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Ciolek, T. Matthew. 1995-present. Sanbo Kyodan: Harada-Yasutani School of Zen Buddhism and its Teachers. Canberra: - Asia Pacific Research Online.
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Sanbo Kyodan*:
Harada-Yasutani School of Zen Buddhism
and its Teachers

Est.: 13 Apr 1995. Last updated: 12 Jul 2024.

29 years online and counting

This document is a part of the Zen Buddhism section of the Buddhist Studies WWW Virtual Library.

Edited by Dr T. Matthew Ciolek

This document aims to provide comprehensive, factual, and up-to-date information (green ink = the latest addenda/revisions/corrections) about the Harada-Yasutani, an offspring of the Sanbo Kyodan school of Zen Buddhism. Any updated information, corrections, or comments will be appreciated.

a work in progress since 13 Apr 1995 - tmc


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Go to Harada-Yasutani School of Zen Buddhism - References & Footnotes no. 001 - 200.
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Go to Harada-Yasutani School of Zen Buddhism - References & Footnotes no. 401 - 500.
Go to Harada-Yasutani School of Zen Buddhism - References & Footnotes no. 501 - 600.

* About the Harada-Yasutani School of Zen

Harada-Yasutani (an offspring of the Sanbo Kyodan or "Three Treasures") school of Zen [114] was established in Japan by D.S. Harada Rōshi and his student and close collaborator H.R. Yasutani Rōshi. The school is one of the smallest (about 3,000 adherents in 1984, Faulk 1988:158, see note #12 below) Buddhist organisations in post-war Japan. It is very energetic and iconoclastic. It combines elements of Japanese Soto (esp. teachings of Dogen Kigen and his Dharma grandson, Keizan Jokin) and Rinzai (esp. teachings of Hakuin Ekaku) traditions. Its 'graduates' constitute the lion's share of all Zen teachers currently active in the US, Canada, Argentina, Australia, Austria, France, Germany, India, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the Philippines and the UK. For details of other schools and lineages, see the Schools of Zen Buddhism document.

Dharma Heirs and Teachers of the Harada-Yasutani school


  1. Sources of information are indicated by a number in square brackets "[nn]".
  2. Persons who provided data or corrections to this document are acknowledged at the bottom of this page.
  3. Following Japanese custom, family names are written first and given names follow a comma, e.g. 'Harada, Tangen' and 'Kapleau, Philip'.
  4. Teachers belonging to the Diamond Sangha lineage are listed in bold print.
  5. Senior students who, upon completion of their Zen studies, declined to assume teaching responsibilities are marked with the words "declined to be a teacher".
  6. Students who declared their independence ahead of the completion of the customary Zen training schedule are indicated by the words "gone independent".
  7. Junior/Trainee/Apprentice teachers, i.e. ones who are not ready (according to their teachers) to assume independent teaching responsibilities, are indicated by the words "Assistant Teacher".
  8. Word "un" (J. "cloud"), occurring in the Buddhist teaching names is one of the hallmarks of the Sanbo Kyodan lineage. Suffixes "ken" and "an" mean "house, lineage" and "hermitage, small temple", respectively. These suffixes indicate that the holder of such teaching name can, at least potentially, continue tradition under their own "awning", as it were.
  9. Some of the teachers authorised by Yamada Koun Rōshi have also received additional recognition and confirmation by Kubota Rōshi. However, some teachers are dharma heirs of Yamada Rōshi, who have refused to be subjected to such re-confirmation procedure, and in most of the cases are not recognised as teachers of Zen by Kubota Rōshi.
  10. For a list of non-Japanese Zen teachers authorised by Yamada Koun, see "In Memoriam - Yamada Koun Rōshi". 1990. Buddhist-Christian Studies, vol.10 (1990), pp. 231-237 for their general country locations and Zen names
  11. For a list of Japanese and other Zen teachers of the Sanbo Kyodan community see Kyosho [Awakening Gong] (a Sanbo Kyodan newsletter/publication), issues #230 (Jul 1991), #231 (Sep 1991) and #232 (Dec 1991). See also Sanbo Kyodan Home page (
  12. A detailed account of the Sanbo Kyodan line of Zen within the context of other schools of Zen as well as Japanese 'New Religions' is provided by Robert J. Sharf. 1995. "Sanbokyodan - Zen and the Way of the New Religions". Japanese Journal of Religious Studies, Vol 22 (3-4), Fall 1995, pp. 417-458 (downloadable in PDF format from Useful statistics on Sanbokyodan in Japan are found in T. Griffith Faulk, page 158, in his 'The Zen Institution in Modern Japan', pp. 157-177, a chapter in Kraft, Kenneth. 1988. Zen Tradition and Transition: an overview of Zen in the modern world. London-Melbourne: Rider.
  13. For a discussion of the dual phenomena of 'Dharma transmission' and of 'Zen lineage' see an unpublished 1994 paper by Stuart Lachs "Coming Down from the Zen Clouds: A Critique of the Current State of American Zen" ( and a S. Lachs' 1999 paper "Means of Authorization: Establishing Hierarchy in Ch'an/Zen Buddhism." (
  14. For Vladimir Keremidschieff's reaction to Lachs' analysis, see Tending the Bodhi Tree: A Critique of Stuart Lachs' Means of Authorization: Establishing Hierarchy in Cha'n/Zen Buddhism in America ( For a Stuart Lachs' rejoinder see Reply to Vladimir K. (
  15. For a discussion of Zen's propensity for attracting, as well as producing people "who give up their good sense with the promise of a greater gain in the future," see S. Lachs' 2002 paper Richard Baker and the Myth of the Zen Rōshi (

Zen concepts and terms

  1. Schematic progress in Zen training: (a) 'Zen student' - an aspirant, on his/her completion of the 'Jukai', the Zen name-receiving ceremony (not a badge nor rank of attainment) [576][577]; (b) 'Dharma successor' - a seasoned Zen student, on his/her completion of the 'Denkai' + 'Shihō' or 'Denkai' + 'Denbō' ceremony. "The title for a Dharma successor is Sensei" [574]; (c) 'Dharma heir' - a Dharma successor, on his/her completion of the 'Inka Shōmei ceremony [574].
  2. Denkai - ceremonial transmission of the Bodhisattva Precepts (10 precepts for the followers of East Asian Mahāyāna Buddhism in general, 16 precepts for the followers of Sōtō Zen [575][576][577]). 'Denkai' precedes the Dharma transmission ceremony (Shiho or Denbo) [527]
  3. Shiho - in Soto Zen, ceremonial full transmission of the Dharma [527], "acknowledgement of mastery on the Zen way" [574]. In Soto tradition 'Denbō' ceremony constitutes the final part of the 'Shiho' [573])
  4. Denbō - in Rinzai Zen, ceremonial full transmission of the Dharma [527][573], "acknowledgement of mastery on the Zen way." [574]
  5. Inka Shomei 印可 証明 (Unicodes: &%21360;&%21487; &%35388;&%26126;) - in Rinzai Zen [573], public ceremonial granting of the final seal of approval [527], "after which the teacher may be referred to by the title Rōshi" [574]. 'Inka' is conferred by a fully-fledged Zen teacher. "This is a formal recognition of senior teaching status and deep understanding of the Zen Way" [574].
  6. It elevates transmitting teacher's "Dharma successor" to a level of the "Dharma heir". May take place "at least five years after full Dharma transmission" [574].
  7. Dharma Holder Ð Title that signifies one's reaching an early stage (an initial transmission) of the formal process of full Dharma transmission (Denbo). "A Dharma Holder may give the precepts and receive formal students through the [private] rite of 'shoken'. A Dharma Holder may not transmit their own successors" [574]. The Shoken ritual (not a badge nor rank of attainment) takes place at the student's request and it formally establishes a mutual personal bond between a student and his/her teacher [577]
  8. Sensei Ð an honorific title, on completion of the full Dharma Transmission (Denkai and Denbo)[574].
  9. Rōshi Ð An honorific title (lit. 'old teacher') that "is given in recognition of Inka Shomei and signifies senior teaching status" [574].
  10. Corrections, additional data and comments will be appreciated. Biographical information, including dates [preferably in 'dd mm yyyy' format] of birth (and death, if applicable), as well as information about online documents with Zen teachings are especially welcome. Please send an email to Dr T. Matthew Ciolek

    Roots, branches and offshoots of the Harada-Yasutani school of Zen
    Chars in bold indicate early lineages - the first three generations since YASUTANI Rōshi.

    || Aerts Line (5th gen.) || Aitken Line (3rd gen.) || Ancheta Line (3rd gen.) || Andersen-Palmer Line (3rd gen.) || Arnold Line (4th gen.) || Barragato Margaret Line (5th gen.) || Barragato Stefano Line (4th gen.) || Bartok Line (6th gen.) || Barzaghi Line (5th gen.) || Bastis Line (5th gen.) || Bauberger Line (4 gen.) || Bays Jan Line (3rd gen.) || Bays Jan-Bays Laren Line (4th gen.) || Beck Line (3rd gen.) || Birx Line (5th gen.) || Blacker Line (6th gen.) || Blackman-Craig Line (6th gen.) || Bolleter Line (4th gen.) || Boyle Line (5th gen.) || Brantschen-Gyger Line called "Glassman-Lassalle Line" (3rd & 4th gen.) || Brighton Line (5th gen.) || Cantor Line (6th gen.) || Cicetti Line (5th gen.) || Coote Line (6th gen.) || Coppens Line (4th gen.) || Dougherty Line (6th gen.) || Drosten Line (4th gen.) || Duffy Line (4th gen.) || Eastman Line (5th gen.) || Ertman Line (7th gen.) || Fletcher Line (3rd gen.) || Foster Line (4th gen.) || Ford Line (5th gen.) || Gamma Line (5th gen.) || Glassman Line (3rd gen.) || "Glassman-Lassalle Line" (see Brantschen-Gyger Line) (3rd & 4th gen.) || Graef Line (3rd gen.) || Grant Line (5th gen.) || Gyger Line (5th gen.) || Habito Line (3rd gen.) || Halifax Line (4th gen.) || Harada-Yasutani Line (1st gen.) || Jules Harris Line (5th gen.) || Peter Harris Line (7th gen.) || Hartland Line (7th gen.) || Hawk Line (4th gen.) || Henry Line (4th gen.) || Hunt Line (5th gen.) || Jaeger Line (3rd gen.) || Jaksch Line (5th gen.) || Joyner Line (5th gen.) || Kahn Monika Line (5th gen.) || Kahn Paul Line (4th gen.) || Kapleau Line (2nd gen.) || Kennedy Line (4th gen.) || Kjolhede Line (3rd gen.) || Lander Cecilie Line (4 gen.) || Lander Mervyn Line (4th gen.) || Loori Line (3rd gen.) || Luderitz Line (4rd gen.) || Lugovina Line (4rd gen.) || MacInnes Line (3rd gen.) || Maezumi Line (2nd gen.) || Magid Line (4th gen.) || Maloney Line (6th gen.) || Marko Line (4th gen.) || Matthiessen Line (4th gen.) || McMahon Line (4th gen.) || Merzel Line (3rd gen.) || Miller-McMahon Line (3rd gen.) || Murphy Line (5th gen.) || Nakao Line (4th gen.) || Nordstrom Line (4th gen.) || Odland-Poromaa Line (4th gen.) || O'Hara Line (4th gen.) || Pages Line (4th gen.) || Phillips Line (6th gen.) || Phillips-Gates Line (7th gen.) || Rapaport Line (6th gen.) || Richardson Line (5th gen.) || Rieck Line (3rd gen.) || Rizzetto Line (4th gen.) || Ross Line (6th gen.) || Rynick Line (6th gen.) || Sachter Line (3rd gen.) || Samy Ama Line (3rd gen.) || Saunders Line (4th gen.) || Schlüter Line (3rd gen.) || Silberberg Line (4th gen.) || Smith Line (4th gen.) || Steger Line (4th gen.) || Stern Line (5th gen.) || Stone Line (3rd gen.) || Sutherland Line (5th gen.) || Syverson Line (4th gen.) || Tarrant Line (4th gen.) || Terragno Line (5th gen.) || Tydeman Line (4th gen.) || Usami Line (3rd gen.) || Wagner Line (5th gen.) || Walker Line (5th gen.) || Walter Line (4th gen.) || Wells Line (5th gen.) || Wick Line (3rd gen.) || Wohl Line (6th gen.) || Yamada Line (2nd gen.) ||

    HARADA, Daiun Sogaku (13 Oct 1871-12 Dec 1961) Rōshi [8]
    Dharma heir of the Soto master Harada Sodō Kakushō (1844-1931), 30th teacher within Soto lineage since Dōgen Kigen (1200-1253)[578] and a Dharma heir of the Rinzai master Dokutan Sosan
    (a.k.a Dokutan Kōgen-shitsu Toyota/Toyoda) (1840-1917)[578],
    and 8th teacher within Rinzai generation since Hakuin Ekaku (1686-1769)

    DHARMA SUCCESSORS and HEIRS of Harada Daiun Sogaku Rōshi
    • 01 Ban Tetsugyū Soin (4 Jun 1910-21 Jan 1996) [22][49][562].
      • 02 Deguchi, Tetsujyo (b. 12 Dec 1951-) [22]
        Abbot of Toshoji International Zen Center, Tokyo. Facilitated the growth of Zen Buddhism in Italy
      • 02 O'Halloran, Maura Shoshin (24 May 1955-22 Oct 1982) [562].
      • 02 Silverman, Paul Tesshin (1960-) [562].
        A student of Ban Tetsugyū since 1978, became his Dharma heir in 1987 [562]. Since 1993 the official ÒjushokuÓ (head abbott) of Tetsugyuji, a "shugyo dojo" (training temple) in Oita Prefecture, Japan [562].
    • 01 Harada, Daisetsu Tangen (24 Aug 1924-12 Mar 2018) Rōshi [9][101][366][387]
      Head of Bukkoku-ji temple, Obama, Japan.
      • 02 Yamahata, Hōgen Daidō (28 Sep 1935-31 Mar 2024) [12][553]
        Abbot of Chōgenji Temple, Japan. Teacher at the Open Way Association, Australia.
        Zen master Hōgen also teaches in England, Spain and Portugal, though these groups don't have a web presence yet [76]
        • 03 Aalders, Nicholas Daigen Kakuji (b. 10 Dec 1950-) Rōshi [206][366]
          Became Hōgen Rōshi's Dharma heir on 19 Jan 2008 [366][316].
          Note: In May 2009, acting on his own initiative, Nicholas Daigen Kakuji Aalders publicly relinquished his role as a Zen teacher and stopped being YAMAHATA Rōshi's Dharma heir [226].
          In Oct 2016, Nicholas Aalders wrote to tmciolek: "After a subsequent period of reflection, I sought to amend that relinquishment and on 5 December 2012, Hōgen-san formally confirmed his original appointment of me as one of his dharma heirs and made it clear that, whatever I chose to do, the bond between us was for life and irrevocable. On 19 January 2013, the fifth anniversary of my ordination, he formally stated that I "hold our proper transmission that I also was transmitted from my master Daisetsu Tangen Harada Rōshi, the master in Bukkoku-ji, Japan." Both the confirmation of appointment as dharma heir of 5 December 2012 and the confirmation of Dharma transmission of 19 January 2013 are in writing" [366].
        • 03 Batten, Eric Dokan (b. 19??-) [554]
          Became Hōgen Rōshi's Dharma heir in Aug 2014 [554].
        • 03 Bruza, Peter Genjo (b. 1962-) [316][553]
          Ph.D, Professor, Faculty of Science, School of Information Systems, Queensland U. of Technology, Brisbane, Australia [555]. Initially, in the late 1980s, a student of Catherine Genno Pages Rōshi at the Kanzeon Sangha (The Netherlands) [581]. Became Hōgen Rōshi's Dharma heir in Jan 2008 [316].
          • 04 Cain, Emma Genkō (b. 19??-) [554][556]
            Bruza Genjo-San gave her permission to teach in 2022; not fully transmittedÊyet [556]
        • 03 Gallagher, Peter Daigyo Genyo (b. 1953-) [316][387]
          Peter was ordained as a monk on 18 Apr 2003, and in Jan 2008, Hōgen Yamahata gave him authority to teach, lead retreats, and give dokusan [316].
        • 03 Hatchett, Michael Jikai Doko (b. 1970-) [390][316]
          Doko Hatchett became Hōgen Yamahata's Rōshi's Dharma heir in Nov 2007 and a fully transmitted successor and new ancestor in the lineage in Jan 2009. He is the senior monastic of Open Way Zen Sangha, Abbot of Dochu-an and Shumpu-an Zen hermitages in Northern NSW, and guiding teacher of Little Zen Sangha in Mullumbimby and Hobart, Australia [390]. He has been practising Zen since 1989. A disciple of Rev. Hōgen Yamahata since 1991 [316].
        • 03 Reilly, Quentin Genshu (b. 19??-) [316]
        • 03 Togni, Mark Hogaku (b. 19??-) [554]
          Became Hōgen Rōshi's Dharma heir in 2016 [554].
    • 01 Ishiguro, Hōryū (b. 19??-d.??) Rōshi [580]
    • 01 Masakuma, Iida Daiken Tōin (1863 - 20 Sep 1937) [22][579].
      Dharma heir of Nakahara Nantenbō Rōshi and Dharma successor of Harada, Daiun Sogaku [578]
    • 01 Nagasawa, Sozen (1880-1956) Rōshi [64][351]
      Nun. "Abbot; only independent woman teacher in her time; many devoted students" [351].
    • 01 Nishiwaki, Etsudo (b. 1913-)
      "Tanto" at Soji-ji temple, Japan [22].
    • 01 Taji, Genki (1889-1953)
    • 01 Watanabe, Genshu (1869-1963) [352].
      17th dokuju (successive) abbot of of Soji-ji temple, Japan [352].
    • 01 YASUTANI, Hakuun Ryōkō (5 Jan 1885-28 Mar 1973) [11][156][161]
      Founder of the Harada-Yasutani Line Harada-Yasutani Line (1st generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
      • D'Ortschy, Brigitte Koun-an Doru Chiko Daishi (1921-9 Jul 1990) [70][196][253].
      • KAPLEAU, PHILIP (20 Aug 1912 - 6 May 2004) [147].
        Assistant teacher, never received Dharma transmission (Denbo) from Yasutani Rōshi [139], gone independent.
        Founder of the Rochester Zen Center, from the 1990s onwards, retired.
      • Kapleau Line (2nd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
        • Bishop, Mitra (b. 12 Apr 1941-) [24][278]
          Founder and head of the Mountain Gate monastic centre, NM and the Hidden Valley Zen Center, CA.
        • Henry, Michael Danan (b. 12 Nov 1939-) [47]
          Also a teacher appointed by Robert Aitken (see Aitken Line). He also studied with Harada Tangen Rōshi at Bukkoku-ji temple, Obama, Japan [462]. Founding teacher at the Zen Center of Denver [28], current teacher of Old Bones Sangha, a small group of mostly senior students [388].
          Known online teachings (decade 1995-2005) by Henry Danan.
          For details of his emerging line of Dharma heirs, see the entry on Henry, Michael Danan within the "Aitken Line."
        • Gifford, Dane Zenson (1949-13 Apr 2016) [331].
        • GRAEF, SUNYANA (b. 1948-) Rōshi [183][286]
          Former teacher at the Toronto Zen Centre, head of the Vermont Center [24]. Teacher at the and the Casa Zen in Costa Rica [270].
        • Graef Line (3rd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

        • KJOLHEDE, PETER BODHIN (b. 1948-) Rōshi [69]
          Abbot at the Rochester Zen Center, Teacher at the Madison Zen Center, WI.
        • Kjolhede Line (3rd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
          • Goldman, Robert (b. 19??-) Sensei [377]
            Medical doctor. Practicing Zen since 1975, since 1981, in the tradition of Philip Kapleau. In Aug 2007, he was sanctioned by Rōshi Kjolhede in a public ceremony in Berlin as a full Zen teacher. [377]
          • ODLAND, KANJA (b. 1963-) Sensei [244]
            Started her Zen training in 1984 as a student of both Philip Kapleau and his successor Bodhin Kjolhede. Ordained as a priest in 1999. In 2001, she was authorised to teach by Kjolhede Rōshi. Established, together with her Dharma brother Sante Poromaa Rōshi, Zengarden - a full-time training temple in rural Sweden. [379]
          • POROMAA, MIKAEL SANTE (b. 1958-) Rōshi [58][73][244]
            Ordained as a Zen priest in 1991. Kjolhede Rōshi gave him sanction to teach in 1998. Teacher at the Stockholm Zen Center, Sweden and its affiliate Helsinki Zen Center, Finland.
          • Odland-Poromaa Line (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
            • Kaliski, Karl (b. 19??-) Sensei [380]
              A student of Bodhin Kjolhede Rōshi since 1998. Subsequently, a student of Bodhin Rōshi's dharma heirs - Rōshi Sante Poromaa and Rōshi Kanja Odland in Sweden. He completed his formal koan training in 2013 and was [? jointly] sanctioned [by ? Odland and ? Poromaa - tmc] as a Zen teacher in 2015. Teacher at the Cloud Water Zen Group, Glasgow, UK. [380]
          • Ross, Lanny Sevan Keido Sei'an (b. 7 Sep 1951-) Sensei [58][194]
            Received in 2001 Dharma transmission (Denbo) from Bodhin Kjolhede Rōshi [194].
            Also holds Dharma transmission (Denbo) in the Jiyu Kennett and Robert Aitken lineages (see Aitken Line) bestowed on him in 2007 by James Zeno Myoun Ford Rōshi [194]
            Teacher at the Chicago Zen Center in Evanston, IL, US
          • Wrightson, Charlotte Amala (b. 1958-) Sensei [277]
            Ordained as a Zen priest in 1999. Sanctioned to teach in 2004. Received Dharma transmission (Denbo) in Feb 2012 from Kjolhede Rōshi. Teacher at the Auckland Zen Center, New Zealand [277].

        • Kjolhede, Sonja Sunya (b. 19??-) Rōshi [561]
          Teacher at the Windhorse Zen Community, Rochester, NY. Teacher at the Polish affiliate centre (established by D. Gifford) of the Rochester Zen Center. Sister of Peter Kjolhede, wife of Lawson David Sachter [24][56].
        • Low, Albert (16 Dec 1928-29 Jan 2016) [331][333]
          Teacher at the Montreal Zen Center [28].
        • Packer, Toni (5 Jul 1927-23 Aug 2013) [332] Assistant teacher, gone independent.
          Teacher at a non-Buddhist, non-Zen Springwater Center, Rochester.
        • SACHTER, LAWSON DAVID (b. 19??-) Rōshi [23][561]
          A psychotherapist [561]. A student of Philip Kapleau since 1971 [561]. "Completed his formal study and koan training in the mid 1980s. In 1996, [...] Kapleau sanctioned Lawson to teach, and ordained him as a Zen priest three years later" [561].
          Teacher at the Windhorse Zen Community, Alexander, NC. Husband of Sonja Kjolhede Rōshi [561.]
        • Sachter Line (3rd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
          • George, Geoff (b. 19??-) Sensei? [561]
            Licensed psychologist and a student of Lawson Sachter since 2010 [561].
            Subsequently appointed by Lawson Sachter Rōshi as the assistant Dharma teacher at the Clear Water Zen Center, Clearwater, FL [561]. Ordained 27 Oct 2019 as a novitiate lay Zen priest by Roshi Lawson [561].
          • Rosen, Ken (b. 19??- 6 Oct 2018) Sensei? [561]
            Founded the Clear Water Zen Center, Clearwater, FL [561] in the 1980Õs [561]
            Licensed psychotherapist and a student of "Philip Kapleau at the Rochester Zen Center in the early 1970Õs" [561].
            In 2013 appointed by Lawson Sachter Rōshi as the "Head of Zendo and Dharma Preceptor of the Clear Water Zen Center, Clearwater, FL [561].

          - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
        • Clarke, Richard (b. 31 Jan 1933-) [30]. A self-declared teacher.
          From 1967 to 1980, a student of Philip Kapleau, but neither ordained by P. Kapleau, nor sanctioned by him to teach. In PK's opinion, R. Clarke has no basis for claiming any connection with Kapleau's Dharma heirship or lineage [24]
          Teacher at the Living Dharma Center, Amherst, MA and Coventry, CT [30]
          See also the References page for a dissenting note [44] by R. Clarke.
        • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

          end of Kapleau Line (2nd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

      • Kubota, Akira Ji'un-ken (b. 1932-)
        Following the death of Yamada Koun Rōshi, head (1989-2004) of the Sanbo Kyodan school. Teaches at The Center for Health Care & Public Concern (Tokyo Kembikyoin Medical Center), Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan [157][159].
      • MAEZUMI, Taizan Hakuyū (24 Feb 1931-14 May 1995) [217]
        Also a Dharma heir of Osaka Koryu. Also a Dharma heir of KURODA, Baian Hakujun. Founder of the White Plum Asanga (WPA) ( line.

        "Teachers in the lineage of Taezan Maezumi (White Plum Asanga), although drawing on both Soto and Rinzai traditions in the manner partly pioneered by Yasutani Rōshi, do not generally regard themselves as "Sanbo Kyodan" teachers, and neither does the international "Sanbo-zen" organisation regard them as members of that tradition, so presenting "Sanbo Kyodan school" as a term synonymousÊwith the entire "Harada-Yasutani line" seems potentially misleading (though the adoption of the name "Sanbo-zen" by the formal organisation does help to distance the two categories). In my own experience, teachers in the Maezumi-Glassman line tend to trace their dharma succession through Maezumi's first teacher, his father Baian Hakujun Kuroda (Japanese Soto lineage) and not through Yasutani, and they tend to distinguish their approach to Zen from that of the Sanbo-zen school. I have attempted on occasion to make this distinction in the relevant Wikipedia articles, but it is an uphill battle when web pages such as yours are cited as primary sources." - Jeremy Marshall (member of the Woodchester Valley Zendo, UK; former member of the One Heart Sangha, Silver Spring, MD, and the Oxford Zen Centre, UK), email to T. Matthew Ciolek, 11 Nov 2019. [419].

        Maezumi Line, the "White Plum Asanga" (2nd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
        • ANCHETA, ALFRED JITSUDŌ (b. 19??-) [85]
          Received Dharma transmission (Shiho) from Taizan Maezumi in 1993. In 1999, Ancheta Sensei was installed as abbot of Hidden Mountain Zen Center, Albuquerque, NM [59] and received his second Dharma transmission from Glassman Rōshi (see Glassman Line (3rd gen.) [127]. Member of the White Plum Asanga (WPA) ( [258].
        • Ancheta Line (3rd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
          • Arbiter, Eric Kishin (b. 19??-) Sensei [525]
          • Bruce-Fritz, Carol Myoshin (b. 19??-) Sensei [525]
          • Elkin, Rick Issan (b. 19??-) Sensei [525]
          • Fritz, Ralph Kendo (b. 19??-) Sensei [525]
          • Helzer, Douglas Red Heart (b. 19??-) Sensei [525]
          • WALTER, SYDNEY MUSAI (1935-2019) Rōshi [127][510][525]
            Received Dharma transmission in Jan 1999. Teacher at Hidden Mountain Zen Center and at Prajna Zendo, Lamy, New Mexico [510]
          • Walter Line (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
            • BRIGHTON, DAVID DAISHIN (b. 19??-), Received Dharma Transmisssion in 2007 [551]
            • Brighton Line (5th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
              • White, Josh Dainin (b. 19??-), Received Dharma Transmisssion in 2014 [551]
              • Halasan, Corazon Jishin (b. 19??-), Received Dharma Transmisssion in 2014 [551]
            • Green, James Kando (b. 19??-), Received Dharma Transmisssion in 2011 [551]
            end of Walter Line (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

          • Whalen, Thomas Zenho (b. 19??-) Sensei [525]

          end of Ancheta Line (3th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

        • ANDERSEN-PALMER, SUSAN MYŌYU (b. 1950-) Rōshi [85][537]
          "Myoyu Rōshi is the abbot of Great Plains Zen Center. She studied for over twenty years with Taizan Maezumi Rōshi at the Zen Center of Los Angeles. In 1978, she was ordained as a Buddhist monk." [537] Received Dharma transmission (Shiho) from Taizan Maezumi in 1995. In May 2005 received the title of Rōshi from the White Plum Asanga (WPA) ( [345], Dharma heir of Dennis Genpo Merzel Rōshi (see Merzel Line) [510]. Teacher at the Great Plains Zen Center, IL [124][345].
        • Andersen-Palmer Line (3rd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
          • Nelson Julie Myogen Seido (b. 1956-) Sensei [535].
            Received Denkai transmission from Kate Hartland in May 2021 [465] (see Hartland Line) [465]. Since 2020, the Interim Spiritual Director of Greater Boston Zen Center ( [465]. Professor of economics (emeritus) at UMass Boston [465]. On 15 Aug 15 2023, she received a full Dharma transmission (Denbo and Denkai) from Myoyu Andersen-Palmer Rōshi [535].
          • Wolff, John Gendo (b. 2 Dec 1958-) Sensei [342][344]
            "Received Jukai (lay ordination) from Dennis Genpo Merzel Rōshi, on August 1, 1992.
            On July 15, 2006, he was ordained as a priest in the White Plum lineage by his Teacher Susan Myoyu Andersen Rōshi [...]"
            "On June 14, 2012, he received Dharma Transmission (Shiho) from Myoyu Rōshi, and on April 21, 2018, she conferred Inka Shomei upon him. [537] "is the Spiritual Director of Great Wave Zen Sangha and abbot of Myogenji (Subtle Source) Temple in Ludington, Michigan." [537].

          end of Andersen-Palmer Line (3rd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

        • BAYS, JAN CHŌZEN SOULE (b. 9 Aug 1945-) Rōshi [67][199]
          Also, on completion of her Soto training in 1983, she studied under a Rinzai teacher Harada Shodo Rōshi of Sogenji Monastery, Japan. Dharma heir of Dennis Genpo Merzel Rōshi [510]
          Teacher at the Zen Community of Oregon [41]. Wife of Laren Hogen Bays.
        • Bays Line (3rd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
          • BAYS, LAREN HOGEN (b. 1949-) Rōshi [199][433]
            Husband of Jan Chosen Bays. Began practicing in 1968 with Philip Kapleau [433]. Student of Taizan Maezumi at Zen Center of Los Angeles, from 1980-1984. [433].
            In addition, since 1990 [432], he studied under a Rinzai teacher Harada Shodo Rōshi of Sogenji Monastery, Japan [199]. Received Dharma transmission from J. Bays Rōshi in 2000 [433].
          • Terris, Abby Mushin (b. 19??-), Lay Teacher [432]
            Zen practitioner since 1977. In 1992, she started Corvallis Zen Circle (now Sangha Jewel Temple), where she teaches. Received Lay Transmission from Chozen Rōshi in 2013 [432]. Member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association ( [435].

          Jan Bays-Laren Bays Line (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
          • Conover, Nancy Kodo (b. 19??-), Lay Teacher [432]
            Practiced Zen since 2000. Received Lay Transmission from Chozen and Hogen Rōshi in 2015. Teacher at Heart of Wisdom Zen Temple [432]. Member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association ( [435].
          • Costenbader, Amy Kisei (b. 19??-), Dharma Holder [432]
            Ordained Zen priest. Lives at Great Vow Zen Monastery since 2010. Made Dharma Holder in 2018. [432].
          • Green, Patric Bansho (b. 19??-), Lay Teacher [432]
            Practiced Zen since 2004. Made Dharma Holder in 2015 [432]. Member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association ( [435].
          • Hansen, Kim Koben (b. 19??-), Lay Teacher [432]
            Practiced Zen since 1995. Received Lay Transmission from Chozen and Hogen Rōshi in 2015. Teacher at North Shore Zendo, Vancouver, Canada [432]. Member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association ( [435].
          • Lynch, Danney Soten (b. 19??-), Dharma Holder [432]
            Ordained Zen priest. Lives at Great Vow Zen Monastery since 2010. Made Dharma Holder in ???. [432].
          • Martin, Laura Jomon (b. 19??-), Lay Teacher [432]
            Practiced Zen since 2004. Made Dharma Holder in 2016 [432]. Member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association ( [435].
          • Salzberg Jorgen (b. 19??-), Sensei [432]
            Practiced Zen since 1997. Received Dharma transmission from Chozen and Hogen Rōshi in 2017.
            Teacher at Heart of Wisdom Zen Temple [432]. Since 2011, a student of Dzogchen (Tibetan Buddhism) teacher, Keith Dowman [432].
          • Trussell, Larry Fuho (b. 19??-), Lay Teacher [432]
            Practiced Zen since 1976. Received Lay Transmission from Chozen and Hogen Rōshi in 2015. Teacher at Heart of Wisdom Zen Temple [432]. Member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association ( [435].
          • Welsh, Ed Gensho (b. 19??-), Lay Teacher [432]
            Practiced Zen since 2002. Made Dharma Holder in 2016 [432].

          end of Jan Bays-Laren Bays Line (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

          end of Jan Bays Line (3rd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

          continuation of Maezumi ("White Plum Asanga") Line (2nd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

        • BECK, CHARLOTTE Jōko (27 Mar 1917 - 15 Jun 2011) [32][256]
          Founder of the Ordinary Mind Zen School.
          Teacher at the Zen Center of San Diego.
          Known online teachings by Joko Beck.
          Beck Line (3rd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

          • BAYDA, EZRA (b. 1944-) [136][252]
            Teacher - until Oct 2019, when, due to revelations of his sexual misconduct, Bayda was removed as a teacher at ZCSD [484][485], at the Zen Center of San Diego. Teacher (since 1995) at the Santa Rosa Zen Group [252]. Husband of Elizabeth Hamilton [136]. In 2006, Joko Beck revoked Dharma transmissions she previously gave to Ezra Bayda and Elizabeth Hamilton [250].
          • Bayda Line (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
            • Zolynas, Al (b. 19??). Received Dharma Transmisssion in 2012 [551]

          • Christensen, Larry Jissan (b. 19??-) [120]
            Teacher at the Zen Center of Portland, Portland, OR. Member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association ( [435].
          • Christenson, Anna (b. 19??-) [51]
            Teacher at a group/centre in New York City, NY, US. Member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association ( [435].
          • Dawson, Geoff (b. 19??-)
            Also, in the mid-1990s, an Assistant Teacher within Robert AitkenÕs Diamond Sangha (see Aitken Line). Member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association ( [435].
          • Hamilton, Elizabeth (b. 19??-) [32]
            Teacher at the Zen Center of San Diego. Although "No complaints of sexual misconduct were made against Elizabeth Hamilton" [485] in Oct 2019 the ZCSD Board asked E. Hamilton "for her immediate resignation on the basis of her breaching the WPAÕs Code of Ethical Conduct [...] Elizabeth submitted her resignation." [485]. Wife of Ezra Bayda [136][251]. In 2006, Joko Beck revoked Dharma transmissions she previously gave to Ezra Bayda and Elizabeth Hamilton [250]. Member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association ( [435].
          • Howard, Greg (b. 19??-) [133]
            Teacher at the Ordinary Mind Zen School in Brisbane, Australia. Member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association ( [435].
          • continuation of Beck Line (3rd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

          • MAGID, BARRY (b. 19 Dec 1949-) [79][94]
            Teacher at The Ordinary Mind Zendo in New York City, NY, US. Member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association ( [435].
            Known online teachings by Barry Magid (
          • Magid Line (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
            • George, Pat Jikyo (b. 19??-)
              Studied several years at Zen Mountain Monastery in Mt. Tremper, New York, with John Daido Loori. Received Dharma Transmisssion from Barry Magid in 2009 [551]. Founded the Zen Center of Philadelphia in 2005 [422]. Teacher at the Zen Center of Philadelphia [240]. Received Dharma transmission from Barry Magid in 2009 [239][240][346][422]. Member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association ( [435].
              Known online teachings by Pat George.
            • Poirer, Marc (19??-2 Aug 2015) Dharma Holder [347].
              A lawyer in Washington, DC. He took up Zen studies in 1981 and for many years was a student of John Daido Loori [422]. Became a student of Barry Magid in 209 [422]. Received Denkai transmission from Barry Magid in 2011 [347][422]. Member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association ( [435].
              Known online teachings by Mar Poirer (
            • Slemmer, Claire (b. 19??-) Dharma Holder [347].
              Student of Barry Magid since 2004 [422]. Received Denkai transmission from Barry Magid in 2011 [347][422]. Member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association ( [435].
              Known online teachings by Claire Slemmer (
            • Terzano, Karen (b. 1950-) [346]
              In the 1990s, a student of Hwalson Sunim, a teacher within the Chogye Order of Korea, a Lin-chi (Rinzai) school of Zen [422].
              In 1998, she moved to Costa Rica [422], where she became a formal student of Sunyana Graef (Phillip Kapleau line) [347]. "In 2005 Karen returned to the United States where she spent 2 years in residence at the Vermont Zen Center" [422]. Received Denkai transmission from Barry Magid in 2011 [347].
              Received Dharma transmission from Barry Magid in 2014 [346]. Member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association ( [435].
              Known online teachings by Karen Terzano (
            • Tootell, Andrew (b. 1956-) Mediical doctor. Dharma Holder [347][422]. She is a member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association ( [435].
              A teacher at the Ordinary Mind Zen Center in Bellingen, NSW, Australia ( [347]
              Received Denkai transmission from Barry Magid in 2014 [347] (alternative date: "On the 20 th July 2019, in a ceremony held at the Garrison Institute New York, Andrew was given Dharna transmission (Denbo) by his teacher Barry Magid." [422]).
              Known online teachings by Andrew Tootell (

            continuation of Beck Line (3rd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

          • Nafstad, Gary (b. 19??-) [249]
            Received Dharma transmission from Joko Beck in 2004. Since the Northern Spring 2010, the Dharma Successor of Charlotte Joko Beck [250].
          • Penn, Barbara Muso (b. 19??-) [248][249]
            Received Dharma transmission from Joko Beck in 2004. Teacher at the Sandhills Zen Center, Southern Pines, NC [249].
          • RIZZETTO, DIANE ESHIN (b. 30 Oct 1942-) [32][91]
            Until 2019? was the Senior Teacher at the Bay Zen Center, Oakland, CA [439].
          • Rizzetto Line (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
            • Birnbaum, Dan Myoen Toshin (b. 19??-) [439].
              Received Dharma transmission from Diane Rizzetto in 2019 [439]. Teacher at the Bay Zen Center, Oakland, CA [439]. Practising pediatric neurologist at UCSF Benioff ChildrenÕs Hospital in Oakland, CA [439]. Member of the Ordinary Mind Zen School and White Plum Asanga [439]. Member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association ( [435].

          • SMITH, ELIHU GENMYO (b. 1948-) [18][32]
            Received Dharma transmission from Joko Beck in 1992 [393].
            Teacher at the Prairie Zen Center in Champaign IL [393].
            Known online teachings by Elihu Smith.
          • Smith Line (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
            • Russel, Ed Mushin (b. 19??-) [393]
              Received Dharma transmission (Shiho) from Elihu Smith in 2015 [393].
              Resident teacher at the Prairie Zen Center in Champaign, IL [393]. Teacher at the Sangamon Zen Group in Springfield, IL [393].

          • SYVERSON, PEG [Bushin Kōan] (b. 19??-) [438][486][487].
            A student and practitioner of Zen since 1966 [490]. Senior Teacher at the Appamada Zen centre, Austin, TX. Authorised to teach by Joko Beck in the 1990s [438]. As a lay teacher, she does not use her Dharma nor teaching names at Appamada [487]. Studied with several Zen teachers, including Jan Chozen Bays and Hogen Bays [438]. Ordained in the Soto Zen lineage of Suzuki Rōshi in Aug 2004. Received formal teacher recognition in the Suzuki lineage with Flint Sparks in Sep 2011. Received Dharma transmission in December 2014 with Kosho McCall [438]. Member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association ( [435]. Associate Professor Emeritus at the University of Texas at Austin, in the Department of Rhetoric and Writing [438].
          • Syverson Line (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
            • Bankler, Todd (b. 19??-) [489]
              Dharma Teacher at the Appamada Zen center, Austin, TX [489]. Received Dharma entrustment from Peg Syverson on 11 Jan 2020 [491]. As a lay teacher, he does not use his Dharma nor teaching names at Appamada [487].
            • Barna, Joel (b. 19??-) [489]
              Dharma Teacher at the Appamada Zen center, Austin, TX [489]. Received Dharma entrustment from Peg Syverson on 11 Jan 2020 [491]. As a lay teacher, he does not use his Dharma nor teaching names at Appamada [487].
            • Sparks, Flint Ph.D. (b. 19??-) [489]
              Former psychologist [489]. Senior Teacher at the Appamada Zen center, Austin, TX [489]. Flint Spark's "root teacher, who first authorized him to teach", was Shunryu Suzuki Rōshi's [Soto Zen, San Francisco Zen Center] successor, Zenkei Blanche Hartman [487]. Authorised to teach by Peg Syverson in Mar 2022 [487]. Though a fully Dharma transmitted teacher, he does not use his Dharma nor teaching names at Appamada [487].
            • Winnette, Laurie (b. 19??-) [489]
              Dharma Teacher at the Appamada Zen center, Austin, TX [489]. Received Dharma entrustment from Peg Syverson on 11 Jan 2020 [491]. As a lay teacher, she does not use her Dharma nor teaching names at Appamada [487].

          end of Beck Line (3nd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

        • continuation of Maezumi ("White Plum Asanga") Line (2nd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

        • FLETCHER, CHARLES TENSHIN (b. 19??-) Rōshi [85][184]
          Teacher at the Yokoji Zen Mountain Center, CA [370]. Formerly husband of Anne Seisen Fletcher (now Anne Seisen Saunders, see Glassman Line (3rd gen.) [370]. Also, a student and Dharma heir of Dennis Genpo Merzel [565].
        • Fletcher Line (3rd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
          • McMahon, Barry Kaigen (b. 19??-) Sensei, Dharma Successor [149][163][219][291]
            Received Dharma transmission from Charles Tenshin Fletcher Rōshi in 2003 and Inka Shomei in 2010. Together with his wife, Nicolee Jikyo Miller-McMahon see (Miller-McMahon Line), the Teacher at the Three Treasures Zen Community. Member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association ( [435].
            Known online teachings by Barry MacMahon.
          • McMahon Line (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
            • Gelb, Steve Konshin (b. 19??-) Sensei [541].
              "Received dharma transmission from Barry Kaigan McMahon in 2020" [540].
            • Hicks, Steve Joshin (b. 19??-) Sensei [541].
              "An electrical engineer in the telecommunications and semiconductor industry" [540]."
              In 2005, commenced studies with Barry Kaigen McMahon Rōshi at Three Treasures Zen center". [540] In 2022, received transmission from him [540]. "He also studied extensively with Nicolee Jikyo McMahon Rōshi and Annie Purna Pirruccello Rōshi" [540]".
            • Topol, Becca Soshin (b. 19??-) Sensei [541].
              "A screenwriter and producer for film and television" [540]. Appointed Sensei by Barry Kaigen McMahon in June, 2022 [540].
              Began her Zen training at the Providence Zen Center (the Kwan Um School of Zen), as a college student at Brown University (majoring in East Asian Studies and Japanese language) [540]. Subsequently, she studied at Hwa Gye Sa Seoul International Zen Center, in Seoul, Korea; returned to the US and graduated from Harvard Law School [540]. In 2000, "she resumed her Zen training, at the Santa Monica Zen Center [...] with Bill Yoshin Jordan Rōshi" [540]. Has commenced studies "with Barry Kaigen McMahon Rōshi in 2010 and received Shiho (Dharma Transmission) in June 2022" [540].Ê
              In 2021, "Topol Sensei has taken over the responsibility of running the Three Treasures Zen Community in Southern California, assisted by her dharma brothers Konshin Gelb Sensei and Joshin Hicks Sensei" [541].
          • Scott, David Dohi Shoji Keizan (b. 19??-) Sensei [145][193][254]
            Initially, a senior student of Dennis Merzel Rōshi (from whom he received Hoshi) and the teacher at the StoneWater Zen Sangha (formerly, Liverpool Zen Buddhist Group, UK [151]). In 2008, he formally became a student of Charles Fletcher Rōshi, from whom, in Oct 2009, he received Dharma transmission (Shiho) and the title of Sensei [254].
          • Squire, Philip Shinko (b. 19??-) Sensei, Dharma Successor [184]
            Received Dharma transmission in Oct 2006. Teacher at the Green Mountain Zen in Wellington, New Zealand [312].

