridge, Massachusetts on Saturday, July 16, 2016. At the ceremony, Jamesgave Josh the cloud name Jiun, "compassionate cloud," with the full teaching name Keido Jiyun [...]", Laura S. Wallace, email, 20 Jul 2016.
[300] "Greetings, Dr. Ciolek, I would appreciate it if you could add a few of my students' names to your Zen Names webpages. They are as follows:
Daishin M大信 (J) Great Faith Henrickson, Todd
Getsuki 月器 (J) Vessel of Moonlight Mott, Rebecca
Muzo 夢蔵 (J) Dream Treasury Holohan, Kevin
Many thanks for what you do!
John Gendo ( 源道) Wolff, Sensei
PS: If it's relevant, I'm in the Taizan Maezumi Roshi line, an heir of Susan Myoyu Andersen, Roshi.", email, 15 Aug 2016.
[301] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hsu_Yun [name as stated over the Hsu Yun's photo] (accessed 15 Aug 2016).
[302] Myoshinji - http://www.greatplainszen.org (accessed 18 Aug 2016).
[303] Chongsan, Bongkil Chung. 2012. Dharma Master Chongsan of Won Buddhism, The: Analects and Writings. NY SUNY Press - https://books.google.com.au/books?id=1vUVVJsM8P4C&pg=PA298&lpg=PA298&dq=Myoyu+means&source=bl&ots=KZIgwK9fO-&sig=YrPj4ItkrZGQKmejYwgeAIXwCH4&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjHvsOhj8zOAhXCnZQKHT5QDD4Q6AEILzAD#v=onepage&q=Myoyu%20means&f=false
[304] http://www.myoyudojo.org/myoyu.name.html (accessed 18 Aug 2016).
[305] http://www.oxherding.com/my_weblog/2009/09/get-your-own-buddhist-name.html (accessed 18 Aug 2016).
[306] http://www.zenforuminternational.org/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=2654&start=20 (accessed 18 Aug 2016).
[307] http://wiki.samurai-archives.com/index.php?title=Ryutan (accessed 18 Aug 2016).
[308] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D._T._Suzuki (accessed 18 Aug 2016).
[309] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kshitigarbha (accessed 18 Aug 2016).
[310] http://www.charlesriverzen.org/about/lineage/ (accessed 18 Aug 2016).
[311] http://www.mondozen.org/people/dai-ki-inzan-tessa-martin (accessed 18 Aug 2016).
[312] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otokan (accessed 18 Aug 2016).
[313] Carson, Lee. 2010. Passage to Nirvana. a survivor's Zen voyage. Henry Chapin & Sons LLC. A reference to Peter Matthiessen on page 107.
[314] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mazu_Daoyi (accessed 7 Sep 2016).
[315] "Dear Dr. Ciolek,
Here is an update for the Harada-Yasutani School of Zen Buddhism & its teachers. [...] Ben Pumphrey received Dharma transmission from Roshi Charles Shinkai Birx on Sept. 10, 2016.
Also, to be placed on Zen Buddhist names: online catalog--
Mui      Not Anything Else      Ben Pumphrey
Thank you so much. take care, charles birx", email, 13 Sep 2016.
[316] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liangshan_Yuanguan (accessed 21 Sep 2016).
[317] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ikkyu (accessed 21 Sep 2016).
[318] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linji_Yixuan (accessed 21 Sep 2016).
[319] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lanxi_Daolong (accessed 21 Sep 2016).
[320] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Furong_Daokai (accessed 21 Sep 2016).
[321] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yunmen_Wenyan (accessed 22 Sep 2016).
[322] White Wind Zen Community - Master List of Masters, a biographical concordance compiled by Ven. Jinmyo Renge osho-ajari from the Teachings of Zen Master Anzan Hoshin - http://wwzc.org/dharma-text/master-list-masters (accessed 22 Sep 2016).
[323] "Hello, I don't suppose your list could ever be comprehensive, but you might like to note that the name Myoan is borne by the American Zen teacher Rose Mary Dougherty (White Plum lineage). According to the website of the Silver Spring Zendo (http://www.silverspringzendo.org/) she has two dharma heirs, Bob Ertman (Jin-gen) and Bill Dietrich (Ji-an).
Jeremy Marshall", email, 22 Sep 2016.
[324] http://www.asphodelshaven.com/glossary/view/butsugen_butsumo (accessed 7 Oct 2016).
[325] http://zen-franziska-achatz.de/biografie.html (accessed 11 Oct 2016).
[326] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chokosai_Eisho (accessed 16 Oct 2016).