        • GLASSMAN, BERNARD (BERNIE) BAISEN TETSUGEN (18 Jan 1939 - 4 Nov 2018) Rōshi [59][401]
          Co-founder of the Zen Peacemaker Order (now The Peacemaker Community). Co-Spiritual Director of the Zen Peacemaker Family [168]. Bernie Glassman's/Zen Peacemakers' Mother House (also known as the House of One People) in Montague, MA, was foreclosed on in 2011 and sold in 2012. The facility is now privately owned and called the Montague Retreat Center. It is no longer affiliated with Bernie Glassman's group, although Eve Myonen Marko's Green River Zen Center ( holds retreats there [303].
        • Glassman Line (3rd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
          • Ancheta, Alfred Jitsudo (b. 19??-)
            Received Dharma transmission (Shiho) from Taizan Maezumi in 1993 (see Maezumi Line) and in 1999, received his second Dharma transmission from Glassman Rōshi [127]
          • Baker, Nancy Mujo (b. 19??-) [59]
            Dharma transmission (Shiho) conferred upon 31 Dec 1997. Teacher at the 'No Traces Zendo'" [152].
          • BARRAGATO, STEFANO MUI (21 Apr 1930-23 Sep 2010) Teacher [59][105][480][481][482][483]
            Teacher at the Dragon Cliff Zen Center, Kerhonkson, NY [104], Teacher at the Treetop Zen Center, Oakland, Maine [152].
          • Stefano Barragato Line (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

            • BARRAGATO, MARGARET NE-EKA (19??-Dec 2013) Teacher [121][480][481][482][483]
              Received Dharma transmission from her husband Stefano Barragato in 2002. Teacher at the Treetop Zen Center, Oakland, Maine [152].
            • Margaret Barragato Line (5th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

              • WOHL, PETER SEISHIN (b. 19??-) Sensei [258][484]
                Received Denkai transmission and Dharma transmission (Denbo) from Margaret Barragato Rōshi in Dec 2008. Teacher at the Treetop Zen Center [152]. Member of the White Plum Asanga (WPA) ( [258].
              • Wohl Line (6th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
                • HARRIS, PETER JORYU (b. 1949-) Sensei [484].
                  Received Dharma transmission from Peter Wohl in 2014. Priest and teacher at the Treetop Zen Center. Member of the White Plum Asanga [480].
                • Peter Harris Line (7th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
                  • Nowik, Shindo Jim (b. 19??-) [484].
                    Received Denkai transmission and Dharma transmission Denbo in 2018 from Peter Joryu Harris. Senior priest and teacher in residence at Treetop Zen Center [480].
                • McLeod, Jaime Heiku (b. 19??-) [484].
                  Received Dharma transmission from Peter Wohl in 2016. Priest & teacher at the Treetop Zen Center. Member of the White Plum Asanga, the Soto Zen Buddhist Association, the Zen Peacemaker Order, and the Lewiston-Auburn Interfaith Clergy Association. Ordained friend of the Lay Zen Teachers Association.
                • Watson, Todd Hotai (b. 19??-) [484].
                  Received Dharma transmission from Peter Wohl in 2016. Priest & teacher at the Treetop Zen Center. Member of the White Plum Asanga. Guiding Teacher of Walking Tree Zen (

              end of Margaret Barragato Line (5th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

            • Paquin, Linda-Lee Abhaya (b. 1 Jul 1949-) Assistant Teacher [105].
              Teaches at the Dragon Cliff Zen Center.
            • end of Stefano Barragato Line (4nd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

            continuation of Glassman Line (3rd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

          • Bastien, James Daikan (b. 19??-) [443]
            Dharma Successor of Bernard Tetsugen Glassman [443]. Teacher at Howling Dragon (, anÊaffiliateÊof theÊZen Peacemaker Order ( [443]. Member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association ( [435]. Member of the ÊWhite Plum Asanga [443]. ÊCoordinator of "Veterans Homeless Services for theÊU.S. Department of Veteran's AffairsÊinÊthe State of Vermont andÊthe four western counties of New Hampshire" [443].
          • BRANTSCHEN, NIKLAUS GOUN-KEN JINSHU S.J. (Societas Iesu - the Jesuit Order) (b. 1937-) [473]
            Teacher at the Go Un Zendo, Zurich, Switzerland. Teaches at the Lassalle-Haus, Bad Schoenbrunn, Switzerland [152].
            A Sanbo Kyodan teacher appointed by Koun Yamada (see Yamada Line). On 18 Jan 1999, he was authorised to teach by Bernard Glassman Rōshi, who named him Jinshu (Divine Source) [473].
            In 2003 co-founder [473], with Sr. GYGER, PIA ICHIDO JINJI Rōshi, of the
            Brantschen-Gyger Zen Line called "Glassman-Lassalle Zen Line GLZL" (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
            The lineage is named after two prominent Zen personages in the US and Europe - Bernard (Bernie) Baisen Tetsugen Glassman and, in Japan and Europe - Hugo Makibi Enomiya-Lassalle.
          • + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + CHRISTIAN ZEN TRADITION + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

            • GAMMA, ANNA MYOAN KANZEON MARIA (b. 19??-), Rōshi
              A psychologist and author. From the late 1970s till 1990, a student of Zen under Father Hugo Enomiya-Lassalle [476].
              In 2006, together with Gerhard Hüppi, established in Lucerne "Zen-Zentrum Offener Kreis/Zen Center Open Circle" [474]. In 2012, as the first Dharma Successor named within the GLZL [474], received Inka Shomei from Gyger Rōshi and Brantschen Rōshi [472]. In 2015, she went independent [474]. She continues to head the Zen Center Open Circle [476]. She is the Director of the Institute Zen & Leadership GmbH in Lucerne, Switzerland, where she conducts "training programs for leaders and executive coaches" [477].

            • Anna Gamma Line (5th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
              • Hoppensack, Hans Walter Doshin (b. 19??-) Senior Assistant Zen Teacher (Hoshi) [551]

            • Egloff, Erwin Mu I No Shinnin (b. 19??-), Senior Assistant Zen Teacher (Hoshi) [551]
            • Hug, Erna Daiji (b. 19??-), Senior Assistant Zen Teacher (Hoshi) [551]
            • Steiner, Marcel Kyosa (b. 19??-), Senior Assistant Zen Teacher (Hoshi) [551]
            • Schmittfull, Hildegard Cho Shin (b. 19??-), Senior Assistant Zen Teacher (Hoshi) [551]

          • Byalin, Kenneth (Ken) Tetsuji (b. 19??-) Sensei [187][201]
            Received Dharma transmission (Shiho) on 18 Feb 2007. Teacher at the Zen Community of Staten Island and the Interfaith Zen Group resident teacher at Mount Manresa [187].
          • Ciepielewski, Jakub Bokkuren (b. 19??-) Rōshi [525].
          • Collande, Cornelius v. (b. 19??-) Rōshi [525].
          • Dubois, Michel (b. 19??-) Rōshi [525].
          • Gauntt, Grover Genro (b. 19??-) Sensei [203].
          • GYGER, PIA ICHIDO JINJI (b. 2 Nov 1940-14 Jul 2014) Sr., Rōshi [62][223][472]
            In 2003, co-founder, with Niklaus Jinshu Brantschen, S.J. Rōshi, of the Brantschen-Gyger (aka Glassman-Lassalle Line [473])
            Between 1982-1993 served as General Director of the Katharina-Werk spiritual community in Basel, Switzerland [471][473]. Assistant Teacher, authorised and named One Ground (Ichido), in May 1996, by R. Aitken Rōshi [472] (see also Aitken line). In the second half of the 1990s was a teacher at the One Ground Sangha, Luzern, Switzerland [472]. In Feb 1999 received from Bernie Glassman Rōshi Inka Shomei and was named Jinji (Divine Mercy) [472][473].
            Pia Gyger Line (5th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
            • Widmer, Peter Ki Gen (b. 19??-), Senior Assistant Zen Teacher (Hoshi) [551]
          • HALIFAX, JOAN JIKO (b. 19??-) Rōshi [125]
            Received the title of Rōshi from Glassman Rōshi on 18 Jan 1999. Also, independently, she is a Dharma heir of Thich Nhat Hanh Rōshi. Teacher at the Upaya Zen Center, New Mexico. Co-founder of the Zen Peacemaker Order (now The Peacemaker Community).
          • Halifax Line (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
            • Bakker, Irène Kaigetsu Kyojo (b. 19??-) Rōshi [310][551]
              A student of Zen in the White Plum Sangha tradition since the mid-80s. Received Denkai transmission and Dharma transmission (Denbo) from Joan Jiko Halifax Rōshi in Mar 2012 [310][311]. Also, independently, a Dharma heir of Merzel Dennis Genpo Rōshi [145][193]. Teacher at the Upaya Zen Center, New Mexico [311].
            • Byrnes, Brian Joshin (b. 19??-) Sensei [282]
              Upaya Zen CenterÕs Vice Abbot. Received Dharma transmission (Denbo) from Halifax Rōshi on 6 Jan 2017 [282].
            • Kazniak, Al Genkai (b. 19??-) Sensei [258][551]
              Received Dharma transmission (Denbo) from Halifax Rōshi in May 2010. Member of the White Plum Asanga (WPA) ( [258].
            • Ostaseski, Frank Ko-i Jido (b. 19??-) Sensei [569].
              Cofounder of the Zen Hospice Project, and founder of the Metta Institute. Empowered as a Dharma Holder (Hoshi) by Halifax Rōshi [570].
            • Palevsky, Matthew Kozan (b. 19??-) Sensei [569].
              President and Guiding Teacher at the Upaya Zen Center [569]. Ordained as a novice priest by Halifax Rōshi in Jan 2016, empowered by her as Dharma Holder (Hoshi) in early 2020, and received Dharma Transmission (Denbo) from Halifax Rōshi on 22 Sep 2022 [569].
            • Palma, JosŽ Shinzan (b. 19??-) Sensei [525].
              Born in Mexico City. A student of Ven. Samu Sunim at Toronto Zen Buddhist Temple 1996-2005 [571]. A student and Dharma Successor (Denbo, Jan 2015) of Halifax Rōshi 2006-2015. Since then, in San Diego, CA. [571]
            • Quennell, Genzan (b. 19??-) Sensei [282]
              UpayaÕs Temple Coordinator. Received Dharma transmission (Denbo) from Halifax Rōshi on 6 Jan 2017 [282].
            • Roen, Noah Kodo (b. 19??-) Sensei [572].
              A student of Zen since 2009. "Kodo received Jukai from Roshi Joan Halifax in 2014, was ordained as a novice priest in 2015, served as Shuso in 2019, received Hoshi in January 2020, and received Dharma Transmission from Roshi Joan on September 22, 2022" [572]. In 2024 was the Director of Upaya Zen Center [572]
            • Stolte, Beata Genko (b. 19??-) Sensei [525][551].

            continuation of Glassman Line (3rd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

          • Krajewski, Andrzej Getsugen (b. 19??-) Rōshi [525].
          • Harkaspi, Helen Kobai Yuho (b. 19??-)
            1st wife of Bernie Glassman Rōshi [126].
          • Hixon, Lex Jikai (25 Dec 1941-1 Nov 1995) [17][514].
          • Hixon, Sheila Jinen (b. 19??-) Sensei [191]
            Empowered by Bernie Glassman as Sensei on 25 Feb 2007 [191].
          • Holmes, Sandra Jishu Angyo (1941-20 Mar 1998) Rōshi [59][60][402][514][525]
            2nd wife of Bernie Glassman Rōshi; Co-founder of the Zen Peacemaker Order (now The Peacemaker Community).
          • KAHN, PAUL KUZAN GENKI (b. 1947-) Rev. Rōshi [362][421].
            Dharma and Lineage Holder in both Dennis Genpo Merzel and Bernie Glassman lineages [146][166][185][225]. Received Dharma transmission (Shiho) on 18 Feb 2007 and Inka Shomei on 2 Apr 2009 [362]. Was a teacher at the High Mountain Crystal Lake Zen Community, Wyckoff, NJ, US. Also, he was a Circle Steward: Zen Peacemaker Circle International; he was the Executive Director of the Maezumi Institute and Zen Peacemakers Sangha in Montague, MA [167][187][212][284]. Founder (in 2010) [363] and Teacher of the Zen Garland Order (, a Residential Zen Center located in Airmont, NY, US with affiliates in the US and Germany [284][362].
          • Paul Kahn Line (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
            • Ackerman, Joan Noge (b. 19??-) Dharma Holder [285]. Elder,ÊFlowing Heart Zen Temple, Palisades NY [421]
            • Brown Tucker Sansui (b. 19??-) Rev. Dharma Holder -ÊDesert Bone Zen Hermitage, Cornville, AZ [421]
            • Bruce Susan Kijin (b. 1949-) Dharma Holder -ÊFlowing Heart Zen Temple, Palisades, NY [421]
            • Bruner, David Moksui (b. 1947-16 Feb 2020) Rev. Dharma Holder [285][421].
            • Dowd Cathleen Kanno (b. 1944-), Rev. - Flowing Heart Zen Temple, Palisades NY [421]
            • DuFrene Troy Kyokai (b. 19??-), Rev. Dharma Holder -ÊDesert Bone Zen Hermitage, Cornville, AZ [421]
            • Duncan, Shoko Sings-Alone b.1932, Rev. Rōshi [285][362]. Enrolled Cherokee, Founder and Director of Red Path/Native American Zen Hermitage (, Upton, MA [362][421][551]
            • Greenberg, Bill Jikai (b. 1945-) Rev. Rōshi [285][362][421].Teacher at Zen Garland [285][551].
            • Kahn, Jacks Jocelyn Myoen (b. 1953-) Dharma Holder [285][421].
              In Fall 2008 was married to Paul Kahn [364]. In May 2012, she taught Zen at the Zen Garland in Airmont, NY [365].
            • KAHN, MONIKA SEIRYO GENMITSU (b. 1964-) Rev. Rōshi [362][421].
              In Apr 2013, Monika Seiryo Genmitsu Kahn was known as Brunner, Monika Seiryo Sensei [285]. In Jun 2015, Monika Seiryo Genmitsu Kahn was known as Greenberg, Monika Seiryo [551]. In Jan 2012, she received a Dharma transmission from Paul Kahn Rōshi [363]. She lives at the Sanctuary in Airmont, NY and has been a Priest and Chief Operating Officer for Zen Garland since its founding in 2010 [363].
            • Monika Kahn Line (5th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
              • Johnson Trish Kojindo (b. 1972-) ÊRev. Dharma Holder -ÊDharma River Zen Temple, Winona, MN [421].
              • Mancuso, John Mitsudo (b. 19??-) Dharma Holder [421].

              continuation of Paul Kahn Line (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

            • Kolman, Phil Sengetsu (1939-2020) [514] Dharma Holder [285][362][551].
            • Koopalethes, Wally Toryu (b. 19??-) Dharma Holder [285].
            • Noble, Greg Tensho (b. 19??-) Rev. Rōshi - Zenshinkai, Washington, DC [285][421][551].
            • Peterman, John Reizan (b. 1948-) Dharma Holder -ÊFlowing Heart Zen Temple, Palisades, NY [421].
            • Sato Gerpheide, Karen C. (KC) Zero Kyozen (b. 19??-). Sensei [437].
              Teacher at the Hermitage Without Walls (Muhei An) (, St. George, UT [421]. Physiotherapist [437]. Certified instructor of yoga [437]. Member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association ( [435].
              Simultaneously, student and dharma successor of Merzel Rōshi [391][392] (see Merzel Line). Also, for many years was a secret lover of Dennis Genpo Merzel Rōshi [436]. In early 2011, revelations of their scandalous extramarital affair forced Merzel "to disrobe as a Zen priest and resign his elder status with the White Plum Asanga" [436].
            • Schmachtenberg, Wolfgang Okami (b. 1949-) Rev. Sensei -ÊEido-Ji, Goch, Germany [421].
            • STERN, PAUL KISHO (b. 19??-) Rev. Rōshi -ÊDharma River Zen Temple, Winona, MN [421].
            • Stern Line (5th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
              • Hansen Eileen Toshin Rev. Dharma Holder -ÊDharma River Zen Temple, Winona, MN [421].

            • Tirch, Dennis Doshin (b. 19??-) Dharma Holder - Flowing Heart Zen Temple, Palisades, NY [421].
            • Vardi, Eran Kyoka Junryu (b. 1964-) Rev. Rōshi [285][362] - Eiryu-Ji, Wyckoff, NJ [421][551].
            • + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + CHRISTIAN ZEN TRADITION + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

            • WAGNER, ANN ANKAI (b. 1940-) Rev. Rōshi [285][362][551].
              Founder and Director of Christian Zen and Christian Zen Minister, works in the tradition of Thomas Merton. A member of the White Plum Asanga (WPA) ( A member of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace Lay Associates [285].
            • Wagner Line (5th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
              • Senegeto Thomas Kian (b. 19??-) Rev. Sensei - Christian Zen [421].

              end of Paul Kahn Line (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

            + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + CHRISTIAN & INTERFAITH ZEN TRADITION [511][512] + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

          • KENNEDY, ROBERT E. JINSEN (b. 20 Jun 1933-) S.J. (Societas Iesu - the Jesuit Order) Rōshi [37][54]
            Teacher at Morning Star Zendo, 50 Glenwood Ave., Jersey City, NJ 073060, US][65].
          • Kennedy Line (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
            • Abels, Gregory Hosho (b. 19??-) Sensei [198]
              Teacher. Received Dharma transmission 17 Dec 2006][198]. Member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association ( [435].
            • Abels, Janet Jiryu (b. 19??-) Rōshi [86][453].
              Teacher at Still Mind Zendo in Manhattan, NY. J. Abels is Rōshi Kennedy's 4th Dharma Successor [143]. Member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association ( [435].
            • Bachman, Carl Genjo (b. 19??-) Sensei [258]
              Received Dharma transmission from Rōshi Robert Kennedy in Dec 2010. Member of the White Plum Asanga (WPA) ( [258]. Member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association ( [435].
            • BIRX, CHARLES SHINKAI (b. 24 Dec 1944-) Rōshi [37][304]
              Co-founder [with his wife, Ellen Birx, below] and teacher at New River Zen Community in Radford, VA, US [272] C. Birx is Rōshi Kennedy's 2nd Dharma Successor [65]. On 15 Mar 2014, Rōshi Robert Jinsen Kennedy conferred Inka Shomei on Charles Birx, and he received the title Rōshi [304].
            • Birx Line (5th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
              • Pumphrey, Ben Mui (b. 14 Jul 1978-), Sensei [350]
                Teacher at Shenandoah Zen, Shenandoah Valley, VA. Member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association ( [435]. Became an Assistant Teacher at New River Zen Community in May 2015 [329]. Received Dharma transmission from Rōshi Charles Shinkai Birx on Sept. 10, 2016 [350].
              • Thompson, Scott Zengen (b. 7 Feb 1948-) Sensei [271][301].
                Initally with Shasta Abbey, and since 2001, with New River Zen Community [272]. In 2013, the teacher at Southern West Virginia Zen Group [301].

            • Birx, Ellen Jikai (b. 01 Jan 1950-) Rōshi [37][304]
              Co-founder [with her husband, Charles Birx, above] and teacher at New River Zen Community in Radford, VA, US [272] E. Birx is Rōshi Kennedy's 3rd Dharma Successor [65]. On 15 Mar 2014 Rōshi Robert Jinsen Kennedy conferred Inka Shomei on Ellen Birx and the title Rōshi [304].
            • Butler, Tim Tomei (b. 19??-) Sensei [368][453].
            • CICETTI, RAYMOND RUZAN (b. 10 May 1950-) Rōshi [128][153][328]
              Resident teacher at Empty Bowl Zendo (, Morristown, NJ, US., Morristown, NJ, US. In Dec 2004, R. Cicetti became Rōshi Kennedy's 5th Dharma Successor [328]. Member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association ( [435].
            • Cicetti Line (5th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
              • Daniels, Michele Keido (b. 19??-) Sensei [441].
                Teacher at the Empty Bowl Zendo ( Received "Dharma transmission in March 2018 and is Sensei CicettiÕs first dharma successor" [441]. Member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association ( [435]. Retired "public school educator who supervised the districtÕs English as a Second Language and Bilingual Education Program" [441].

              + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + CHRISTIAN ZEN TRADITION + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

            • EASTMAN, PATRICK KUNDO (b. 19??-) Rōshi [363]
              Ordained as a Christian priest on June 1, 1969. In 2005, he founded the Wild Goose Zen Sangha, UK ( and has been their director and teacher since then. Received Inka Shomei from Robert Kennedy Rōshi on April 30, 2015 [375].
            • Eastman Line (5th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
              • Averbeck, Marcus Hozan (b. 19??-) Sensei
                Teacher at Wild Goose Zen Sangha, Canterbury, UK [375] Received Dharma transmission from Eastman Rōshi and installed as a teacher on 1 Jun 2014 [375].
              • Collingwood, Chris Ryushin (b. 19??-) Sensei
                Teacher at Wild Goose Zen Sangha, York, UK [375] and Canterbury, UK [455]. An Anglican priest. Since July 2013, the Canon Chancellor at York Minster, UK [375]. Received Jukai in October 2015. Received Dharma transmission from Rōshi Eastman and installed as a teacher on 24th July 2016 [374].
              • Woodcock, Jeremy Ryokan (b. 19??-) Sensei
                In 2006 studied at Bodhi Zendo in India with Fr. Ama Samy S.J. [455].Teacher at Wild Goose Zen Sangha, Canterbury, UK [455], Cirencester and the Woodchester Valley Zendo, UK [375]. Received Dharma transmission from Rōshi Eastman and installed as a teacher on 19 Apr 2015 [375].

            • Efird, Susan KoDo (b. 19??-) Sensei [453].
            • Healy, Miriam Yukan (b. 19??-) Rōshi [368][453].
            • Holleran, Michael Koryu (b. 19??-), Sensei [453], a Catholic priest and a former Carthusian Monk [368].
            • + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + CHRISTIAN & INTERFAITH ZEN TRADITION + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

            • HUNT, KEVIN JIUN (b. 01 Oct 1933-) Rōshi, O.C.S.O (Order of Cistercians of the Strict Order) [95][97]
              St. Joseph's Abby, Spencer, MA, US. [142][143]. Teacher at an inter-religious Zen sangha Day Star Zendo (, Wrentham, MA
            • Hunt Line (5th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
              • Taberner, Cynthia Kin Ryu (b. 19??-) Sensei [440].
                Teacher at an inter-religious Zen sangha Day Star Zendo (, Wrentham, MA [440]. Received Dharma transmission from Hunt Rōshi and installed as a teacher on 15 Jul 2017 [440]. Member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association ( [435].
              • Sr. Tacy, Madeleine Seikai OP (b. 19??-) Sensei [447][448][451].
                Catholic nun. Teacher at the Day Star Zendo (, Wrentham, MA [448]. Received Dharma transmission from Hunt Rōshi and installed as a teacher on 26 Sep 2018 [448][450].
              • St. Onge, Timothy Mangetsu (b. 1952-) Sensei [447][449][452].
                "In the 1980s, Tim was introduced to the Buddhist experience through the work of Vietnamese monk, Thich Nhat Hanh and under the direction of Senior Teacher Annabel Laity. In 2000, Tim studied Zen with Robert Kennedy Rōshi and in 2004 became a koan student with Kevin Hunt" [449]. "Founded Transfiguration Zendo (Southbury, CT) in 1999. Zendo now in New Mexico: Sky Zen" [452]. Received Dharma transmission from Hunt Rōshi and installed as a teacher in 2018 [447].
              • Seul, Jeff Kōgen (b. 1962-) Sensei [447].
                "Author of a "Turning Words" Zen blog [450]. Received Dharma transmission from Hunt Rōshi and installed as a teacher in 2018 [447].

            • Laheen, Mary Soshin (b. 19??-) Sensei [453].
            • Maher, Carl Chimon (b. 19??-) Sensei [453].
            • Montecel, Maria "Cuca" Kosen Roblwedo (b. 19??-) Sensei [368][453].
            • continuation of Kennedy Line (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

              + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + CHRISTIAN & INTERFAITH ZEN TRADITION + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
            • RICHARDSON, JANET JINNE (b. 19??-), CSJP Rōshi (Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace [37][39][54]
              Teacher at Clare Sangha (The Zen Community of Baltimore), Baltimore, MD, US ( J. Richardson became Dharma Holder of Bernard Glassman Rōshi [525] in the Glassman Line and is Robert Kennedy Rōshi's 1st Dharma Successor in the Kennedy Line [65]
            • Richardson Line (5th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
              • BLACKMAN, BRUCE SEIRYU (b. 06 Nov 1942-3 May 2021) Sensei. Rōshi Richardson's 3rd Dharma Successor [92][150][511].
                Teacher at Clare Sangha (The Zen Community of Baltimore), Baltimore, MD, US ( [354]. Member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association ( [435].
              • CRAIG, BARBARA SHOSHIN, R.S.M. (Religious Sisters of Mercy) Sensei (b. 18 Jul 1932-20 Dec 2022) [37][116][511]
                Rōshi Richardson's 2nd Dharma Successor. Teacher at Flowing River Sangha, Wilkes-Barre, PA, US (].
                The two Senseis, Craig and Blackman, are now "team teaching" an upcoming group of teachers in the White Plum lineage, thus establishing a joint "Blackman/Craig line" [354].
              • Blackman-Craig Line (6th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

                + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + CHRISTIAN & INTERFAITH ZEN TRADITION + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                • Falcone, Anthony Hoetsu (b. 29 Nov 1949-) Sensei [372].
                  Dharma transmission on 3 Dec 2016 by Blackman/Craig Senseis. An Assistant Teacher from 2014 at Clare Sangha (, Baltimore, MD [372].
                • Hebb, John Joho (b. 1 Feb 1952 ) Sensei [372].
                  Dharma transmission on 3 Dec 2016 by Blackman/Craig Senseis, an Assistant Teacher from 2014 at Clare Sangha (, Baltimore, MD [372].
                • Sullivan, Edward Sangetsu (b. 14 Jan 1951-) Sensei [354].
                  Dharma transmission in Jun 2014 by Blackman/Craig Senseis. Teacher at Clare Sangha (, Baltimore, MD and Red Rose Sangha
                  (, Lancaster, PA [354].

              • DOUGHERTY, ROSE MARY MYOAN (22 Jul 1939 - 28 Feb 2019) [420]. Sensei [419].
                Catholic Nun (the order of School Sisters of Notre Dame SSND) [420].
                Received Dharma transmission 12 Jul 2006 [ref. needed] from Janet Richardson Rōshi [515] First Guiding Teacher and founder (sangha started by her in 2001, officially
                founded by Sister Rose Mary Doherty in 2006) of One Heart Sangha/Silver Spring Zendo (, MD, US [353].
              • Dougherty Line (6th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

                + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + CHRISTIAN & INTERFAITH ZEN TRADITION + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                • Dietrich, William (Bill) Ji An (b. 1949-) Sensei. Received Dharma transmission 5 Sept 2015 [340] in the lineage of the White from Sensei Rose Mary Myoan Dougherty Plum Asanga. An Assistant Teacher. A member of the White Plum Asanga (WPA) ( [340][353].
                • ERTMAN, ROBERT JIN GEN (b. 1949-) Sensei.
                  Received Dharma transmission 5 Sept 2015 [340] from Sensei Rose Mary Myoan Dougherty in the lineage of the White Plum Asanga [515]. An Assistant Teacher. A member of the White Plum Asanga (WPA) ( [340][353]. Member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association ( [435].
                • Ertman Line (7th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

                  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + CHRISTIAN & INTERFAITH ZEN TRADITION + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                  • Palmiter, Martine Taikai (b. 19??-) Sensei [445].
                    A long-time student of Rose Mary Myoan Dougherty. Received Dharma transmission (Sensei) from her root teacher, Sensei Rose Mary Myoan Dougherty in the lineage of the White Plum Asanga [515] and, independently, authorisation to teach from Sensei Robert Ertman on 7 Sep 2019 [443]. Teacher at One Heart Sangha and Silver Spring Zendo ( [443]. Member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association ( [435].

                end of Dougherty Line (6th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

              • McQuaide, Rosalie Jishin (b. 19??-) CSJP Sensei (Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace [55]
                Rōshi Richardson's 1st Dharma Successor.

              end of Richardson Line (5th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

            • Schubert, Paul Seiko (b. 19??-) Sensei [453][454].
            • Yee, Amy Enhai (b. 19??-) Sensei [453].
            • Viggiani, Carl Chimon (19??-16 Jan 2010) [368][369].
            • von Wobeser-Hopfner, Inge Eigen (b. 19??-) Sensei [368][453].

              end of Kennedy Line (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

            continuation of Glassman Line (3rd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

          • Lee, Robert Sokan (b. 19??-2018) [514] Sensei [191]
            Empowered by Bernie Glassman as Sensei on Feb. 25, 2007 [191].
          • LUGOVINA, FRANCISCO GENKOJI "PACO" (b. 19??-) Sensei [191]
            Empowered by Bernie Glassman as Sensei on Feb. 25, 2007 [191].
          • Lugovina Line (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
            • Williams, Angel Kyodo (b. 19??-) Sensei [525].
            • Nelson, Craig Daiken (b. 19??-) Sensei [525].
            • Salazar, Joaqin Ryusho (b. 19??-) Sensei [525].

          • MATTHIESSEN, PETER MURYO (22 May 1927-05 Apr 2014) Rōshi [48][307]
            Inka Shomei conferred upon on 30 Dec 97 [59]
            See also Kay Bonetti's interview with P. Matthiessen [552]
          • Matthiessen Line (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

            • BASTIS, MADELINE KO-I (b. 19??-) Sensei. Received Dharma transmission in 1993 [180][202][551].
            • Bastis Line (5th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
              • CANTOR, MITCHELL DOSHIN (1935-2021) [514] Sensei.
                Received Dharma transmission on 15 Oct 2006 [202].
              • Cantor Line (6th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
                • May, Wilbur Mushin (b. 19??-) Sensei [525]. Received Dharma Transmission in ?? [551].
                • Faysash, Jane Jishin (b. 19??-) Sensei [551]. Received Dharma Transmission in 2014 [551].

            • Dobbs, Michel Engu (b. 19??-). Sensei. Received Dharma transmission [180][202][551].
            • FRIEDMAN, DOROTHY DAI-EN (DAIEN) (b. 19??-) Sensei. Received Dharma transmission [180][551].
            • Friedman Line (5th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
              • Campbell, Chodo (b. 19??-) Sensei [525].
              • Paley, Ellison Koshin (b. 19??-) Sensei [525].

            continuation of Glassman Line (3rd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

          • MARKO, EVE MYONEN (b. 19??-) Rōshi [90][179][442].
            Co-founder of the Zen Peacemaker Order (now The Peacemaker Community). Also, Bernie Glassman's third wife and the head of Montague farm Zendo attached to the House of One People at the Maezumi Institute in Montague, MA [178]. Member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association ( [435].
          • Marko Line (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
            • Sprague, John Genyo (b. 19??-). Received Dharma transmission from Eve Marko in Aug 2015 [442]. Teacher at the Green River Zen Center ( [435]. A graduate (1999) of Vermont College, a musician, and an interfaith minister through the Universal Life Church [442]. Member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association ( [435].

          • Maull, Fleet Shinryu (b. 19??-) Sensei [191]
            Empowered by Bernie Glassman as Sensei on Feb. 25, 2007 [191].
          • NAKAO, WENDY LOU EGYOKU (b. 19??-) Rōshi [59][265]
            [Teacher at the Zen Center of Los Angeles, CA]. In Jun 2001, Vice-President of the Board of The White Plum Asanga (WPA) ( [265].
          • Nakao Line (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
            • Berge, Raul Etsubai Ensho (1945-2017) Sensei [514]. Dharma Holder (2006) [200].
            • Boyd, Merle Kodo Plum-Dragon (1944-2022) [514] Sensei. Received Dharma transmission (Shiho) in Mar 2006. Teacher at the Lincroft Zen Sangha [200][209].
            • Hawley, Kipp Ryodo (b. 19??-). Sensei. Received Dharma transmission (Shiho) in Jun 2007 [200]. Member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association ( [435].
            • Janka, Gary Myogen Koan (b. 19??-) Sensei [258]
              Received Dharma transmission (Denboi) from Egyoku Rōshi in Oct 2010. Member of the White Plum Asanga (WPA) ( [258].

          • NORDSTROM, LOUIS MITSUNEN (b. 1943-) Rōshi [197]
            Dharma transmission from Bernie Glassman in 1998. Also, independently a Dharma heir of TAIZAN MAEZUMi Rōshi [197] (see Maezumi Line (2nd gen.). Teacher at the Brevard Zen Center, FL.
          • Nordstrom Line (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
            • Denton, Timothy Issai (b. 19??-) Sensei. Received Dharma transmission (Shiho) in 2003. Priest and teacher at Wagyoji Temple, Oceanside, NY [197].
            • Hawkins, Roger (b. 19??-) Sensei. Received Dharma transmission (Shiho) (in ????). A Lay Successor with a community in Florida [197].
            • Thompson, Phil Zenkai (b. 19??-). Sensei [261].

            continuation of Glassman Line (3rd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

          • O'HARA, PAT ENKYO (b. 19??-) Rōshi [168]
            Teacher at the Village Zendo, New York. Abbott of Dotoku-ji / Village Zendo New York, NY. Since May 2005, Co-Spiritual Director of the Zen Peacemaker Family. Abbot of Soji Zen Center, Lansdowne, PA. In Jun 2001, Member of the Board of The White Plum Asanga (WPA) ( [265]. Life partner of Barbara Joshin O'Hara [168][204][212].
          • O'Hara Line (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
            • Eiger, Randall Ryotan (b. 19??-). Teacher. Received Dharma transmission in Dec 2008 [242].
            • Gunn, Robert Kaku (1943-2021) [514]. Teacher. "Guiding Teacher for the Empty Hand Zen Center in New Rochelle, N.Y. In March of 2019, Enkyo Rōshi gave him Dharma transmission". [514].
            • HARRIS, JULES SHUZEN (b. 19??-). Teacher. Vice Abbot of Soji Zen Center, Lansdowne, PA. Received Dharma transmission in Dec 2007 [242]. Also, independently he also received transmission from Merzel Rōshi and was a part of the Merzel Line (3rd gen.) until Merzel Rōshi declared him to be "no longer in good standing or authorized by Genpo [Merzel] Rōshi to teach Zen in any way shape or form." [193].
            • Jules Harris Line (5th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
              • RAPAPORT, AL TENDO FUSHO (b. 19??-) Rōshi [446][98][525][530]
                "Al Fusho Rapaport RōshiÊhas practiced and taught Zen for almost 50 years. He studied with Kozan Rōshi, Maezumi Rōshi, and Genpo Rōshi until receiving Dharma Transmission [Denbo] from Shuzen Rōshi in 2008." [531]. Teacher, formerly in Salt Lake City. Since 2004, he heads Open Mind Zen School in Melbourne, FL, US [155][210]. Member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association ( [435].
                Has also received Dharma transmission (Denbo) from DENIS GENPO MERZEL Rōshi (see Merzel Line (3rd gen.), who later declared Rapaport to be "No longer in good standing or authorized by Genpo Rōshi to teach Zen in any way shape or form" [192][193].
              • Rapaport Line (6th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
                • Diaz, Frank Michael Seisho (b. 1975-). Sensei [531].
                  Ph.D., faculty member at Jacobs School of Music, Indiana University [446]. Received dharma transmission from Rappaport Rōshi in 2021 [531]. Resident teacher at Open Mind Zen Indiana, formed in 2016: [531]. Member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association ( [435].
                • Epstein, Robert (b. 19??-). Senior Assistant Zen Teacher (Hoshi) in the Open Mind Zen Lineage [446].
                  Student of Rapaport Rōshi since 2015. Received Hoshi status in 2020 [446].
                  Teacher of Iyengar Yoga and deep tissue massage [446]. Ordained by the New Seminary as an Interfaith Minister [446].
                • Garner, Angie Reed Shinho (b. 19??-). Assistant Zen Teacher [530].
                  Was made an Assistant Teacher in 2022 [530].
                • Garza, Kellie Shojaku (b. 19??-). Senior Assistant Zen Teacher (Hoshi) [446].
                  Assistant Teacher at Open Mind Zen Melbourne since 2016 [446]. Senior Assistant Zen Teacher (Hoshi) in the Open Mind Zen Lineage since early 2019 [446].
                  Licensed mental health counsellor (LMHC) [446]. Member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association ( [435].
                • Langdell, Tim Ryuko (b. 19??-). Assistant Zen Teacher [530].
                  Was made an Assistant Teacher in 2022 [530].
                • Lehrhaupt, Linda Myoki (b. 19??-) Sensei [446].
                  Zen practitioner since 1997 [446]. Ordained as a Zen priest in 1992 [446]. Studied with Genpo Merzel Rōshi (who made her a teacher within his Merzel Line) and with Nico Tydeman Sensei [446]. Received Dharma transmission from Rapaport Rōshi in 2012 [446].
                • Mitchell, Russell Kyofu Seikyo (b. 19??-) Sensei [530].
                  Student of Rapaport Rōshi since 2012. Received Hoshi (Assistant Teacher) status in 2020 [446]. A "Dharma transmitted priest in the Clear Mind School of Zen" [446]. Certified Safety Professional and a Fellow of the International System Safety Society Inc. [446]. Received Dharma transmission (Denbo) from Rapaport Rōshi in 2023 [530].
                • Owen, Rick (b. 19??-). Teacher [155][210]
                • Smith, Betsy (b. 19??-). Assistant Teacher [210].
                • Paszkiewicz, Joshua Sunyananda Kojo (b. 19??-) Sensei [530] and Zen priest [446].
                  "Fully authorized teacher in Vietnamese and Korean Zen schools" [446]. A student of Rapaport Rōshi, from whom received Hoshi (Assistant Teacher) status in 2019 [446]. A "Dharma transmitted priest in the Clear Mind School of Zen" [446]. Received Dharma transmission (Denbo) from Rapaport Rōshi in 2022 [530].
                  An "M.A. in Religion, a Doctor of Ministry in Pastoral Psychotherapy, and board certification as both a Pastoral Counselor and a Clinical Chaplain" [446].
                • Smith, Kevin (b. 19??-). Assistant Teacher [210].
                • Solis, Andy Hoseki (b. 19??-) Sensei [446].
                  Studied Zen with Thich Nhat Hanh in the late 1990Õs [446]. Received Dharma transmission from Rapaport Rōshi in 2020 [446].
                  A lawyer, martial artist and professional tennis player [446]. Graduate of Chaplaincy Institute in Berkeley, CA and ordained as an interfaith chaplain/minister in 2010 [446].
                • Stamper, Michael Jiun (b. 19??-) Sensei [446].
                  Zen practitioner since 2005 [446]. Received Dharma transmission from Rapaport Rōshi in 2020 [446].
                  Ph.D. in Mythological Studies/Depth Psychology, and a BA/MA in Economics [446]. Graduate of Chaplaincy Institute in Berkeley, CA and ordained as an interfaith chaplain/minister in 2010 [446]. Member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association ( [435].
                • Vititoe, David Jitsusan (b. 19??-) Sensei [446].
                  Zen practitioner since 2009 [446]. Received Dharma transmission from Rapaport Rōshi in 2019 [446].
                  Ph.D. in Physics [446]. Software engineer [446]. Member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association ( [435].
                • Zivin, Gail (b. 19??-) Sensei [446].
                  Studied Theravada Buddhism since 1991 and Zen (with Rōshi Pat Enkyo OÕHara) since 2001 [446]. Subsequently, a student of Rapaport Rōshi who made her "Assistant Teacher with Open Mind Zen in 2016 and Hoshi, or Senior Assistant Zen Teacher in 2019" [446].
                  Ph.D. and Professor of Psychiatry at Thomas Jefferson University [446].

                end of Jules Harris Line (5th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

              end of O'Hara Line (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

          • Hondorp, Catherine Anraku Eishun (b. 19??-). Founding Teacher of the The Zen Center on Main Street, Northampton, MA. Received Dharma transmission in Dec 2009 [242].
          • O'Hara, Barbara Joshin (b. 19??-) Sensei. Life partner of Pat O'Hara [204][212]. Received Dharma transmission in Apr 2006 [242]. Member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association ( [435].
          • Terestman, Julie Myoko Kirin (b. 19??-) Sensei [258]
            Became Dharma Holder in Jul 2008 [242]. Received Denkai transmission and Dharma transmission (Denbo) from Enkyo Rōshi in Feb 2011. Member of the White Plum Asanga (WPA) ( [258].
          • Thomson, Sinclair Shinryu (b. 19??-). Teacher. Received Dharma transmission in Dec 2009 [242].
          • SAUNDERS (formerly Fletcher), ANNE SEISEN (b. 19??-) Rōshi [59][111][265][370]
            Teacher at the Sweetwater Zen Center, CA. In Jun 2001, Secretary-Treasurer of the Board of The White Plum Asanga (WPA) ( [265]. Formerly wife of CHARLES TENSHIN FLETCHER (from Maezumi Line (2nd gen.)) [370].
          • Saunders Line (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
            • Deer, Herb Eko (b. 19??-). Sensei. Teacher at the Sweetwater Zen Center, CA [525].
            • Wildi, Sara Koky (b. 19??-). Sensei.Teacher at the Sweetwater Zen Center, CA [525].

          • Singer, Don Ani Shalom Rabbi Sensei (b. 19??-) [59][525]
            Zen Teacher in Malibu, CA.
          • Richardson, Janet Jinne Rōshi (b. 19??-) [525].
            In addition to being a Dharma Holder of Bernard Glassman Rōshi [525] in the Glassman Line she is also Robert Kennedy Rōshi's 1st Dharma Successor in the Kennedy Line [65], and a founder of her lineage of Christian Zen, the Richardson Line.
          • Waele, Frank de Rōshi (b. 19??-) [525].
          • Wegmueller, Barbara Salaam Rōshi (b. 19??-) [525].
          • Wegmueller, Roland Yakushi Rōshi (b. 19??-) [525].
          • end of Glassman Line (3rd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

          continuation of Maezumi ("White Plum Asanga") Line (2nd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

        • LOORI, JOHN Daidō (14 Jun 1931 - 9 Oct 2009) Rōshi [85][235]
          Founder and abbot of the Mountains and Rivers Order (MRO), Abbot of the Zen Mountain Monastery.
          Known online teachings by John Daido Loori.
        • Loori Line (3rd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
          • ARNOLD, GEOFFREY SHUGEN (b. 1957-) Rōshi [52][383]
            Training Coordinator and Director of Operations at ZMM, and manages the National Buddhist Prison Sangha. Received Dharma transmission in 1997 [229]
            Known online teachings by Geoffrey Shugen Arnold
          • Arnold Line (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
            • Kimmel, Jody Hojin (b. 19??-) Sensei [229][383].
              "[E]ntered residency at the Monastery in 1990 and began studying with Daido Rōshi. In 2007, Daido Rōshi recognized her as a dharma holder," Received from Shugen Rōshi transmission of the precepts (Denkai) in 2012 and Dharma transmission (Denbo) on 18 Jun 2017 [384].

          • Goddard, Vanessa Zuisei (b. 19??-) Dharma Holder [383].
            "[I]n full-time residential training at the Monastery from 1995 to 2014, fourteen of those years as a monastic. SheÕs now a senior lay student in the MRO." [383].
          • Green, Ron Hogen (b. 19??-) Sensei [383].
            Zen student "since 1978, and was in residential training at the Monastery for twelve years. In 2007, Hogen returned to lay life. He currently lives with his family on a farm in Pennsylvania." [383].
          • Hintz, Joy Jimon (b. 19??-) Assistant Teacher [229].
          • Marchaj, Konrad Ryushin (b. 19??-) Sensei [228]
            Pediatrician and a psychiatrist [390]. Received Dharma transmission in June 2009 [229]. On 25 January 2015, because of the discovery of his sexual misconduct Ryushin Sensei was asked by Arnold Shugen to permanently step down as abbot of Zen Mountain Monastery and take six months' leave from his responsibilities as a teacher [389]. Since 2015, he teaches independently [390].
          • Treace, Bonnie Myotai (b. 1956-) Sensei [52][237]
            The life partner of J. D. Loori [138]. Received Dharma transmission from Daido Rōshi in 1996 [237]. The former Vice-Abbess at Zen Mountain Monastery and former spiritual director (abbess) at Zen Center of New York City, the city branch of the Monastery. Member of the White Plum Asanga (WPA) ( [258]. In 2007 the teacher at the newly established Hermitage Heart sangha [207]
            Known online teachings by Bonnie Myotai Treace and Teisho, Mondo, and Informal Teachings by Bonnie Myotai Treace
          • end of Loori Line (3rd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

          continuation of Maezumi ("White Plum Asanga") Line (2nd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

        • MERZEL, DENNIS GENPO (b. 1944-) Rōshi [80]
          Founder of the Kanzeon Sangha [80][192]
          On 10 Oct 1996, Tetsugen Glassman Rōshi conferred Inka Shomei upon Genpo Sensei, thus elevating him to the status of Rōshi. Simultaneously, Testugen Rōshi transferred to Genpo Rōshi's leadership of the White Plum Asanga (WPA) ( [27]. In Feb 2011, Merzel Rōshi resigned Òfrom White Plum Asanga membership as well as an Elder of the White Plum. This resignation is a result of his recent disclosures regarding sexual misconduct with several of his students.Ó [264][391][392][436]. Following the scandal, Dennis Genpo Merzel self-disrobed as a Zen priest [391][436]. After a few years spent outside regular institutional Zen, In 2018 (or sooner), he self-reassumed his pastoral duties by conferring (presumably on the strength of his former attainments) an "inka" seal on his long-time student Niko Sojun Tydeman Sensei [398].
        • Merzel Line (3rd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
          • Bakker, Irene Kaigetsu Kyojo (b. 19??-) Rōshi [145][193][310]
            A student of Zen in the White Plum Sangha tradition since the mid-80s. Also, independently, Bakker Rōshi is a Dharma heir of Joan Jiko Halifax Rōshi [310] and a teacher at the Upaya Zen Center, New Mexico [311].
          • Braunek, Malgosia Jiho (30 Jan 1947-23 Jun 2014) Sensei, Dharma Successor [144][227][309][510]
            Teacher at the Kandzeon Sangha, Warsaw, Poland. Received Dharma transmission (Shiho) from Dennis Genpo Merzel in 2003. [510].
          • van de Bunt, Kees Kongo (b. 19??-) Assistant Teacher [193].
          • Caille, Laurent Hozan (b. 19??-) [Assistant teacher, departed Kanzeon Sangha in 1996][98][112].
            Declared to be "No longer in good standing or authorized by Genpo Rōshi to teach Zen in any way shape or form" [193].
          • Christofferson, Richard Taido (b. 19??-) Assistant Teacher [145][193]. Zen Master [510].
            Teacher at the Trikaya Zen Center, Seattle, WA [255]. Received Dharma transmission (Shiho) from Dennis Genpo Merzel in 2007 [510].
          • COPPENS, ANTON TENKEI (b. 1949-) Rōshi, Dharma Successor [16][80][98][112][144][510]
            Teacher at the Zen River, The Netherlands. Husband of Tamara Gabrysch [213]. Received Dharma transmission (Shiho) from Dennis Genpo Merzel in 1996 [510].
          • Coppens Line (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
            • de Boer, Simon Senko (b. 19??-) Sensei. Dharma Successor. Assistant Teacher [317][318]. Received Dharma transmission in 2014 [551]
            • Lopez-Doriga, Jorge Ryusho (b. 19??-) Lay Dharma Successor. Assistant Teacher [317][318]. Received Dharma transmission in 2014 [551]
            • Fischer, Hans Daishin (b. 19??-) Lay Dharma Successor. Assistant Teacher [317][318]. Received Dharma transmission in 2014 [551]
            • den Hollander, Peter Gakudo (b. 19??-) Dharma Successor. Assistant Teacher [317][318]. Received Dharma transmission in 2013 [551].
            • Kasman, Anjo Koren (1956-2016) [514]. Dharma Successor. Assistant Teacher [317][318]. Received Dharma transmission in 2013 [551]
            • van de Roer, Robert Doin (b. 19??-) Dharma Successor. Assistant Teacher [317][318]. Received Dharma transmission in 2014 [551]
            • Vulink, Helma Jifu (b. 19??-) Sensei. Dharma Successor. Assistant Teacher [317][318]. Received Dharma transmission in 2014 [551]

            continuation of Merzel Line (3th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