[327] International Research Institute for Zen Buddhism (IRIZ), Hanazono University, Kyoto - http://iriz.hanazono.ac.jp/frame/data_f00.en.html (Site last update: 1 Nov 2002. Site accessed 17 Oct 2016).
[328] "Dear Matthew, [...] Kanji for your Zen Names page:
Daigen: ? 大⽞
Kakuji: o 覚慈", email, Nick Aalders, email, 29 Oct 2016.
[329] Yamada, Koun - Teisho on the Case 22, Kashyapa's Flagpole. [in:] Yamada, Koun. The Gateless Gate: The Classic Book of Zen Koans. New York: Simon and Schuster. 2005. https://books.google.com.au/books?redir_esc=y&id=VUA6AwAAQBAJ&q=swallow#v=snippet&q=swallow&f=false (accessed 12 Aug 2020).
[330] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Issan_Dorsey (accessed 7 Nov 2016).
[331] Jakuhitsu Genko, 1290-1367 - http://community.vietfun.com/showthread.php?t=420304&page=3 (accessed 7 Nov 2016).
[332] Ryonen Myozen (了然明全11841225), aka 佛樹明全 Butsuju Myozen - http://terebess.hu/zen/mesterek/RyonenMyozen.html (accessed 7 Nov 2016).
[333] Kawaguchi Ekai Jinko - http://www.tinyblue.com/htm/kawaguchi.htm and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ekai_Kawaguchi (sites accessed 7 Nov 2016).
[334] Zuiho - http://www.existentialbuddhist.com/2013/06/thoughts-after-jukai/ (accessed 7 Nov 2016).
[335] Carl Chimon Viggiani - http://kennedyzen.tripod.com (accessed 7 Nov 2016).
[336] Chimon Koso /Zhimen Guangzuo - http://www3.telus.net/public/sarlo/Oshobob/Zhimen.htm (accessed 7 Nov 2016).
[337] Bodhidharma - Goodman, Steven D.; Davidson, Ronald M. 1992. Tibetan Buddhism. SUNY Press, p.65., cited in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bodhidharma (accessed 7 Nov 2016).
[338] Muller, Charles A. (ed.). 1995-present. Digital Dictionary of Buddhism - http://www.buddhism-dict.net/ddb/ (accessed 7 Nov 2016).
[339] Hakuun Yasutani - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hakuun_Yasutani (accessed 8 Nov 2016).
[340] Short History of The Sanbo Kyodan [http://homepage2.nifty.com/sanbo_zen/histry_e.html] (accessed 8 Nov 2016).
[341] Mary Jise Jaksch Roshi - http://www.zendo.org.nz/pages/marymain.html (accessed 8 Nov 2016).
[342] Nun Shih-chi (Jissai) - thezenuniverse.org/gutei-finger-enlightenment/ (accessed 8 Nov 2016).
[343] Tozu Innen Kaisan - http://www.zenstudies.org/images/ZSSNewsltr06.pdf (accessed 8 Nov 2016).
[344] Kaisan Sokaku - https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Takuju_Kosen (accessed 8 Nov 2016).
[345] Rev. Kongo Langlois Roshi - http://w.zbtc.org/kongobio.html (accessed 8 Nov 2016).
[346] http://homepage2.nifty.com/sanbo_zen/master_e.html">Sanbo Kyodan Zen Leaders with Their Zen Centers (accessed 8 Nov 2016).
[347] Sariputra - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sariputta#Name (accessed 8 Nov 2016).
[348] Anne Seisen Saunders (previously Anne Seisen Fletcher) - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anne_Seisen_Saunders (accessed 8 Nov 2016).
[349] Chosetsu - Case 39, A Mistake in Speaking, Two Zen Classics: The Gateless Gate and The Blue Cliff Records https://books.google.com.au/books?isbn=0834825562 (accessed 8 Nov 2016).
[350] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otokan (accessed 8 Nov 2016).
[351] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kokushi ; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roshi ; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sensei (sites accessed 9 Nov 2016).
[352] Gasan Joseki - http://terebess.hu/zen/mesterek/gasan.html (accessed 9 Nov 2016).
[353] Maura "Soshin" O'Halloran - http://go.galegroup.com/ps/i.do?id=GALE%7CA15892223&v=2.1&u=viva_vcu&it=r&p=LitRC&sw=w&asid=d068c67af78bc73379504ad708473f15 (accessed 9 Nov 2016).
[354] Suzuki Shosan - http://terebess.hu/zen/mesterek/SuzukiShosan.html (accessed 9 Nov 2016).