          • Coppens, Stephan Kenjipsu (b. 19??-) Assistant Teacher [145][193].
          • Curtice, Jim Kuzan (b. 19??-) Assistant Teacher [193].
          • Dubois, Michel Genko (b. 19??-) Rōshi [510].
            Teacher at the Dana Sanga, Paris, France [255]. Was an Assistant Teacher [193]. Received Dharma transmission (Shiho) from Dennis Genpo Merzel in 2007 [510].
          • Esterman, Mark Daitoku (b. 19??-) Rōshi [510]
            Teacher at the Salt Lake Zen Group, Utah. Received Dharma transmission (Shiho) from Dennis Genpo Merzel in 2014 [510]
          • Flatt, John Shodo (27 Aug 1913-5 Feb 1994) Rōshi [510]. Dharma Successor [112][144]. Received Dharma transmission (Shiho) from Dennis Genpo Merzel in 1994 [510]
          • Fletcher, Charles Tenshin (b. 19??-) Rōshi [510]
            Teacher at the Yokoji Zen Mountain Center, Idyllwild, California [510]
          • Fraser, Colin Gonin (b. 1958-) Assistant Teacher [19][98]. Declared to be "No longer in good standing or authorized by Genpo Rōshi to teach Zen in any way shape or form" [193].
          • Gabrysch, Nancy Genshin (b. 1937-) Rōshi, Dharma Successor [98][146][192][510]. Received Dharma transmission (Shiho) from Dennis Genpo Merzel in 2006 [510]. Mother of Tamara Myoho Gabrysch Sensei (below) [318].
          • Gabrysch, Tamara Myoho (b. 1961-) Rōshi [510] Dharma Successor [98][146][193][214]. Sensei [318] Wife of Anton Coppens Rōshi [213]. Received Dharma transmission (Shiho) from Dennis Genpo Merzel in 2008 [510]. Daughter of Nancy Genshin Gabrysch Rōshi [318].
          • Gericke, Alexandra Mushin (b. 19??-) Assistant Teacher [145][193].
          • Gregory, Oscar Sodo Zerafa (b. 19??-) Assistant Teacher [193].
          • Groenewoud, Wilma Shinko (b. 19??-) Assistant Teacher [98][112][146][193].
          • Hamilton, Diane Musho (b. 1958-) Sensei. Dharma Successor [192][255]
            Wife of Michael Mugaku Zimmerman (see below). Dharma transmission from Dennis Genpo Merzel Rōshi in May 2006 [510]. Teacher at The Boulder Mountain Zendo, which has locations in Salt Lake City and Torrey, Utah [255].
          • Harris, Jules Shuzen (b. 19??-) Assistant Teacher [98][146].
            Was declared to be "no longer in good standing or authorized by Genpo [Merzel] Rōshi to teach Zen in any way shape or form." [193]. Also, independently he received Dharma transmission from Pat O'Hara Rōshi (see O'Hara Line (4th gen.)) and established his own Jules Harris Line (5th gen.) of Zen. Is the Vice Abbot of Soji Zen Center, Lansdowne, PA. Received Dharma transmission in Dec 2007 [242].
          • Kaales, Rein Konpo (b. 1946-) Assistant Teacher [98][146][193].
          • Kahn, Paul Kuzan Genki (b. 19??-) Assistant Teacher [193] Dharma and Lineage Holder in both Dennis Genpo Merzel, and Bernie Glassman lineages [146][166][193].
          • Kerssies, Lida Myoen (b. 19??-) Assistant Teacher [193].
          • Knegtel, Maurice Shonen (b. 19??-) Rōshi [193][510].
            Dharma transmission from Dennis Genpo Merzel Rōshi in 2009 [510].
          • Krajewski, Andrzej Getsugen (b. 19??-) Assistant Teacher [193].
          • Lee, Robert (Bob) Sokan (b. 19??-) Assistant Teacher [193]
          • Lehrhaupt, Linda Myoki (b. 19??-) Assistant Teacher in Dennis Genpo Merzel Line (3rd gen.) [98][145][193]. Also, independently, received Dharma transmission from AL RAPAPORT Rōshi in 2012 [446] (see Rapaport Line (6th gen.)).
          • Miller-McMahon, Nicolee Jikyo (b. 19??-) Rōshi
            Dharma transmission from Dennis Genpo Merzel Rōshi [510]. Independently, she received Dharma transmission from Taizan Maezumi Rōshi in 1995 and is the founder of the Miller-McMahon Line. Wife of Barry Kaigen McMahon Sensei, the founder of the McMahon Line.
          • McNamara, Lynn Shozen (b. 1961-) Assistant teacher, departed Kanzeon Sangha in 1994 [98][112]. Declared to be "No longer in good standing or authorized by Genpo Rōshi to teach Zen in any way shape or form" [193].
          • Malinowski, Hank Yoshin (b. 19??-) Assistant Teacher [145].
          • continuation of Merzel Line (3th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

          • PAGES, CATHERINE GENNO (b. 1942-) Rōshi, Dharma Successor [80][144][154][348]
            Received Dharma transmission in 1992 (becoming a Sensei) [238][510]. Received Inka Shomei on 16th Jan 2005 [231][238].
            Teacher at the L'Association Kanzeon, and subsequently L'Association Dana, France [98][112][255].
          • Pages Line (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
            • Frottier, Corinne (b. 1953-) Sensei [230][238][348]. Received Dharma Transmisssion in 2009 [551].
              Teacher at GenjoAn zen centre in Hamburg, Germany ( [348].
            • Hollowell, Amy (b. 1958-) Rōshi [154][238] .Received Dharma Transmisssion in 2004 [551].
              Teacher at Wild Flower Zen in Paris, France ( [348].
            • de Waele, Frank (b. 19??-) Rōshi [154][172][348]. Received Dharma Transmisssion in 2005 [551].
              Teacher at the Zen Sangha, Ghent (
            • Oltheten, Michel (b. 1954-) Sensei [232][233][348].Received Dharma Transmisssion in 2014 [551].
              Teacher at the Dana Zen Center The Hague, Netherlands ( [233]. Teacher at Zen Heart Sangha in Den Haag,
              the Netherlands ( [348].
            • Rey, Marzena Ryonen (b. 19??-) Hoshi ("Dharma Holder"). Assistant Teacher(Sensei) [232][234]
              Teacher at the Zen Sangha Mainz (formerly Zen Kreis Mainz), Germany [234].
              Also, on 20 Jun 2014, received Dharma transmission [349] from Nicolee Jikyo Miller-McMahon Rōshi (see Miller-McMahon Line),
              who appointed her as a teacher [348].

            continuation of Merzel Line (3th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

          • Roberson, George Jisho (b. 19??-) Assistant Teacher [145][193].
          • Sato Gerpheide, Karen C. (KC) Zero Kyozen (b. 19??-) Sensei [391][392].
            Student and dharma successor of Merzel Rōshi [510]. Their joint sexual misconduct has brought about her departure from White Plum Asanga and his resignation (Feb 2011) from both leadership and membership of the Asanga, as well as self-disrobing as a Zen priest [391][392]. Also, independently a student and Dharma Holder of Paul Kahn Rōshi (see Paul Kahn Line).
          • Scott, David Dohi Shoji (b. 19??-) Hoshi ("Dharma Holder"). Assistant Teacher [145][193]
            Teacher at the Liverpool Zen Buddhist Group, UK [151]. In 2008 he formally became a student of Charles Fletcher Rōshi
            from who, in Oct 2009, received Dharma transmission (Shiho) and the title of Sensei [254].
          • Shigeoka, Mark Seiryo (b. 1955-) Assistant Teacher [98][146][193].
          • SILBERBERG, DANIEL DOEN (b. 1947-) Sensei. Dharma Successor [98][144][510].
            Teacher at the Lost Coin Group [255]. Received Shiho (2003) from Dennis Genpo Merzel Rōshi [510].
          • Silberberg Line (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
            • Kales, Reindert Konpo (b. 19??) [551]

          • Sloan, Mary Ellen Seien (b. 19??-). Teacher at the Salt Lake City, Utah [510]
            Received Shiho (2017) from Dennis Genpo Merzel Rōshi [510]
          • continuation of Merzel Line (3th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

          • TYDEMAN, NICO/NIKO SOJUN TENKO (b. 1942-) Sensei/Rōshi [98][135][144][398][567]
            "Nico Tenko Tydeman Roshi studied theology in Nijmegen and received his first Zen instruction from Karlfried Dürckheim. He received his Zen training with [Richard] Baker Roshi in San Francisco and with Thich Nhat Hanh." [567]
            Teacher at the Zen Centre of Amsterdam (ZCA). Previously, the teacher at the Zengroep Rotterdam Kanzeon the Netherlands [106].
            Received Dharma transmission from Dennis Merzel in 2004 [398][510] and Inka Shomei on 30 Jun 2018, in ZCA [399].
            The latter ceremony took place despite the Feb 2011 scandal at White Plum Asanga [392], an abdication of Dennis Genpo Merzel
            from its membership and self-disrobing as a Zen priest [391]. Nico Tydeman himself was involved in a scandal in 2017 centred on his secret
            sexual misconduct from 2010 to 2013 with a female Zen student [399]. By July 2018 Nico Tydeman "the founder, spiritual leader and teacher
            of the Zen Center Amsterdam (ZCA)", announced his intention "to resign his position as spiritual leader to that center" [399].
          • Tydeman Line (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
            • AERTS, GRETHA MYOSHIN Rōshi (b. 1947-) [193][308][408]
              Received from Dennis Merzel permission to teach as an Assistant Teacher [193]. Received Inka Shomei in Jan 2019 from Tydeman Rōshi [408]. In Feb 2011 received Dharma transmission (Shiho) from Tydeman Sensei [308]. Teacher at the Zen Center Rotterdam/ Zengroep Rotterdam Kanzeon, Netherlands [308].
              Aerts Line (5th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
              • Huijg, Leo Ahimsa Sumitra (b. 19??-) Sensei [408]
                In Feb? 2019 received Dharma transmission (Shiho) from Aerts Rōshi [408].
              • Lindeboom, Marli Jifu Daigen (22 Mar 1950-11 Jan 2022) [514] Sensei [408]
                In Jan 2019 received Dharma transmission (Shiho) from Aerts Rōshi [408][514].
            • Bruin de, Daan Zazenshin Sensei (b. 19??-) [408]
              In 2017 received Dharma transmission (Shiho) from Tydeman Sensei [408].
            • Demmers Jacky Shobogenzo Sensei (b. 19??-) [408]
              In 2017 received Dharma transmission (Shiho) from Tydeman Sensei [408].
            • Eckhart, Rob Daigan Sensei (b. 19??-) [408]
              In 2018 received Dharma transmission (Shiho) from Tydeman Rōshi [408].
            • Heijman, Marieke Virya Sensei (b. 19??-) [398][408].
              In 2017 received Dharma transmission (Shiho) from Tydeman Sensei [408].
            • ten Hengel, Lolit Abhaya Sensei (b. 19??-) [308]
              In 2017 received Dharma transmission (Shiho) from Tydeman Sensei [398][408].
            • van der Heuvel, Meindert Musho Seiju Rōshi (b. 19??-) [308][398][408].
              Received Inka Shomei in Jan 2019 from Tydeman Rōshi [408]. In May 2011, received Dharma transmission (Shiho) from Tydeman Sensei [308].
              Earlier, received from Dennis Merzel permission to teach as an Assistant Teacher [193].
            • Huiberts, Joke Dharma Traan Dajun Rōshi (b. 19??-) [308][398].
              Received Dharma transmissions (Shiho, Aug 2011 [308] and Inka Shomei, Jan 2019 [408] from Tydeman Rōshi
            • Klungers, Jan Mukan Sensei (b. 19??-) [408]
              In 2017 received Dharma transmission (Shiho) from Tydeman Sensei [408].
            • Lemaire, Maria Ryuzenmuki Sensei (b. 19??-) [408]
              In 2017 received Dharma transmission (Shiho) from Tydeman Sensei [408].
            • Pol, Martin Myoki Sensei (b. 19??-) [408]
              In 2018 received Dharma transmission (Shiho) from Tydeman Rōshi [408].
            • Scheepers, Willem Kando Kaishin Muishitsu Rōshi (b. 19??-) [408][566]
              A student of Zen since 1976. Trained with "Thich Nath Hanh, Genpo Roshi, Rients Ritskes and Nico Tydeman, among others. From Genpo Roshi he received Jukai (the precepts) in 1988." [568] Received Dharma transmissions (Shiho, 2017 [408] and Inka Shomei, 20 Jun 2024 [566]) from Tydeman ōshi.
              Teacher at the Zentrum, Utrecht, The Netherlands [566].
            • Scheres, Ben Verlichtende Natuur Sensei (b. 19??-) [408]
              In 2018 received Dharma transmission (Shiho) from Tydeman Rōshi [408].
            • Uijtdehaage, Ronald Keiyaku Sensei (b. 19??-) [408]
              In 2018 received Dharma transmission (Shiho) from Tydeman Rōshi [408].
            • Veldkamp, Julia Jinne Sensei (b. 19??-) [408]
              In 2018 received Dharma transmission (Shiho) from Tydeman Rōshi [408].
            • Verstegen, Dick Butsugen Sensei (b. 19??-) [408]
              In 2017 received Dharma transmission (Shiho) from Tydeman Sensei [408].
            • Wierenga, Cornelia Gyokushin Sensei (b. 19??-) [398]. In Jun 2017 received Dharma transmission (Shiho) from Tydeman Sensei [308][408] and on Jun 20, 2024 (Inka Shomei) from Tydeman Rōshi [566].

            end of Tydeman Line (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

          • Warren, Judi Kanchi (b. 19??-) Assistant Teacher [145][193]. Received Dharma transmission (Shiho) from Dennis Genpo Merzel Rōshi in 2010 [150]
          • Wellenstein, Jacqueline Shosui (b. 19??-) Assistant Teacher [145][193].
          • von Wolkahof, Christian Jikishin (b. 19??-) [193]. Sensei [456].
            Received Dharma transmission (Shiho) from Genpo Merzel Rōshi in 2018. "He currently teaches in Dusseldorf and his website is" [456] and
          • von Wolkahof, Marcela Ensei (b. 19??-) Assistant Teacher [193].
          • Zimmerman, Michael Mugaku (b. 1943-) Sensei. Dharma Successor [192][255]
            Husband of Diane Musho Hamilton (see above). Received Dharma transmission from Dennis Genpo Merzel Rōshi in Dec 2006. [510] Teacher at The Boulder Mountain Zendo,
            which has locations in Salt Lake City and Torrey, Utah [255]. In Jun 2001, Member of the Board of The White Plum Asanga (WPA) ( [265].

          end of Merzel Line (3rd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

          continuation of Maezumi ("White Plum Asanga") Line (2nd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

        • MILLER-MCMAHON, NICOLEE JIKYO (b. 19??-) Rōshi [84][85] Dharma Successor [163][291]
          Received Dharma transmission from Taizan Maezumi Rōshi in 1995. She is a co-founder of Three Treasures Zen Community. Together with her husband, Barry Kaigen McMahon (see McMahon Line), the teacher at the Three Treasures Zen Community.
          Known online teachings by Nicolee Miller-McMahon.
        • Miller-McMahon Line (3rd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

          • ALTHOUSE, ROBERT JOSHIN (b. 29 Mar 1949-) Sensei. 1st Dharma Successor [29][84][163][541].
            Teacher at the Zen Center of Hawaii, HI. Teacher at the Zen Community of Oak Park, Chicago, IL. Teacher at Zen Life and Meditation Center, Chicago. ( [541].
            Known online teachings by Robert Althouse.
          • Althouse Line (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
            • Tanoue, June Ryoshin (b. 19??-) [551]
              Received Dharma transmission from Robert Althouse in 2014 [551]. <
          • Gage, John (Jake) Jiyu (b. 19??-) Rōshi, 3rd Dharma Successor [163][218][291][541]
            Received Dharma Transmission in 2003. Founder of the Vista Zen Center, CA. Formerly a teacher at the Three Treasures Zen Community, CA][163][216][218].
          • Hoeberichts, Joan Hogetsu (b. 19??-) Rōshi, 4th Dharma Successor [163][541]
            Teacher at the Heart Circle Sangha, Ridgewood NJ [163]. In Jun 2001, Member of the Board of The White Plum Asanga (WPA) ( [265].
          • Jordan, William (Bill) Yoshin (b. 19??-) [85] Sensei. 2nd Dharma Successor [541][163].
            Teacher at the Santa Monica Zen Center, CA [162].
          • Pirruccello, Ann (Annie) Purna Jyakunen (b. 19??-) Rōshi. 5th Dharma Successor [220][290][541]. Professor of philosophy at the University of San Diego, CA [435].
            Received Dharma transmission from Nicolee Jikyo McMahon Rōshi in 2009 [290]. Received Inka Shomei from Miller-McMahon Nicolee Jikyo Rōshi in 2018, Teacher at the Vista Zen Centre, CA [434]. Formerly a teacher at the Three Treasures Zen Community [290]. Member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association ( [435].
          • Rey, Marzena Ryonen (b. 19??-) Sensei. 6th Dharma Successor [349][348][232][234][541]
            Teacher at the Zen Kreis Mainz, Germany [234]
            On 20 Jun 2014 received Dharma transmission [349] from Nicolee Jikyo Miller-McMahon Rōshi, who also appointed her a teacher [348].
            Earlier, an Assistant Teacher appointed by Catherine Pages (see Pages Line) [348].
          • Rev. Sarian, Steve Aishi (b. 19??-) 7th Dharma Successor[221][541]
            Teaching Assistant at the Three Treasures Zen Community, CA. [221]. Teacher at Vista Zen Center, San Diego, CA. and Hotei Zen Temple [541]

          end of Miller-McMahon Line (3rd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

          continuation of Maezumi ("White Plum Asanga") Line (2nd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

        • Nordstrom, Louis Mitsunen (b. 1943-) Rōshi. Additionally, a Dharma heir of B. Glassman (see Glassman Line) [197].
        • Sanderson, John Tesshin (b. 19??-) [85].
        • WICK, GERRY SHISHIN (b. 19??-) Rōshi [85][265]
          Teacher at the Great Mountain Zen Center in Boulder, CO, US [28]. In Jun 2001, President of the Board of The White Plum Asanga (WPA) ( [265].
        • Wick Line (3rd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
          • Kempe, Karin Ryuku (b. 19??-) Dharma heir [463].
            The appointment by Gerry Wick Rōshi follows an earlier one by Danan Henry Rōshi (see Henry Line)
            Studied with Shishin Wick Rōshi at Great Mountain Zen Center since 1993 till now) [463]. Received Inka Shomei from the S. Wick Rōshi in 2019 [463]

        • Yeo, William Nyogen (b. 10 Apr 1936-) [59]
          Teacher at Hazy Moon Zen Center, Los Angeles, CA, US.

        end of Maezumi ("White Plum Asanga") Line (2nd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

      • continuation of Harada-Yasutani Line

      • Satomi, Myodo Ni (2 Aug 1896-2 Mar 1978). Yasutani's first Dharma heir [351]. Declined to be a teacher.
      • YAMADA, KYOZO KŌUN ZENSHIN (Mar 1907-13 Sep 1989) [10][196]
        Since 1973, following the death of Yasutani Hakuun Rōshi, head of Sanbo Kyodan school.
        Known online koan commentaries by Koun Yamada.
      • Yamada Line (2nd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
        • Adachi, Doshu Zuiun-ken (b. 19??-)
        • Aitken, Anne An Tanshin aka Anne Arundel Hopkins Aitken (8 Feb 1911-13 Jun 1994) [3] Upon formal completion of her studies with Yamada Rōshi she declined to be a teacher, and did not receive Yamada's transmission [93]. Wife of R. Aitken Rōshi and co-founder of the Diamond Sangha Zen community.
        • AITKEN, ROBERT BAKER DAIRYŪ CHŌTAN GYŌUN (19 Jun 1917 - 5 Aug 2010) Rōshi [2][243]
          In addition to studies with Yamada, Kyozo Koun Rōshi also studied with Senzaki Nyogen and Nakagawa Sōen. Founder (together with his wife, Anne Arundel Hopkins Aitken) and Teacher of the Diamond Sangha Line of Zen. For details of the Sangha's ethical framework, see the text of Dec 1999 Diamond Sangha Teachers Circle Ethics Agreement. [This document was ratified in 2000 [138], although not much heeded by some of its signatories - ed.].
          Known online Robert Aitken's translations of the official Daily Zen Sutras.
        • Aitken Line (3rd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
          • Alcalde, Augusto Nyo'ei Gen'un (b. 7 Nov 1950-) Rōshi [4]
            Teacher at the Vimalakirti Sangha, Shobo-an, Cordoba, Argentina, and a visiting teacher at the Melbourne Zen Group, Melbourne, Australia. In Apr/Mar 2001, he formally resigned from the Diamond Sangha, discontinued most of his teaching engagements and gave up using the title "Rōshi." [100].
          • Barzaghi, Subhana, Gyo Shin, Myo-Un-An (b. 7 Aug 1954-) Rōshi.
            Also a teacher appointed by John Tarrant (see Tarrant Line) [113].
          • Bobrow, Joseph (b. 19??-) [20]
            Teacher at the Deep Streams Zen Institute (formerly known as The Harbour Sangha), San Francisco, CA]. Member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association ( [435].
          • BOLLETER, ROSS (b. 18 Jul 1946-) Rōshi [34]
            In parallel with Dharma transmission from Robert Aitken, he also received Dharma transmission from J. Tarrant (see Tarrant Line) [113]. Teacher at the Zen Group of Western Australia, Perth, Australia. Teacher at the Maitai Zendo Nelson, New Zealand. A composer.
            Bolleter Line (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
            • JAKSCH, MARY JISE (b. 1947-) Rōshi [63][141]
              Appointed Sensei (apprentice teacher) by Ross Bolleter Rōshi in 1999 [323]. Received Dharma transmission from R. Bolleter in Mar 2004][140][323]
              Teacher at the Maitai Zendo, Nelson, NZ
              Known online teachings by Mary Jaksch.
            • Jaksch Line (5th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
              • Pierce, Shona (b. 19??-) Sensei (apprentice teacher) [547]
                Commenced Zen training about 2000. A student of Mary Jaksch since the 2000s, from whom she received permission to teach in Mar 2023 [547]. Teacher at the Christchurch DS (Diamond Sangha) Zendo [547].

            • JOYNER, ROBERT G. (b. 9 Apr 1937-) Rōshi [110][133][148][426]
              Was a student of Robert Aitken Rōshi [427]. Received from Ross Bolleter permission to teach in 1999 and Dharma transmission in 2003 [426]. Teacher at the Adelaide Zen Group in Adelaide, South Australia.
            • Joyner Line (5th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
              • Carson, Imelda (b. 19??-) Sensei (apprentice teacher) [426]
                Commenced Zen training in 1980s. Has also studied with Susan Murphy [427]. A student of Robert Joyner since 2003, from whom she received permission to teach in Nov 2018 [427].

            • MURPHY, SUSAN MYO SEI (MYOSEI) RYU'UN AN (b. 17 Jun 1950-) Rōshi [62][137]
              Received appointment to teach from John Tarrant in 1998 [322]. On 11 Jun 2001, she received a Dharma transmission from Ross Bolleter. Two weeks later, on 24 Jun 2001 received Dharma transmission from J. Tarrant (see Tarrant Line) [138]. The founding Teacher of the Zen Open Circle group in Sydney, Australia [96]. Together with Subhana Barzaghi, Teacher of the Melbourne Zen Group since 2001. In 2015 accepted the invitation of the Hobart Mountains and Rivers Zen Sangha to become their primary teacher [322].
                 [Editor's note: Acc. to S. Murphy transmission from her former partner Ross Bolleter was "in complete accord with the ethical framework and long-established practice of the Diamond Sangha in the years in which [... the] relationship took place" [138]. This declaration might appear to conflict with the point (g) of the Diamond Sangha's formal ethics agreement as codified and ratified a year earlier, in 2000, by the senior teachers of Diamond Sangha. However, on 20 Nov 2015, Susan Murphy kindly provided notes [322] that cast additional light on the Diamond Sangha's overall interpersonal and local cultural context of the transmission ceremony of 11 Jun 2001].
            • Murphy Line (5th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
              • Fisher, Kirk (b. 1962-) Sensei [373]
                Appointed Sensei (apprentice teacher) by Susan Murphy Rōshi in April 2016 [373].
                Teacher at the Melbourne Zen Group, Victoria, Australia (
              • Sutherland, Kynan (b. 19??) Sensei [546]
                Appointed Sensei (apprentice teacher) by Susan Murphy Rōshi 20 Apr 2019 [546].
                Teacher at the Castlemaine Zen, Victoria, Australia (

            • Rhydwen, Mari Mu gon (Mugon) Haku un (Hakuun) (b. 1951-) Rōshi [495][496]
              PhD linguist, taught at the University of Sydney and Murdoch University, held research positions at Edith Cowan University and the U. of Western Australia [497]. Later, she worked as an Aboriginal languages consultant in the NSW Education system from 2014-2015, worked in Jakarta, Indonesia, as an English Editor at the Science Publications, Research Centre for Oceanography, LIPI and then took up the position of Linguist-Coordinator at Muurrbay Aboriginal Language and Culture Cooperative, Nambucca Heads, NSW, Australia. She is now retired and based in Sydney. Between 2000-2003 Mari and her then-husband spent three years slow sailing on a small yacht, "White Cloud", around the southern, eastern and northern rims of the Indian Ocean, from Perth, Western Australia to East Africa and back [499]. Initially a student of Yamada Koun Rōshi in Japan, and subsequently of Robert Aitken Rōshi and Ross Bolleter Rōshi [496]. Appointed Sensei (apprentice teacher) by Ross Bolleter Rōshi on 3 Dec 2004 [495]. "[Co]-taught sesshin (meditation retreats) in New Zealand with Arthur Wells Rōshi and in Western Australia with Ross Bolleter Rōshi." [495][497]. Received Dharma transmission and was made Rōshi by R. Bolleter on 4 October 2014 [495].
            • Sweetman, Ian (b. 19??-) Rōshi [496], clinical psychologist [496].
              Contributed to the establishment in 1985 of the Zen Group of Western Australia, Perth, Australia. Initially a student of Robert Aitken Rōshi and subsequently of John Tarrant Rōshi and Ross Bolleter Rōshi [496]. Appointed Sensei (apprentice teacher) by Ross Bolleter Rōshi in 2000 [83][190][496]. Received Dharma transmission from R. Bolleter in 2006 [496] and was made Rōshi by R. Bolleter on 5 Dec 2010 [323]. Between 2000 and 2012 he taught intensively within the ZGWA. However, since 2012, he has no longer taught there and concentrates on his clinical practice [496].
            • Wallis, Glen (b. 19??-) Rōshi [323]
              Teacher at the Dunedin Zen Group (, Dunedin, NZ [323]. Received Dharma Transmission on 5th Dec 2010 from R. Bolleter Rōshi at St Martin's Island, Dunedin [547].
            • WELLS, ARTHUR (b. 19??-) Rōshi [323]
              Appointed Sensei (apprentice teacher) by Ross Bolleter Rōshi in Feb 2007 [323]. Received Dharma transmission from R. Bolleter on 2 Sep 2012 [323][547]. Teacher at the Christchurch Zen Group, Christchurch, NZ. "[L]eads retreats with Mary Jaksch Rōshi in Canterbury and with Sean Weaver Sensei in Golden Bay, NZ [508].
            • Wells Line (5th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
              • Weaver, Sean (b. 19??-) Sensei [323]
                Appointed Sensei (apprentice teacher) by Arthur Wells Rōshi on 2 Aug 2015 [323] (alternative date: Jun 2015 [428][508]). Teaches "with the Christchurch and Golden Bay Zen Groups" in NZ [508].

            end of Bolleter Line (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

          • HENRY, MICHAEL DANAN (b. 12 Nov 1939-) Rōshi [130][186]
            The appointment by Robert Aitken Rōshi follows an earlier one by Philip Kapleau] (see Kapleau Line). Founding eacher at the Zen Center of Denver, CO [28]. Current Teacher of Old Bones Sangha, a small group of mostly senior students [388].
            Known online teachings (decade 1995-2005) by Henry Danan.
          • Henry Line (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
            • Dunley, David Shonen (b. Dec 1969-).
              Registered Nurse [461]. Between Sep 1991 and Jan 2006, a priest, zendo leader, office manager, administrator and a student of Danan Henry at the Zen Center of Denver [462]. Also studied with Robert Aitken Rōshi in Kaimu, Hawaii (Dec 1999-Jan 2000) [461]. Received priestly ordination from Danan Henry on 19 Feb 2000 [461]. Continued studies with Harada Tangen Rōshi at Bukkoku-ji temple, Obama, Japan (May 2002-June 2003) [461]. Received Inka Shomei from Rōshi Danan Henry on 23 Jan 2006 and, initially, planned to serve as an Apprentice Teacher to a future Zen group in Arizona [461]. Eventually, he went "on to other spiritual paths, first Roman Catholicism, and currently [i.e. in 2021] Ramakrishna Vedanta." [461].
              Known online teachings (of 8 Jan 2006) by Dunley Shonen.
            • Holmgren, John Edward Hoag (b. 1964-) Sensei [388][557].
              Authorised by Danan Henry Rōshi on April 26, 2018 [388]. Received Dharma transmission from Danan Henry in June 2023 [557].
            • Kempe, Karin Ryuku (b. 19??-) Rōshi [378][557].
              Medical doctor (MD 1981) [463]. Studied with Philip Kapleau Rōshi and Toni Packer at Zen Center of Rochester (1971 to 1981) [463]. Studied with Danan Henry (2000-2010). Authorised to teach by Danan Henry Rōshi. Teacher at the Zen Center of Denver [186]. From 2001-2005, the Head of Zendo at the Zen Center of Denver [215]. Received Dharma transmission from Danan Henry Rōshi on 12 Sep 2010 [247]. Studied with Shishin Wick Rōshi at Great Mountain Zen Center (1993 to current) [463]. Received Inka Shomei from the S. Wick Rōshi in 2019 (see Wick Line) [463]. Since 2011, she has been the Spiritual Director of the Zen Center of Denver [463]. Member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association ( [435].
            • Martin, Rafe (b. 1946-) Rōshi [286][330][334][557].
              Teacher at Endless Path Zendo, Rochester, NY. Danan Rōshi sanctioned Rafe as an Apprentice Dharma Teacher in 2012 [287]. Received Dharma transmission from Rōshi Danan Henry on 30 Jun 2016 [330][388]. Member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association ( [435].
            • Morgareidge, Ken Tetsuzan (b. 19??-) Rōshi [378][557]
              PhD in Physiology. Authorised to teach by Danan Henry Rōshi. Received Dharma transmission from Danan Henry Rōshi on 12 Sep 2010 [247]. Between 2017 and sometime prior to 2024 was a teacher at the Zen Center of Denver [186]. From 2005-2007, the Head of Zendo at the Zen Center of Denver [215]. Sometime before 2024 he became an independent teacher and is "no longer affiliated with the Zen Center of Denver." [557]
            • Sheehan, Peggy Metta (b. 19??-) Rōshi [378][557]. Medical doctor. Authorised to teach by Danan Henry Rōshi. Teacher at the Zen Center of Denver [186]. From 2001-2005, the Head of Zendo at the Zen Center of Denver [215]. Received Dharma transmission from Danan Henry Rōshi on 12 Sep 2010 [247].

            end of Henry Line (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

            continuation of Aitken Line (3rd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

          • Dawson, Geoff (b. 19??-) Assistant Teacher within R. Aitken Line, gone independent.
            "Registered psychologist. He works in full time private practice at North Sydney and in the Blue Mountains" near Sydney, Australia [500]. Student and practitioner of Zen since 1975 [500]. Following his separation from R. Aitken Rōshi and J. Tarrant Rōshi, Geoff Dawson became, in the late 1990s, a student of Joko Beck Rōshi (see Beck Line).
            Received Dharma transmission from Joko Beck in 2003 [257]. Since 1998, teacher at the Ordinary Mind Zen School Sydney, and Ordinary Mind Zen School Melbourne Australia [500].
            Known online teachings by Geoff Dawson.
          • DROSTEN, ROLF JUSHIN KOKUSHO KO' UN* KEN (b. 1941-) Rev. Rōshi [560]
            Appointed (by ??, by Willigis Jaeger? - tmc) Zen teacher of Sanbokyodan's line of Zen in Germany in 1990 [560]. Apprentice Teacher of the Diamond Sangha appointed by Robert Aitken Rōshi in 1993 [560]. Received Dharma transmission from Aitken Rōshi in 1996 [560].
            Teacher at the Leverkusen Zen Group, also known as the "Wolken und Mond Sangha" (Clouds and Moon Sangha, [559]), Leverkusen, Germany [62][122][134].
          • Drosten Line (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
            • Edin, Hubert Daion Hoshin An Un* Ken (b. 1965-) Rōshi [559].
              Lives in MŸnster, Germany [559]. Received the Dharma transmission from Rolf Drosten Rōshi in 2019 [560].
            • Haffer, Amelie Seikyo Genko Ji Un* An (b. 1965-) Rōshi [559].
              Lives in Essen, Germany [559]. A student of Rolf Drosten Rōshi since 1997 [560]. Appointed Zen Teacher (Apprentice Teacher) by Rolf Drosten Rōshi in 2012 [560]. Received Dharma transmission from Drosten Rōshi in 2014 [560].
            • Schwarzer, Christoph Daishin Shosei Ko Un* Ken (b. 1968-) Rōshi [559].
              Lives in Bremen, Germany [559]. A student of Rolf Drosten Rōshi since 1999. Received Dharma transmission from Drosten Rōshi in 2014 [560].
            • Zill, Burkard Doshin Daiboku Gyo Un* Ken (b. 1959-) Rōshi [113][559].
              Lives in Veitsrodt, Germany [559]. Between 1984 and 1993 a student of Fr. Willigis Jaeger (OSB) Rōshi [560]. A student of Rolf Drosten since 1993 [560]. Received Dharma transmission from Drosten Rōshi in 2007 [560].

          • DUFFY, JACK KENZAN KAN'UN KEN (b. 22 Jun 1951-) Rōshi [45][46][324]
            Appointed Sensei (apprentice teacher) by Robert Aitken Rōshi in Jan 1992. Dharma transmission from Aitken Rōshi in 1997 [324].
            Teacher at the Three Treasures Sangha, Seattle, US [46][66][324]. Member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association ( [435].
          • Duffy Line (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
            • Bolling, Madelon Yamane (b. 19??-) Sensei [324]
              Appointed Sensei (apprentice teacher) by Jack Duffy Rōshi in 2012 [324].
              Teacher at the Three Treasures Sangha, Seattle, US [324].
            • Shields, Lee (b. 19??-) Sensei [324]
              Appointed Sensei (apprentice teacher) by Jack Duffy Rōshi in 2012 [324].
              Teacher at the Three Treasures Sangha, Seattle, US [324].
            • Zeedyk, Jana Genmyo Kyoku'un Ken (b. 29 May 1953-) Independent Teacher [169][394].
              Received full Dharma transmission from Jack Duffy Rōshi on 14 Sep 2018 at Mountain Lamp Community near Deming, WA [394]. Also, ordained in Soto tradition in 2009 by Kōshū Itabashi Zenji (the 23rd abbot of Sojiji, Japan) [395] and received Dharma transmission in 2013 from Niyama Shoshun Rōshi (Kounji Temple, Oirase-cho, Aomori Prefecture, Japan [395][400].
              Since 2012 Teacher at the Anchorage Zen Community, Anchorage, AK [395]

          • FOSTER, NELSON (b. 1951-) [113]
            Teacher at the Ring of Bone Zendo, California, and the Honolulu Diamond Sangha, Hawaii, US [62]. Member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association ( [435].
          • Foster Line (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
            • Kieran, Michael (b. 19??-) [Dharma guide][43][74]
              Co-teacher at the Honolulu Diamond Sangha, Hawaii, US [113]. Member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association ( [435].

            + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + CHRISTIAN ZEN TRADITION + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

          • HAWK, PATRICK (PAT) SEISHO SHIN'UN (18 Nov 1942-8 May 2012) Fr. Rōshi [6][181][279]
            "Fr. Hawk Rōshi formally began Zen practice in 1978 as a student of Robert Aitken Rōshi; and in 1981 as a student of Fr. Willigis Jaeger (OSB) Rōshi. Fr. Pat Hawk Rōshi received Dharma transmission from Aitken Rōshi and was confirmed a Zen Master of the Diamond Sangha in May, 1989. Fr. Hawk was an ordained priest in the Roman Catholic church, and a member of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (Redemptorists)." [279]
            Teacher at the Zen Desert Sangha, Tucson, AZ US [103]
            Teacher at the Mountain Cloud Zen Center, Santa Fe, NM
          • Hawk Line (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
            • Dorsey, Dan (b. 19??-) Rōshi [279]
              Appointed Associate Teacher in 2010 by Patrick Hawk Rōshi in 2012 [326]. Received Dharma transmission from Patrick Hawk Rōshi in 2012 [326].
              Teacher at the Zen Desert Sangha, Tucson, AZ US [279].
            • Larson, Kristen (b. 19??-) Rōshi [279]
              Teacher at the North Olympic Sangha (NO Sangha), Port Angeles, US [279].
            • Marcel, Leonard (b. 1942-) Rōshi [62][118][289]
              Received Dharma transmission from Patrick Hawk Rōshi in Oct 2001 [325]. 1993-2003 worked in Dharan, Saudi Arabia. Returned to Portland, Oregon, in Feb 2003 [325]. Since 2004, the Teacher of Seven Thunders sangha in Oregon. Was the Guest Teacher at the Leverkusen Zen Group, Germany].
            • WALKER, ROBERT (BOB) (b. 19??-) Rōshi [113][211][279].
            • Walker Line (5th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
              • Sanders, Paul (b. 19??-) [Assistant Teacher][245].

            • Saalfeld, Joan SNJM (b. 19??-) [279]
              Note: Marcel Leonard Rōshi writes 23 May 2013: "[T]o the best of my knowledge, Hawk Rōshi gave Sr Joan Saalfeld permission to lead Christian contemplative retreats, but did not give her Dharma transmission." [289].
            • Weimar, Susan (b. 19??-) Rōshi [279]
              Teacher at the Zen Desert Sangha, Tucson, AZ US, The Flagstaff Zen Group, and Empty Sky Sangha [279].

            end of Hawk Line (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

            continuation of Aitken Line (3rd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

          • Gyger, Pia Ichido Jinji (b. 2 Nov 1940-14 Jul 2014) Sr. Rōshi [62][223][472]
            Between 1982 - 1993 was General Director of the Katharina-Werk spiritual community in Basel, Switzerland [471][473]. Teacher authorised and given the name One Ground (Ichido) in 1996 by R. Aitken Rōshi [472]. In the second half of the 1990s was a Teacher at the One Ground Sangha, Luzern, Switzerland [472]. In 1999, received from Bernie Glassman Rōshi Inka Shomei and the name Jinji (Divine Mercy) [473]. (See Glassman Line) Brantschen-Gyger (aka Glassman-Lassalle Line [473]).
          • Morgan, Marian (b. 19??-) Assistant Teacher [74].
          • STEGER, MANFRED B. (b. 23 Mar 1961-) [Assistant Teacher at the Diamond Sangha, gone independent in mid-1991 [42]
            Co-founder and co-teacher (together with his wife and subsequent Dharma-heir, Perle Besserman) of the Princeton Area Zen Group, Princeton NJ, US [42]
            Known online materials by M. Steger.
            Steger Line (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
            • Besserman, Perle [aka Perle Epstein, Perle S. Epstein] (b. 21 Aug 1948-) Sensei [459][460]
              Wife of Manfred Steger. Writer. Lecturer at New York Univ., Southwest China U., Briarcliff College, U. of Hawaii, Rutgers U. and at Illinois State U. Presenter of workshops on Kabbalah, Zen, and women's spirituality [460]. Between 1984 and 1991, she was a student of Robert Aitken [459]. She did not receive from Aitken Rōshi a sanction to teach. Since 1992, a teacher at the Princeton Area Zen Group [459].

            • BOYLE, BILL (b. 19??-) Sensei [459]
              Since 2005, a teacher at the Princeton Area Zen Group [459].                                                                                                                                                                                                                
            • Boyle Line (5th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
              • Boyle, David (b. 19??-) Sensei [459]
                Since 20??, a teacher at the Princeton Area Zen Group [459].
          • continuation of Aitken Line (3rd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

          • TARRANT, JOHN MAXWELL NANRYU JI'UN-KEN (b. 14 Aug 1949-) Rōshi [13][429]
            Between 1 Aug 1989 and 31 Aug 2001 worked in Santa Rosa, CA, as a licenced psychologist (State of California, Dept. of Consumer Affairs, Board of Psychology) [429]. Left the Diamond Sangha in late 1999 [72]
            Head and Teacher of the California Diamond Sangha, an organisation renamed in Jan 2000 as the Pacific Zen Institute, US [74][82]
            Some of the online teachings by John Tarrant
          • Tarrant Line (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
            • Atwill, Allison (b. 5 Mar 1959-) Rōshi [280][288][320]
              Practice Leader for the Santa Barbara group of the Pacific Zen Institute (PZI) [281]. Teacher at the Coral Moon Zen in Santa Barbara, CA [320].
            • BARZAGHI, SUBHANA GYO SHIN, MYO-UN-AN (b. 7 Aug 1954-) Rōshi [5]
              In parallel with the Dharma transmission from J. Tarrant, she also received Dharma transmission from Robert Aitken (see Aitken Line) [113]. Teacher (Diamond Sangha) at the Sydney Zen Centre, and visiting Teacher at the Melbourne Zen Group, Melbourne, Australia]
            • Barzaghi Line (5th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
              • Burke, Sexton (28 Jul 1944-2011) Rōshi [188][305][306]
                Teacher (Diamond Sangha) at the Sydney Zen Centre, Australia.
              • COOTE, GILLIAN JITSU MU (b. 28 Jul 1944-) Rōshi [71][189][321]
                Received Dharma transmission in Jun 2004 [321]. Teacher at the Sydney Zen Centre, Australia
                Known online teachings by Gillian Coote .
              • Coote Line (6th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
                • Moon, Will (b. 19??-) [423]
                  Since 2019 [458], Apprentice Teacher (Diamond Sangha) at the Sydney Zen Centre, Australia. In Oct 2022 an Apprentice Teacher at the Blue Mountains Zen Group, Lawson [504].

              • Davison, Ellen (b. 19??-) Rōshi [504].
                Student of Subhana Barzaghi Rōshi. Appointed by Subhana Barzaghi, an Assistant Teacher (Sensei) [113]. Received Dharma transmission from Subhana Barzaghi Rōshi some years before 2017 [502]. Resident Teacher (Diamond Sangha) at the Kuan Yin Meditation Centre in Lismore [505]
              • Gluek, Maggie Seiryu (b. 19??-) Rōshi [132][321]
                Teacher (Diamond Sangha) at the Sydney Zen Centre, Australia. Received Dharma transmission in Apr 2015 [321].
              • Farrin, Barry Doshin Kusan (b. 8 Apr 1945-) Rōshi [410][412][466][506].
                Studied Vipassana and Zen meditation since 1984 [412]. Founder of (in Jun 1989) and subsequently Teacher (Diamond Sangha) at the Way of The Forest Empty Mountain Zen Hermitage (formerly, Forest Way Zen), Doonan, QLD, Australia. Appointed a Sensei (Assistant Teacher) in the Diamond Sangha Zen tradition in 2004 [412]. Subhana Barzaghi Rōshi gave him Dharma transmission on 9 Aug 2015 [410].
                Additionally, he was ordained on 8 Mar 2020 "In Soto Zen" at Cooroy, QLD [466] and on 11 Mar 2020 received Dharma transmission "In Soto Zen" from James Ford Rōshi (see Ford Line) [466].
              • MALONEY, PAUL (b. 18 Feb 1939-) Rōshi [123][321]
                Teacher (Diamond Sangha) at the Sydney Zen Centre, Australia. Teacher of the SZC Blue Mountains Zen Group, Lawson [321][504].
              • Maloney Line (6th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
                • Andino, Jane (b. 19??-) Rōshi [509].
                  Pianist and composer. Began Zen practice in 2006. Since 2007, took part in sesshins at the Sydney Zen Centre [424].
                  Since circa Mar 2017 [425], Apprentice Teacher (Diamond Sangha) at the Sydney Zen Centre [411][424], Australia and in the Blue Mountains Zen Group, Lawson [504]. Received Dharma transmission in June 2022 [509].
                • Ward, Jeff Kagetsu Kikai-ken (b. 1954-) Rōshi [385][504]
                  Began Buddhist practice in 1975 and has practised in the Zen tradition since the mid-1980s in Japan and Australia. Received Dharma transmission on 13 Sep 2017. Also on the same day, in parallel with Dharma transmission from P. Maloney, he received Dharma transmission from Subhana Barzaghi (see Barzaghi Line) [385].
                  Teacher (Diamond Sangha) at the Black Mountain Zen Group, Canberra, Australia [385][504].