[355] Muller, Charles A. (ed.). 1995-present. Digital Dictionary of Buddhism: Japanese Personal Names Index - http://buddhism-dict.net/ddb/indexes/person-ja.html (last update: 2 Aug 2015).
[356] See the katakana キ (and hence the related kanji 鬼) in the root of the Japanese word for Christianity (Kirisuto-kyo) - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christianity_in_Japan (accessed 10 Nov 2016).
[357] Zenji - honorific title. See in: Taizan Maezumi. 2002 Appreciate Your Life: The Essence of Zen Practice https://books.google.com.au/books?isbn=0834828197 (accessed 10 Nov 2016).
[358] - "The Zen Community of Baltimore/Clare Sangha, Dec 2016 - Announcement of Installation.docx", a document kindly attached to an email from Seiryu/Bruce Blackman Sensei, Clare Sangha (www.zcbclaresangha.org), 17 Dec 2016.
[359] "I received Jukai from Roshi Genro Gauntt on November 16, 2016. My new Dharma name is Ji Un [...Compassionate Cloud...]. Please add my information to the database. Thank you very much. Sincerely, Irene Ji Un Edelmann", email, 21 Dec 2016.
[360] "Hi Matthew, Thanks for your trouble, and for your excellent resource. My dharma name is Doka (Song of the Tao). I dont know how to name the characters except they are Tao and Song, as in the characters that make up Shodoka. I hope this helps. Kirk" Fisher, email, 19 Jan 2017. Also, Shodoka 證道歌 [w:] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Song_of_Enlightenment (accessed 20 Jan 2017).
[361] "[...] my dharma name. "Nenren", meaning Mindful Lotus.Given to me byIrene Kaigetsu Bakker Sensei: http://www.zenspirit.nl/index.htm , Groet, Lucien Staarink", email, 24 Feb 2017.
[362] "Dear Dr Ciolek, [...] Im contacting you in my capacity as a Zen teacher in the White Plum Asanga, to say that I was given Dharma Transmission on 24th July 2016 by my teacher, Patrick Kundo Eastman Roshi, who gave me the Dharma name, Ryushin. [...] Thank you very much indeed. Best wishes, The Revd Canon Dr Christopher Collingwood", email, 29 March 2017
[363] http://wildgoosesangha.org.uk/teachers/ (accessed 5 Apr 2017).
[364] Dear Dr Ciolek, I wonder if you would like to add my Dharma name to the list in the www virtual library of Zen Buddhist names.
I am a priest and my Dharma name by ordination was given to me by my teacher Genshin Roshi in 2013. My name is Jitei White. Jitei means Compassionate Gardener as I have been a professional gardener and a practising Buddhist for 35 years. I belong to the White Plum lineage of Soto Zen. My teacher (Genshin Roshi) was taught by Genpo Roshi.
Many thanks, Jitei www.jiteiwhite.com", email, 1 Jun 21017.
[365] "I am writing to add my Dharma name to your database.
My name is Jonathan McCollum. My dharma name is Seichō 清調, meaning pure melody. It was given to me by Bruce Seiryu Blackman, sensei in the White Plum Assanga.
Gassho, Seichō JonMcCollum, PhD (Seichō Kenzen清調研禅)", email, 24 Jun 2017. Also, https://www.washcoll.edu/live/profiles/1953-jon-mccollum-phd-kenzen- (accessed 28 Jun 2017).
[366] "I'm writing to offer my dharma names for inclusion in your database. I received dharma transmission from Pierre Taigu Turlur on December 29, 2017. My name is Issan Myokaku (一山妙鶴)orOne Mountain Wondrous Crane. Best wishes, Simon Morgan-Russell", email 20 Feb 2018.
[367] Given Name MYEONG - From Sino-Korean 明 (myeong) meaning "bright, light, clear" or other hanja characters with the same pronunciation. https://www.behindthename.com/name/myeong (accessed 20 Feb 2018). [368] "[...] To answer your question about his [Daisetsu Tangen Harada Roshi] full Dharma name:
Daisetsu Tangen 大拙 湛玄 great + unskilful, fill + mysterious
[...] Roshi-sama mentioned to me when I spent a short time with him that the Daisetsu part of his name means great stupid. The gen character ( 玄) in Tangen also occurs in his Dharma successor Hogens name, as well as some of Hogen-sans disciples, including mine. The common translation of gen is dark, obscure or occult, but I think a more accurate rendering is a reference to self-nature/original face, etc., which to most of us is just that, dark, obscure and esoteric. I see lots of interpretations of gen on your ZenNames page, so good luck with that.
My Dharma name, as well as what I know of, or believe to be, some of the other teachers sanctioned by Hogen-san (in no particular order) are as follows:
Please note that the English renderings are my research, unverified by anyone else. So caution is needed in their use.[...] The actual kanji characters for the names, in the same order, are as follows:
Western Name - Japanese name - Chinese/Japanese Characters - Literal Translation of Name
Peter Gallagher - Daigyo Genyo - 大行 玄洋 - great+ doing ; original nature + ocean
Eric Batten - Dokan - 道貫 - Tao + penetration
Peter Bruza - Kakudo Genjo - 覚道玄成 - enlightened way; original nature + completion
Mark Togni - Hogaku - 法覚 - Dharma + awakening
Mike Hatchett - Jikai Doko - 慈海 道光 - compassionate + ocean; Tao + light
Hope this helps. Let me know if youd like anything else that I may be able to help with. Fellow-collectors need to stick together, without of course becoming ensnared in names and forms. To me the lineage and names do have meaning and profound relevance.
Peter (大行 玄洋) Gallagher, Open Way Zen Brisbane", email, 15 Mar 2018.
[369] "Hi there, Couple questions for you: First, how did my name come to be on your site if I never sent it in? My name is Charla Malamed (English) Koren (Dharma). Also, if it's going to be on there can you place my English name by both the Koren's listed? The first, 'Bright Lotus,' was given to me by Joan Halifax at Upaya and the second, 'Refinement of Great Peace,' was given to me by Geoffrey Shugen Arnold at Zen Mountain Monastery. Thanks! ~Charla Koren", email, 19 Apr 2018.
[370] "Tendo, Heaven Child, - Jenny Flatberg Lambson from Genpo Roshi in June 2006", email, 6 Aug 2018.
[371] "Dear Dr. T. Matthew Ciolek, Would you be so kind to add the following dharma name to the online catalog of Zen Buddhist Names? Zen name: Vimukti Marga; Language: Sanskrit; Meaning: liberating way; Bearer: Maarten Olthof. Niko Sojun Tydeman roshi of the Zencenter of Amsterdam in the Netherlands gave me this name on 31 August 2014. Thank you very much, Gassho, Maarten Olthof", email, 10 Sep 2018.
[372] "Hello, My name is Jindo and the kanji are given below. Meaning is Compassionate (or Benevolent) Way
ʵ 仁道
Best, David Butler", email, 18 Sep 2018.
[373] https://www.kyohaku.go.jp/eng/dictio/kaiga/42mokkei.html (accessed 7 Oct 2018).
[374] "A momentous sesshin was held in September this year in which Jack [Duffy] gave Jana Zeedyk full transmission as an independent teacher in the Diamond Sangha lineage of Robert Aitken Roshi. [...] Near the end of last week's sesshin, in a moving ceremony, she received the teaching name of Kyoku-Un, Meandering Cloud, reflecting her study with several teachers, as well as her transmission in Japan in the Soto lineage.", Jeff Jongeward, email. 25 Sep 2018
[375] "My teacher Bernie Glassman has died and I will do a service this coming weekend [1-2 Dec 2018] for him. I wanted to remind myself of the meaning of his dharma name, Tetsugen, and then was curious to see if my name, Mujo, was there. It is and with a question mark about its meaning. Impermanence. I hope this is helpful. Let me know if you have received this. Thank you. Best, Nancy Mujo Baker", email, 29 Nov 2018
[376] "Dear Sir; Mathew; A few years back I submitted my Dharma Name, Shokai (ocean Life) and it was listed. However, in June 2013 I received ordination and the name was changed to Jindo (Benevolent way) Shokai (open to life) and I submitted that shortly after. The change was made to the listing on your site but, I see now yt no longer exists. I wonder if I could re-submit. Gratefully in Gassho, Richard Maxwell, Sarnia, Canada www.treeleaf.org Recd Ordination from Jundo Cohen June 2013 Dharma Transmission () July 2016 m 仁道 Jindo (benevolent way) J 生開- Shokai (Open to life)", Richard Maxwell, email, 27 Oct 2018.
[377] Mujo - ? 無常 - http://mujowellness.com/?page_id=120 (accessed 2 Dec 2018).
[378] "The Ven. Muishitsu Eido Shimano Roshi gave Roko Sherry Chayat a beautiful new name, Shingeshitsu (Heart/Mind Flower-room)" s.9 http://www.zencenterofsyracuse.org/sites/default/files/dharmaConnection2008.pdf (accessed 2 Dec 2018).