              • Marett, Alan (b. 19??-) Rōshi [426][427] Received permission [from Subhana Barzaghi?] to teach in 2011 [427]. Was an Assistant Teacher (Diamond Sangha) at the Sydney Zen Centre, Australia [305][321]. Commenced Zen training under Yamada Koun Rōshi in 1976. Later became a student of Robert Aitken Rōshi. Subsequently studied with John Tarrant, Received Dharma transmission from Subhana Barzaghi in 2018 [427]. In 2019 moved to Adelaide [427]. Teacher at the Adelaide Zen Group in Adelaide, South Australia [426].
              • Mayer, Justine Mugen Kai (b. 19??-) Rōshi [501][502]
                General Practitioner who works in Aboriginal Health [501]. Student of Zen under Ellen Davison Rōshi and Subhana Barzaghi Rōshi.[502]. Received Dharma transmission from Subhana Barzaghi Rōshi in 2017 [503]. Teacher (Diamond Sangha) at the Darwin Zen Group, Australia [501]. Member of the International Diamond Sangha Teachers Circle [501].
              • Rankin, Wayne (b. 19??-) Assistant Teacher [478].
                Received permission [from Subhana Barzaghi?] to teach in 20171 [478]. Commenced Zen training under Robert Aitken Rōshi in 1980 in Sydney. Teacher at the Mildura Zen Group [], Mildura, VIC Australia [479].
              • Ward, Jeff Kagetsu Kikai-ken (b. 1954-)
                A student of Subhana Barzaghi Rōshi [385] Assistant Teacher(Sensei) appointed by Subhana Barzaghi [385]. Received Dharma transmission from Barzaghi Rōshi on 13 Sep 2017. Also, on the same day, he received Dharma transmission from Paul Maloney (see Maloney Line) [385][385]..

              end of Barzaghi Line (5th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

            • Bolleter, Ross (b. 18 Jul 1946-) Rōshi
              Also a teacher appointed by Robert Aitken (see Aitken Line) [113].
            • Boughton, Rachel (b. 19??-) Rōshi [313][320]
              Director of the Santa Rosa Creek Zen Center, CA. [313][320]
            • Cardin, Jesse (b. 19??-) Rōshi [430]
              Musician and a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. Teacher at the Alive! Zen, San Antonio, Texas [430]
            • continuation of Tarrant Line (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

            • FORD, JAMES ISHMAEL ZENO MYOUN (b. 17 Jul 1948-) Rōshi [62][129][170][175]
              Also a Soto teacher appointed by Jiyu Kennett Rōshi [129]
              Taught at the Desert Lotus Zen Sangha, US [61][75]. Was an Adjunct Teacher at the Pacific Zen Institute in Santa Rosa, CA. He was the first abbot and is a senior Guiding Teacher of Boundless Way Zen ( [102][164][299][327]. He is the guiding Teacher of Empty Moon Zen ( [464], formerly known as a Blue Cliff Zen Sangha in Long Beach, CA. ( [327].
            • Ford Line (5th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
              • BARTOK, JOSH KEIDO JIYUN MUNEN ROSENTHAL (b. 24 May 1971-) Rōshi [299][341] Since Dec 2020, he "is no longer teaching Zen" [264]
                Received Dharma transmission (Denbo) on 20 Jul 2012. Received Inka Shomei from James Myo'un Ford Rōshi, on 16 Jul 2016 [341]. He is a member of the American Zen Teachers Association and the Soto Zen Buddhist Association. He is a senior Guiding Teacher of Boundless Way Zen. Until Dec 2020 he served as abbot of the Greater Boston Zen Center [299]. "In December 2020, the GBZC board placed him on disciplinary suspension as a result of sexual misconduct and other abuses of power. Soon after, he resigned from all his roles at GBZC" [265].
              • Bartok Line (6th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
                • HARTLAND, KATE KAGEN (b. 9 Dec 1952-) Dharma Holder [327][341]
                  Received Denkai transmission from Josh Mu'nen Bartok, Sensei, on 10 May 2014. Assistant Teacher at Greater Boston Zen Center, Cambridge, MA ( Guiding Teacher of Bright Sea Zen, North Weymouth, MA ( [327]. Member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association ( [435].
                • Hartland Line (7th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
                  • Nelson Julie Myogen Seido (b. 1956-) Dharma Holder [465]; Sensei [535].
                    Received Denkai transmission from Kate Hartland in May 2021 [465]. Since 2020, the Interim Spiritual Director of Greater Boston Zen Center ( [465]. Professor of economics (emeritus) at UMass Boston [465]. On 15 Aug 15 2023 received a full Dharma transmission (Denbo and Denkai) from Myoyu Andersen-Palmer Rōshi. (see Andersen-Palmer Line, within the "White Plum Asanga") [535]

                end of Bartok Line (6th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

              • BLACKER, MELISSA Keidō Myōzen (b. 19 Mar 1954-) Rōshi [174][299][413]
                Received Inka Shomei from James Myo'un Ford Rōshi on 25 Jul 2010. She is a resident at Boundless Way Temple (Mugendo-ji), Worcester, MA (, and a senior Guiding Teacher and the third abbot of Boundless Way Zen ( She is a member of the American Zen Teachers Association and the Soto Zen Buddhist Association [174][175][327]. Wife of David Rynick Rōshi [407].
              • Blacker Line (6th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
                • Cordova, James Myōsan (b. 23 Feb 1966-) [302] Sensei [413]
                  Received Dharma transmission (Denbo) from Melissa Blacker Rōshi on 2 Dec 2016 [413]. Since 2020, Additional Senior Teacher at the Greater Boston Zen Center ( [465]
                • Fitzgerald Diane Ryūdō Shōshin (b. 3 May 1955-) [413] Sensei.
                  Received Dharma transmission (Denbo) from Melissa Blacker Rōshi on 17 Mar 2017 [413]. She is a member of the American Zen Teachers Association and the Soto Zen Buddhist Association [413].
                • Kulakowski Dominik Hōzan (b. 4 Aug 1972-) [413].
                  Received Denkai transmission Melissa Blacker Rōshi on 20 Oct 2017 [413].
                • Waldinger, Robert Ryūdō Tetsumu (b. 1 Mar 1951-) [413] Sensei [404][405].
                  Received Dharma transmission (Denbo) from Melissa Blacker Rōshi on 30 November 2018 [413] and is the Guiding Teacher at Henry David Thoreau Sangha, a Boundless Way Zen in Newton, MA [404].
                  Also, a senior Soto Zen priest (Osho) ordained in 2013. A psychiatrist in charge of a psychotherapy teaching program at Massachusetts General Hospital [405].

                end of Blacker Line (6th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

                continuation of Ford Line (5th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

              • Farrin, Barry Doshin Kusan (b. 8 Apr 1945-) Rōshi [410][412][466].
                Fully-fledged teacher within the Diamond Sangha tradition (see Barzaghi Line). Additionally, ordained on 8 Mar 2020 "In Soto Zen" at Cooroy, QLD [466], and on 11 Mar 2020 received transmission "In Soto Zen" from James Ford Rōshi [466].
              • Gilna, Desmond Keido Gando (b. 26 Nov 1964-) Dharma Holder [386]
                Received Dharma transmission (Denkai) from James MyoÕun Ford Rōshi on 11th March, 2017. He is the Guiding Teacher at the Sacramento Zendo ( [386]
              • Oberholtzer, Edward Keido Sanshin (b. 23 Jan 1952-) Sensei [464].
                Unsui tokudo 2007 [464], Inka Shomei 2013 [464]. Received transmission of precepts (Denkai) and Dharma transmission (Denbo) on 17 June 2021 from James Myo'un Rōshi [464]. He currently serves as Buddhist Chaplain, Bucknell University, Community Minister, Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Susquehanna Valley, and as Guiding Teacher, Joseph Priestly Zen Community ( [464].
              • PHILLIPS, DOUGLAS KEIDO SAN'UN KAISHIN (b. 26 May 1947-) Rōshi [299][314][381]
                Received Lay Denkai transmission on 5 Jan 2013. He also received Dharma transmission in a lay Vipassana tradition from Larry Rosenberg [493]. He is the Guiding Teacher of the Empty Sky Sangha ( [494(1)(2)]. Received the Dharma transmission (Denbo) from James Ford on Dec 20th, 2014 [314]. Received the Inka Shomei transmission from James Ford on May 13th, 2017 [381]. Member of the American Zen Teachers Association ( [315]. Member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association ( [435]. Lic. Clinical Psychologist, Lexington, MA [533].
              • Phillips Line (6th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
                • GATES, MARY KEIDO KOSHIN SHO'UN (b. 5 Dec 1954-) [494(2)] Rōshi [367][403][492]
                  Received lay Denkai transmission from Douglas Phillips Sensei on 28 Oct 2016 [367][494]. An Episcopal priest, clinical social worker and the Guiding Teacher at the Empty Sky Sangha ( [494(2)] in West Cornwall, CT [367][493]. Received Dharma transmission (Denboi) from Douglas Phillips Rōshi on 13 Oct 2018 [367]. Received Inka Shomei from Douglas Phillips Rōshi on 22 Jun 2022 [492].
                • Phillips-Gates Line (7th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
                  • Coghlan, PeggyÊMyoen Jisen Haru'Un (b. 1954-) Rōshi [533]
                    Student of Zen under Rev. Patricia Da'i-En Benage Rōshi at Mt. Equity (Soto) Zendo in Pennsdale, PA (mid-1990s). Ordained Priest (2005) by Rev. Kyoki Roberts (Katagiri Soto Zen Lineage). Head Novice at the Soto Shasta Abbey (2009). Received Dharma Transmission (Shiho) from Kyoki Roberts on 10 Oct 2012. From 2012 onwards studied koans under Dosho Port Rōshi [534]. Received Inka Shomei on 27 Jun 2023 from Douglas Keido Kaishin San'un Phillips Rōshi, and Mary Keido Koshin Sho'un Gates Rōshi [533]. ÊIn July 2023 was Director of the Boisie Zen Center BZC ( (affiliated since 2021 with Flower Mountain Zen FMZ ( [534]. Member Soto Zen Buddhist Association. Registered Physical Therapist [533]. Ê Known teachings:Ê [534].
                • Tanguay, Thomas Keido Kaiju (b. 5 Feb 1946-) [558]
                  Received Lay Denkai (Dharma Holder) transmission on 17 May 2024, from Douglas Phillips, Rōshi [558]. He is the guiding teacher of This Just This Sangha ( in Mount Desert, ME [558].

                continuation of Ford Line (5th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

              • Port, Mike Dosho (b. 1956-) Rōshi [327].
                He "began Soto Zen training with old Katagiri Rōshi in 1977 and worked closely with him [within the Soto Zen tradition] until his death in 1990. Then, [... studied with other] teachers, including Harada Tangen Rōshi [Harada Daiun Sogaku Rōshi's dharma heir] at Bukkokuji in Japan; Daido Loori Rōshi at Zen Mountain Monastery; and finally with James My Myo'un Ford Rōshi" [520]. Sometime before his death in March 1990, Dainin Katagiri Rōshi gave him Dharma transmission (Shiho) [327]. Subsequently, he received Inka Shomei on 23 Jan 2015 from James Myo'un Ford Rōshi. Between Nov 2016 and 2021, he taught at the Nebraska Zen Center in Omaha, where he took over [469] as abbot and head priest from Nonin Chowaney (a Dharma heir of the late Soto Zen master, Dainin Katagiri Rōshi) [376][464][468]. Teacher at "Great Tides Zen" [a website defunct since Jul 2017][470] and at the "Vine of Obstacles: Online Support for Zen Training" ( [519]. Husband of Lisa Tetsugan Zummach Sensei [528]. In the summer of 2021 was the Head Priest/Executive Director of the NZC Board of Directors [522]. Resigned as abbot of the NZC in 2021 to teach full-time at the online "Vine of Obstacles" cyber-sangha, Duluth, Minnesota [464][519]. "As of December 16, 2022, SZBA Full Member, Dosho Port, has been indefinitely suspended from the Soto Zen Buddhist Association for [alleged - tmc] violations of the SZBA Ethics Statement." [516][518]. The SZBA's Board of Directors did not elaborate on the seriousness or nature of these violations [516][517]. On 4 Jan 2023, in response to these concerted acts of commission and omission, three long-term members of the SZBA - Rev. James Myo'un Ford, Empty Moon Zen; Rev. Melissa Myozen Blacker, Boundless Way Zen Temple and Rev. David Shunyo Caruso, Boundless Way Zen Temple have resigned from membership within the Soto Zen Buddhist Association. Resignations emphasised their protest against the "suspension of Dosho Port's membership" [532].
              • ROSS, LANNY SEVAN KEIDO SEI'AN (b. 7 Sep 1951-) Sensei [58][194][464].
                Also holds the Dharma transmission in the Philip Kapleau lineage (see Kapleau Line) bestowed on him in 2001 by Bodhin Kjolhede Rōshi [194].
                Teacher at the Chicago Zen Center in Evanston, IL, US.
              • Ross Line (6th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
                • Sweger, Matt Teshin (b. 11 Aug 1972-) [413] Sensei [464].
                  Ordained September 18, 2004. Dharma transmission October 15, 2016. Currently serves as abbot of the North Carolina Zen CenterÊ(Êand Member of the American Zen Teachers Association ( [464]

              • RYNICK, DAVID DAEAN (b. 26 Nov 1952-) Rōshi [299][327][413]
                Received Dharma transmission from James Myo'un Ford Rōshi on 27 May 2011. He previously received full transmission in the Korean Linji lineage of Seung Sahn from Zen Master George Bomun Bowman [413]. He is a senior Boundless Way Zen Guiding Teacher and is an abbot of Boundless Way Temple (Mugendo-ji), Worcester, MA ( He is a member of the American Zen Teachers Association [299][327]. Husband of Melissa Blacker Rōshi [407].
              • Rynick Line (6th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
                • Fieleke, Michael Shōryū (b. 4 Jan 1970-) [413] Sensei [404][413].
                  Received Dharma transmission (Denbo) from David Rynick Rōshi on 5 January 2019 [406] and is Guiding Teacher for the Morning Star Sangha Boundless Way Zen in Newton, MA [404][413]. Member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association ( [435].
                • Herzog Michael Sokei (b. 1963-) [539] Dharma Holder [538].
                  Received Dharma Entrustment transmission from David Dae An Rynick Rōshi in 2022 [538]. A Zen teacher Ñ "a Dharma Holder in both Soto and Rinzai Zen lineages". An artist who works in Worcester, MA, under his dharma name Sokei [539].
                • Richardson, Alan Sanhyō (b. 2 Oct 1955-) [467] Dharma Holder [467].
                  Received Dharma Entrustment transmission from David Dae An Rynick Rōshi on 22 Oct 2021. Teacher at Sky Flower Zen of Boundless Way Zen [467].

              • Weik, Jay Ryudo Rinsen (b. 1 Jan 1969-) Rōshi [457]
                Received precepts transmission (Denkai) from James Myo'un Ford Rōshi on 4 Jan 2014, and Dharma transmission (Denbo) on 14 Mar 2015, Abbot of the Great Heartland Sangha and the Buddhist Temple of Toledo, member of the American Zen Teachers Association and the Soto Zen Buddhist Association [319]. Received Inka Shomei from James Myoun Ford Rōshi on August 18, 2019 [457].
              • Zummach, Lisa Tetsugan (b. 1970-) Sensei [464].
                Studied various Zen traditions since the mid-1990s. Ordained unsui in the Dainin Katagiri Rōshi (Soto Zen) lineage [521]. Received Dharma transmission (Denkai) from James Myo'un Ford Rōshi on 27 Sep 2017 [521]. Wife of Dosho Port Rōshi [528]. Was a Treasurer (spring 2019, summer 2021) and a Director (summer 2021) of the NZC Board of Directors [522]. Teacher at Vine of Obstacles: Online Support for Zen Training ( cybersanga, Duluth, Minnesota [464].

              end of Ford Line (5th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

              continuation of Tarrant Line (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

            • Gaudry, Guy (b. 19??-) Rōshi [280][320]
              Lead Teacher and Director of the London Zen Centre, in London Ontario ( [280].
            • GRANT, STEVEN "BROWN BEAR BY THE BRIGHT RIVER" [544] (b. 1962-) [543] Rōshi [280][313][320][543]
              Until 2019 a member of Pacific Zen Center [543]. Was, till the covid times (2020-2022), director of then disbanded Rockridge Meditation Community in Oakland, CA [313][320][543]. Since then teaches from his home in Pittsboro, NC [543.]
            • Grant Line (5th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

            • Joseph, Jon (b. 19??-) Rōshi [280][313][320]
              Zen student fort over 40 years. "[A]ttended sesshin at the Zen Center of Los Angeles under Taizan Maezumi Rōshi. After college, he traveled to Kamakura, Japan, where he studied for eight years with Yamada Koun Rōshi at the Sanun Zendo" [549]
              Practice leader for Pacific Zen Institute (PZI) and the Board President [281]. Director and the practice leader of the San Mateo Zen (Portola Camp Zendo) [313][320][549]. and holding teacher for Desert Lotus Zen (Chandler, AZ).
            • Mansfield-Howlett, Rachel (b. 19??-) Rōshi [182][267]
              Received full Dharma transmission and the title Rōshi from John Tarrant in 2009 [267]
              Head Teacher at Santa Rosa City Zen, US. Teacher and at the Desert Lotus Zen Sangha in Phoenix, CO
            • Murphy, Susan Myo Sei Ryu'un An (b. 17 Jun 1950-) Rōshi [62][137]
              Received appointment to teach from John Tarrant in 1998 [322]. On 11 Jun 2001 she received Dharma transmission from Ross Bolleter (see Bolleter Line) and additionally on 24 Jun 2001 she received a parallel Dharma transmission from J. Tarrant [138].
              An Adjunct Teacher at the Pacific Zen Institute in Santa Rosa, US. For other appointments and responsibilities see ("Bolleter Line)
            • Saint, Deborah (b. 19??-) Sensei [259]
            • A teacher at the Desert Lotus Zen Sangha, Phoenix, AZ. and the Pacific Zen Institute [263].
            • Parks, David (b. 19??-) Rōshi [430]
              Teacher at the Bluegrass Zen, Waco, KY [430]
            • Riddle, Michelle (b. 19??-) Sensei [430]
              For many years has "worked for many years in media, including radio, television, and digital" [549]. Lives in San Francisco Bay Area. A PZI teacher and leader of programs in PZIÕs digital temple [549].
            • continuation of Tarrant Line (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

            • SUTHERLAND, JOAN (b. 1954-) Rōshi [36][78]
              Co-founder of and Teacher at the Pacific Zen Institute (PZI), Santa Rosa, guiding Teacher of the Springs Mountain Sangha in Colorado Springs, CO. and a teacher of the Mountain Cloud Zen Center, Santa Fe, US. In 2011, she no longer taught in California nor had a formal connection as a teacher for Mountain Cloud Zen Center, Santa Fe, US. Instead, she is the founder and Head Teacher of Awakened Life in Santa Fe and Holding Teacher for Open Source, a network of communities that includes Wet Mountain Sangha in Pueblo, Colorado and Desert Rain Zen Group in Tucson, AZ. Also, she co-founded the Pacific Zen School [268].
            • Sutherland Line (5th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
              • Bender, Sarah Masland (b. 28 Aug 1948-) Rōshi [222][431]
                Received authorisation to teach from Sutherland Rōshi in 2006 [262]. A resident teacher for the Springs Mountain Sangha in Colorado Springs, CO., and also a Cadet Chapel Buddhist Program Leader at the United States Air Force Academy [222]. A teacher at the Springs Mountain Sangha, Colorado Springs, CO [263][431]. Member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association ( [435].
              • Tenney Nathanson (b. 13 Jun 1946-) Rōshi [542].
                Authorised to teach in Mar 2012 [300][431]. Resident teacher at the Desert Rain Zen ( (part of the Open Source/Pacific Zen School), Tucson, AZ [300][431][542]. Received transmission from both Joan Sutherland Rōshi and Sarah Bender Rōshi, on May 16, 2023 [542]. Member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association ( [435].
              • Palmer, Andrew (b. 5 Aug 1971-) Sensei [300][431].
                He was named a meditation instructor in 2007 and was authorised to teach by Joan Sutherland in Feb 2011. A teacher at the Springs Mountain Sangha ( and Wet Mountain Sangha ( He lives in Colorado Springs, CO [266][269][300][431].
              • Rundel, Megan (b. 19??-) Sensei [431]
                Teacher at the Crimson Gate Meditation Community, Oakland, CA [431]. Member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association ( [435].

              end of Sutherland Line (5th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

            • TERRAGNO, DANIÈL KI-NAY (b. 5 May 1947-) Rōshi [14][99]
              Teacher at the 'Rocks & Clouds Zendo', Sebastopol, CA, US. Also, the visiting Teacher for the Yellow Springs Dharma Centre and the Columbus Zen Corner in Ohio and Buenos Aires, Argentina [109][130]
            • Terragno Line (5th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
              • Parekh, Antoinette Kenjo Shin (b. 1959-) Apprentice Teacher [246].