[379] "Shitsu means room, like dokusan room. In my case, Soen Roshi gave me the name Muishitsu, True Man Without Rank. Soen Roshi was called Mittakutsu, not shitsu; kutsu means cave. Gempo Roshi was also Hannyakutsu, cave. There is no difference between kutsu and shitsu, just sound-wise, Mittashitsu is not as good as Mittakutsu. Gempo Roshi, Hannyakutsu, means Cave of Wisdom. Mittakutsu Soen Roshi means Cave of Paramita, to reach the other shore. For the past couple of years, I have been thinking of her name, this and that. Soon you will see what I wrote for her Roshi name. This is the time for you to unveil [the calligraphy with the Shitsugo]. It reads, Shingeshitsu. Shin means Heart/Mind. Ge means Flower. And Shitsu, room. Thus, room for your heart to bloom." p.11-12 http://www.zencenterofsyracuse.org/sites/default/files/dharmaConnection2008.pdf (accessed 2 Dec 2018).
[380] https://www.goteamjosh.com/blog/rinzai (accessed 2 Dec 2018).
[381] https://terebess.hu/zen/mesterek/DokyoEtan.html (accessed 2 Dec 2018).
[380] "My Buddhist name given to me by Suzuki Roshi at first ordination at Zen center is Ken Toku Jien. He told me it means , She who will complete the circle of herself. Lynne Lockie (Warkov)", email, 15 Mar 2019.
[381] "Thank you for your email confirming the website update. Barry Farrin Roshis teaching name, Ku San means Empty Mountain in English. With best regards, Lynda [Swaddling]", email, 19 Mar 2019.
[382] "Hello, I am a student of Genpo Roshi and Konpo Sensei. I would like to add my name to the list if possible. I received Jukai from Daniel Doen Silberberg Roshi and was given the following name. Gendai - Subtle Depth (J) Thank you, Adam Wilder", email, email, 19 Apr 2019
[383] "Dear sir, I wish to add my Buddhist name to your list online. Below is the certificate presented to me by Kongo Roshi (345) just prior to Jukai. It gives me the name Seiun which he translated as blue sky cloud and great aspiration. If I might ask. Could you translate the calligraphy. I long ago forgot/lost the translation. Thank you so much. If you have any questions feel free to let me know. Blessings, Eric Johnson", email, 19 Apr 2019
[384] http://www.zen-trum.info/zen/sutrarezitation/ (accessed 28 Apr 2019).
[385] http://www.buddhistelibrary.org/en/albums/userpics/10005/GojushichiButsu.pdf (accessed 18 May 2019).
[386] https://berkeleyzencenter.org/teachers/ (accessed 10 Aug 2020).
[387] [Page 114 in:] Zainie, Carla, The Muromachi Dono Gyoko Okazari Ki: A Research Note. Monumenta Nipponica, Sophia University, Tokyo, Vol. 33, No. 1, Spring, 1978, pp. 113-118.
Article cited on p. 54 in: Jennifer Baker. Masters thesis. The Eight Views: from its origin in the Xiao and Xiang rivers to Hiroshige. College of Arts at the University of Canterbury. 2010. https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/f153/0b6be81450d21118b23891622e3c8abcd643.pdf
[388] https://houstonzen.org/teachers (accessed 11 Aug 2020).
[389] https://www.silverspringzendo.org/oneheartsangha-teachers/ (accessed 11 Aug 2020).
[390] https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1130142183681414.1073741963.146188685410107&type=3 (accessed 11 Aug 2020).
[391] https://www.wisdomlib.org/definition/abhaya (accessed 12 Aug 2020).
[392] https://www.wisdomlib.org/definition/bodhidharma (accessed 12 Aug 2020).
[393] https://www.wisdomlib.org/definition/bodhin (accessed 12 Aug 2020).
[394] https://www.wisdomlib.org/definition/bhakti (accessed 12 Aug 2020).
[395] https://www.wisdomlib.org/definition/yana (accessed 12 Aug 2020).
[396] https://www.wisdomlib.org/definition/dhyana (accessed 12 Aug 2020).
[397] https://www.wisdomlib.org/definition/kashyapa (accessed 12 Aug 2020).
[398] https://www.wisdomlib.org/definition/kushala (accessed 12 Aug 2020).
[399] https://www.wisdomlib.org/definition/manju (accessed 12 Aug 2020).
[400] https://www.wisdomlib.org/definition/usra (accessed 12 Aug 2020).

Sources no. 001-200   Sources no. 201-400   Sources no. 401-600   Sources no. 601-800  

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