            • Twentyman, Craig (b. 19??-) Never given the status of an Assistant Teacher, gone independent [31].
            • Weinstein, David Onryu Ko'un (b. 8 Jun 1949-) Rōshi [62][119][236]
              The guiding Teacher of the Oakland Zendo ( of the Pacific Zen Institute. The guiding Teacher of the Fair Oaks Sangha, Menlo Park, CA., an affiliate of the Pacific Zen Institute. A teacher of the Springs Mountain Sangha, Colorado Springs, CO [99][119][236]. Director and teacher at the Rockridge Meditation Community in Oakland [430][549]

            end of Tarrant Line (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

          end of Aitken Line (3rd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

          continuation of Yamada Line (2nd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

        • Adachi, Reiko Houn-an (b. 19??-) [157]
          Teacher at Sobudai Zenkai, Sagamihara-shi, Kanagawa-ken, Japan [157].
        • Adachi, Yukiyoshi (b. 19??-) Zuiun-ken (b. 19??-) [157]
          Teacher at Sobudai Zenkai, Sagamihara-shi, Kanagawa-ken, Japan [157].
        • Ashida, Osamu Shoun-ken[157]
          Teacher at Jiganji, Takat suki-shi, Japan [157].
        • Brantschen, Niklaus Goun-ken Jinshu S.J. (Societas Iesu - the Jesuit Order) (b. 1937-) [473]
          Teacher at the Go Un Zendo, Zurich, Switzerland. Also teaches at the Lassalle-Haus, Bad Schoenbrunn, Switzerland [152].
          Also, authorised to teach by Bernard Glassman Rōshi (see Glassman line), who named him Jinshu (Divine Source) [473].
          In 2003 co-founder, with Sr. Gyger, Pia Ichido Jinji Rōshi, (see the Aitken, Glassman and Brantschen-Gyger (aka Glassman-Lassalle Line [473]).
          the last lineage named after two prominent Zen personages -
          Bernard (Bernie) Baisen Tetsugen Glassman and, in Japan and Europe, Hugo Makibi Enomiya-Lassalle.
        • Dreisbach, Uta RyōÕunn (b. 19??-) [157]
          Teacher at Waldbuettelbrunn, Germany ( [157].
        • Enomiya-Lassalle, Hugo Makibi Aiun-ken SJ (Societas Iesu - the Jesuit Order) (11 Nov 1898-7 Jul 1990) [33][117].
          In Dec 1977 co-founder with Father Viktor Loew (Löw) O.F.M. (see below) of the first European Christian (Catholic) Zen Centre, i.e. "Meditationshaus St. Franziskus - Zen im Franziskaner-Kloster", Dietfurt, Germany ( [361].
        • Fabian, Ludwigis Koun-an (b. 19??-) [157]
          Teacher at Haus der Stille, Aschau-Sachrang, Germany [157]
        • Golez, Lourdes Mila Gyokuun-an (1935-3 Jun 2006) [176]
          Zen Teacher. Member of the St. Katharina Werk Secular Institute in Switzerland. A missionary. Worked in the Philippines [176].
        • HABITO, RUBEN L. F. KEIUN-KEN (b. 2 Oct 1947-) [7]
          In 1988, Ruben received Dharma transmission from Yamada Koun Rōshi. He left the Jesuit order in 1989. In 1991, he founded the lay organization Maria Kannon Zen Center. Husband of Maria Reis-Habito (see below) [297]. Teacher at the Maria Kannon Zen Center, Dallas, TX, US [292]
          Known online teachings by Ruben Habito.
        • Habito Line (3rd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
          • Marcel Leonard Rōshi writes on 23 May 2013: ÒIn December 2012, Ruben Habito gave Dharma transmission to three women.Ó [289]
            [Are these women called Cortes, Nail and Reis?. See the names below - tmciolek, 5 Jun 2013].
          • Benenate, Joe Assistant Zen Teacher (b. 19??-) [293][294]
            Teacher at the Maria Kannon Zen Center, Dallas, TX, US [293].
          • Cortes, Helen Zen Teacher (b. 19??-) [293][294]
            Appointed Assistant Zen Teacher by Ruben Habito in Jun 2006. Confirmed by Yamada Ryoun Rōshi head of the Sanbo Kyodan Lineage. Teacher at the Maria Kannon Zen Center, Dallas, TX, US [293][296].
          • Forstman, Valerie Meiko-an Zen Teacher (b. 19??-) [293][294]
            Practiced Zen under the guidance of Habito Rōshi since 1994. She was named teacher in 2005 by Yamada Ryoun Rōshi, presiding abbot of Sanbo Kyodan, and confirmed in this appointment by Habito Rōshi. Teacher at the Maria Kannon Zen Center, Dallas, TX [293][295].
          • Nail, Lee Ann Kanren-an Zen teacher (b. 19??-) [293][294]
            Received formal transmission from Ruben Habito Rōshi on Dec. 8, 2012. Teacher at the Maria Kannon Zen Center, Dallas, TX, US. Also a teacher at Salem Zen Center, OR [293][298]
          • Reis-Habito, Maria Getsu'un-an Zen teacher (b. 19??-) [293][294]
            Wife of Ruben Habito Rōshi (see above). Teacher at the Maria Kannon Zen Center, Dallas, TX [293].

          end of Habito Line (3rd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

          continuation of Yamada Line (2nd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

        • Harris, Bruce Soun-ken (b. 19??-) [157]
          Teacher at the Zendo des Trois Rivières, France.
        • Hasegawa, Kodo Nyoun-ken (18 Feb 1909 - 5 Nov 1998) [89].
        • Hiyama, Tetsuo Taiun-ken (b. 19??-) [157] Senior Teacher [157]
          Teaches with Kubota Akira Rōshi at The Center for Health Care & Public Concern (Tokyo Kembikyoin Medical Center), Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan [157].
        • + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + CHRISTIAN ZEN TRADITION + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

        • JAEGER (JÄGER), WILLIGIS KOUN-KEN (b. 1925-) (OSB) Rōshi [53].
          Teacher at the Haus St.Benedikt, Wuerzburg, Germany ( [157] On 11 Jan 2009 Willigis Jäger has left the Sanbokyodan and founded a new Zen Lineage [223].
        • Jaeger Line (3rd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
          • Neudecker, Rene (b. 19??-) Assistant Teacher [15].
          • Snela, Bogdan Hi'shin-ken (b. 19??-) Assistant Teacher [223][274].
          • Wansleben, Klaus (b. 19??-) Assistant Teacher [223].
          • Walter, Wolfgang E'un-ken (b. 1948-) Assistant Teacher [274].
          • Zölls, Doris Myoen-an (b. 1954-) Assistant Teacher [223].
            Since 2003, she is the spiritual director (together with W. Jäger) of the Benediktushof Holzkirchen ( [223].

        • Kern, Heidi Hekiun-an (b. 1943-2021). Zen teacher [195][523].
          In 1988, she received from Yamada Rōshi her teaching permission and the dharma name "Heki-un an". "She [...] cared for Yamada Koun during his last months of life" [523]. However, not feeling fully ready to teach Zen, she continued to study with Yamada Rōshi's dharma successors Fr. Ama Samy S.J. and with Gert Lüderitz, from whom she received Dharma transmission in 2020 [523].
        • Kopp, Johannes Houn-ken (b. 1927-)
          Teacher at the Zen-Kontemplation, Bistum Essen, Germany [107]. Teacher at Muhlheim an der Ruhr, Germany ( [157]. Sometime since 2006, Yamada Ryoun appointed him an Associate Zen Master (Junshike) of the Sanbokyodan [223].
          Note: Johannes Kopp is not to be confused with Wolfgang Kopp (b. 1938-), a student and Dharma Successor of Soji Enku Rōshi [26].
        • Loew (Löw), Viktor Yuun-ken (1924-1994)
          He was born in Hungary. Mechanical engineering engineer [361]. In 1967, admitted to the mendicant Franciscan Order (Ordo Fratrum Minorum, O.F.M) in Bavaria [361]. Ordained Catholic priest in 1972 [361]. In Dec 1977 co-founder with Father Hugo Enomiya-Lassalle S.J. (see above) of the first European Christian (Catholic) Zen Centre, i.e. "Meditationshaus St. Franziskus - Zen im Franziskaner-Kloster", Dietfurt, Germany ( [361].
        • Lengsfeld, Peter Choun-ken (1930 -2009?) [50][241]
          [Teacher at Kirchzarten, Germany [157].
        • Loy, David Tetsuun-ken (b. 27 Jul 1947-) [21]
          Teacher at Kamakura-shi, Japan [157] and in Boulder, Co. [*???]
          Known online teachings by David Loy.
        • continuation of Yamada Line (2nd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

        • MACINNES, ELAINE KOUN-AN (b. 2 Mar 1924-) [35]
          Since Nov 1996, Associate Zen Master of the Sanbo Kyodan, Kamakura, Japan.Teacher at Toronto, Ontario, Canada [38][157]
          Known online teachings by Elaine MacInnes [158].
        • MacInnes Line (3rd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
          • Battung, Rosario B. Jochi-an, RGS (b. 1943-) Assistant Teacher [40][157]
            Teacher at "Bahay Ugnayan" (House of Interwoveness), Quezon City, Philippines. Teacher at Philippine Zendo, Provident Village, Marikina, Manila, Philippines [157].
          • Perlas, Antonio (Tony) P. (1938-27 Mar 2002) Assistant Teacher [40][115].
          • Pineda, Maria Teresa (Nenates) Myoun-An (b. 1942-) Rōshi [40][157][276]
            Teacher at Philippine Zen Center, Provident Village, Marikina, Manila, Philippines [157].

        • Meyer, Gundula Zuiun-an (b. 1937-) Shōshike (Rōshi) [157][223][529]
          Teacher at the Ohof Zendo, Germany [157].
        • Monske, Carmen Baika-an (b. 1937-) [157][223]
          Teacher at Madrid, Spain [157] Appointed by Kubota Rōshi to the post of Zen Master (Shoshike) of the Sanbokyodan in 2001 [223].
        • Nakamura, Teizo Kaku'un-ken (b. 19??-) [senior teacher][157]
          Teaches with Kubota Akira Rōshi at The Center for Health Care & Public Concern (Tokyo Kembikyoin Medical Center), Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan [157].
        • Oda, Tsuneo Go'un-ken (b. 19??-) [157]
          Teacher at Suita-shi, Japan [157].
        • Onda, Akira Soun-ken (b. 19??-) Senior Teacher [157]
          [Teaches with Kubota Akira Rōshi at The Center for Health Care & Public Concern (Tokyo Kembikyoin Medical Center), Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan [157].
        • Ostertag, Silvia Rin'un-an (b. 19??-) [157]
          Teacher at Seeg, Germany [157].
        • Punzalan, Sonia Soni-an (b. 19??-)
          Teacher at Santa Ana, Manila Philippines [157].
        • Reiley, Kathleen Seiun-an (b. 8 May 1944-) [68]
          Conducts sesshin at Shimeikutsu (Fr. Lassalle's zendo), and she has a monthly zazenkai at the Maryknoll house in Tokyo. She also does sesshin in Germany and Austria [68]. Teacher at Maryknoll Sisters, Kamakura-shi, Japan [157].
        • RIECK, JOAN JOUN-AN (b. 1936-)
          Teacher at Belen, NM, US [157] Teacher at Albuquerque Sanb™ Kyodan Zen Group [275].
        • Rieck Line (3rd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
          • Shukman, Henry Ryuun-ken (b. 19??-) [274][275]
            Authenticated as a full, independent Zen Teacher of the Sanbo Kyodan during a ceremony with the Abbott, Yamada Ryoun Rōshi, in San Francisco in Aug 2011. Teacher at Mt Cloud Zen Center in Santa Fe and Sandia Zendo (Todd St. Zendo) in Albuquerque, NM [275].

          continuation of Yamada Line (2nd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

          + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + CHRISTIAN ZEN TRADITION + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

        • SAMY, AMA GENUN-KEN [aka Arul Maria Arokiasamy] SJ (Societas Iesu - the Jesuit Order) (b. 1936-)
          Teacher at the Bodhi Zendo, Perumalmalai, near Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu, India [355]. Bodhi Zendo opened on 6 Jan 1996 [355].
          The Bodhi Sangha was established in 1986. With formal separation from Sanbokyodan in 2002, Bodhi Sangha became an independent Zen school [355]. Bodhi Sangha uses the following teacher titles: Sensei, (Associate) Zen Master, Independent Zen Master [355][396].
        • Ama Samy Line (3rd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
          This line is also known as the "Bodhi Sangha Line" [223]

          + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + CHRISTIAN ZEN TRADITION + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

          • BAUBERGER, STEPHAN S.J. (Societas Iesu - the Jesuit Order) (b. 21 May 1960-) Independent Zen master [355][223][336]
            A physicist and Jesuit [356]. Authorized by Ama Samy as Sensei in 2000 and as an Independent Zen master in 2004 [355].
            In 2008, founded together with Franziska Achatz [358] his own Zen school, "Schule des Herzgrundes" [= "School of the Heart"] in Munich, Germany [355]. He has formally separated from Bodhi Sangha in Jul 2009 [355].
            Teacher at the Meditationshauses Dietfurt [223]
          • Stephan Bauberger Line (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
            This line is also known as the "School of the Heart Line".
            • Achatz, Francesca Kyosen Bodaiga Zen master (b. 19??-) [356][357]. Received Dharma transmission from Stephan Bauberger in 2008 [357].
              Doctor of medicine, psychologist [357]. Has studied Zen since 1987, first with Viktor Löw Yuun-ken O.F.M. in Dietfurt, and after his death with Ama Samy S.J. and Stephan Bauberger S.J. [357].
            • Matthias, Stefan (b. 1955-) Sensei [358]
              Protestant pastor and theologian. Since 1999, pastor of the Tabor community in Berlin-Kreuzberg, Germany [358]. Has studied Zen since 198 with several teachers: Seki Yuho Rōshi, Genro Koudela Osho, Joshu Sasaki Rōshi, Prabasha Dharma Rōshi, Rei Shin Sensei, Rolf Drosten Rōshi and others [358]. From 1996 to 2008, a student of Father Ama Samy S.J. [358]. Authorised by Stephan Bauberger as Sensei in May 2009 [358].

          • Fischer, Johannes "Clear Light" Bodhi Ken. (b. 1957-) [355][418]. Gone independent.
            A Catholic (Jesuit) Priest during the years 1983-2007 [418]. A student of Ama Samy since 1997 [359]. Authorized by Ama Samy to teach Zen in 2010 [359]. Authorized by Ama Samy as Sensei with Dharma transmission on 1 Sep 2012 in Germany [355]. Authorized by Ama Samy as Independent Zen Master on 31 Aug 2013 [355]. Before Oct 2018, Johannes Fischer broke away from his Teacher and left the Bodhi Sangha lineage [397].
          • Hooper, Carl "Mysterious Cloud " Bodhi Ken (b. 1943-) Rōshi [355][416][507].
            A student of Ama Samy since 1988 [360]. Authorized by Ama Samy as Sensei with Dharma transmission on 5 Dec 2013 in Australia. Authorized by Ama Samy as Independent Zen Master on 5 Oct 2016 [355]. Also, studied Zen under a" number of Diamond Sangha teachers, especially Subhana Barzargi roshi, Gillian Coote roshi, and Paul Maloney roshi." [507]. Philosopher, wrote a PhD dissertation ('Kōans: the Philosophical Investigations of Zen) at U. of New England, Armidale [507]; the founder and resident teacher of Bodhimount Zendo (, Armidale, NSW, Australia [360].
          • continuation of Ama Samy Line (3rd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

          + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + CHRISTIAN ZEN TRADITION + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

          • LÜDERITZ, GERT (b. 1950-) Independent Zen master [355].

          • Authorized by Ama Samy as Zen master with Dharma transmission on 2 Sep 2016 in Germany [355].

            Gert Lüderitz Line (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
            This line is also known as the "School of the Heart Line".
            • Kern, Heidemarie ("Heidi") Heki-un an Zen teacher (b. 1943- 23 Sep 2021) [523]. Received Dharma transmission from Gert LŸderitz in 2020 [523].
              By profession, a health care and nursing teacher. Interested in palliative care. She was a devout Catholic and a close friend of the author of numerous books and articles on Christian spirituality, especially on meditation aided by the mantra-like "Jesus Prayer" [524], Benedictine Abbot Emmanuel Jungclaussen (1927-2018) OSB of Benediktinerabtei Niederaltaich [523]. Together, they wrote a book, "Individuelle Sterbebegleitung" (Individual Care for the Dying), 2015. Spent a total of 17 years in Japan where studied Zen with Yamada Koun Rōshi. In 1988, she received from him teaching permission and the dharma name "Heki-un an". "She [...] cared for Yamada Koun during his last months of life" [523]. However, not feeling fully ready to teach Zen, she continued to study with Yamada Rōshi's dharma successors, Fr. Ama Samy S.J., "whom she had met in Japan, and with Sogyal Rinpoche, from whom she learned [Tibetan] Buddhist death guidance. After going through all the 600 koans a third time, she received a renewed teaching license from Gert LŸderitz in 2020" [523]
          • Mathew, Cyril Jnana Bodhi Ken (b. 19??-), Fr. SJ (Societas Iesu - the Jesuit Order) Independent Zen master [414]
            Received Dharma transmission by Fr. Ama Samy on 04 February 2018 and appointed as Associated Zen master. [396][397][415]. Authorized by Ama Samy as an Independent Zen master on 30 Aug 2004 in St. Ottilien Archabbey (St. Ottilia's Archabbey), a Benedictine monastery near Eresing, Bavaria, Germany [414].
            Teacher at the Bodhi Zendo, Perumalmalai, near Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu, India [415].
          • Pliske, Angela (b. 1937-) [355].
            Authorized by Ama Samy as Sensei in 2009. She resides in the Czech Republic [355].
          • Strelcyk, Olaf Muyo-ju Bodhi Ken PhD (b. 1978-) [396][417].
            [A physicist and psychologist [417]. Studied Zen under Stefan Bauberger (2001-2008), with Ama Samy since 2008 and, additionally, with Diane Eshin Rizzetto (2009) (see Beck Line) [417]. Authorized by Ama Samy as Associate Zen Master on 21 Sep 2018 in Cincinnati, OH, USA [396]. Authorized by Ama Samy as an independent Zen master on 30 Aug 2019 in St. Ottilien Archabbey (St. Ottilia's Archabbey), a Benedictine monastery near Eresing, Bavaria, Germany [414].

          end of Ama Samy Line (3rd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

          continuation of Yamada Line (2nd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

          + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + CHRISTIAN ZEN TRADITION + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

        • SCHLÜTER RODES ANA MARIA KIUN-AN (b. 7 Apr 1935-) [25]
          Teacher at the Zendo Betania, Brihuega, Guadalajara, Spain [57][157].
        • Schlüter Line (3rd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
          • Arrate Etxenausia, Kepa Kisui (b. 1938-) Sensei [Zen teacher][171].
          • Meneses, Berta Chosui (b. 28 Feb 1945-) Sensei [Zen teacher][25][171].
          • Flores, Pedro Neisui (b. 1940-) Sensei [Zen teacher][57][171].
          • Perez Betran, Jordi (b. 1940-) Assistant Teacher [171].

          continuation of Yamada Line (2nd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

        • Sendo, Shitetsu Shoun-ken (b. 19??-)
        • Shepherd, Paul Choun-ken (b. 1948-) [274]
          Teacher at the Zen-Kokoro, Unterdietfurt (and other locations), Germany. Teacher at Egglen, Endorf, Sigriswil, Switzerland [107][157].
        • STONE ROSELYN SEIUN-AN (b. 1931-)
          Teacher at the Mountain Moon Sangha in Brisbane Australia and Toronto Canada [157].
        • Stone Line (3rd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
          • Bretz, Li-Yea Yang Seiun-an (b. 1960-) Rōshi.
            Received Dharma transmission in Sep 2006. Teacher, the Mountain Moon Sangha, Brisbane. Teacher in the Sanbo Kyodan Zen Society, appointed in 2007 by the Abbot Ryoun Yamada [108][165][205][208]. "On Dec 15th 2015, Bretz, Li-Yea Yang Seiun-an was granted the title of Rōshi by Stone Rōshi. Li-Yea is now the Senior Teacher at Mountain Moon Zen Society in Brisbane." [371].
          • Cam, Garry (b. 19??-) Received Dharma transmission in Sep 2006. Teacher, the Mountain Moon Sangha, Brisbane [165][208].
          • Kennedy, Judy (b. 19??-) former Teacher, the Mountain Moon Sangha, Toronto][165][177][208]
            Stone Rōshi wrote on 4 Dec 2007, "Judy Kennedy is no longer recognized by me as a Successor and has no authority to teach." [208].
          • Dr LANDER, CECILIE GO'EN AN (b. 1948-) [205]
            Teacher at the Brisbane Sun Mountain Zen Community. Formerly, Teacher at the Mountain Moon Sangha, Brisbane. Received Dharma transmission from Roselyn Stone. Teacher in the Sanbo Kyodan Zen Society, appointed in 2003 by the Abbot Ryoun Yamada [108][165][173][208].
          • Cecilie Lander Line (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
            • Wolter, Sue (b. 19??-) Sensei [337].
              Appointed an Assistant Teacher by Cecilie Lander (Go'un ken) on the 8 Jun, 2013 [339]. Zen teacher of Sun Mountain Zen [337].

          • Dr LANDER, MERVYN GO'UN KEN (b. 1944-) [205]
            Teacher at the Brisbane Sun Mountain Zen Community. Formerly, Teacher at the Mountain Moon Sangha, Brisbane. Received Dharma transmission from Roselyn Stone. Teacher in the Sanbo Kyodan Zen Society, appointed in 2003 by Abbot Ryoun Yamada [108][165][173][208].
          • Mervyn Lander Line (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)
            • Hess, Arno Shu'un-Ken (b. 19??-)
              An authorized teacher within the Sanbo-Kyodan Zen Lineage, Japan, since Aug 2012. He facilitates the Samford Zen and Woodford Correctional Centre's Inside Zen groups [283]. Received Dharma transmission from Mervyn Lander (Go'un ken) on 11 Jun 2012. Also, on 11 Aug 2012, Yamada Ryoun Rōshi, Abbot of Sanbo Kyodan, authorised Arno Hess as Zen Teacher (Zen-Kyoshi) in the Sanbo Koydan Zen Society and gave him the teacherÕs name Shu un-ken [282].
            • Wolter, Glen (b. 19??-) [337]. Received Dharma transmission from Mervyn Lander (Go'un ken) on 12 Jun 2013 [338]. Zen teacher of Sun Mountain Zen. [337].

          • Love, Mathew (b. 19??-) Received Dharma transmission in Sep 2006. Teacher, the Mountain Moon Sangha, Brisbane [108][165][208].
          • Millwood, Jan (b. 19??-) Honorary Teacher (she is not to be accepting students)][108][165].
          • Petrovic, Dragan Sekiun-ken (b. 19??-) Received Dharma transmission on 8 Feb 2009. Teacher, the Mountain Moon Sangha, Toronto [165][224].
          • Wilson, Jean (b. 19??-) Received Dharma transmission in Sep 2006. Teacher, the Mountain Moon Sangha, Brisbane [165][208].

          end of Stone Line (3rd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

          continuation of Yamada Line (2nd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

        • Tonoike, Toshio Zenyu Hekiun-ken (b. 1926-) Shōshike (Rōshi) [273][529].
          "Started his Zen practice under YASUTANI HakuÕun Rōshi in 1968. Practiced under YAMADA K#333;un Rōshi from 1971 and became his attendant in 1976. Finished his koan study in 1978. [...] Chief leader of the SanÕun Zendo assembly in Kamakura as well as the leader of his Kanda Zazenkai in Tokyo. In November 2009, appointed Authentic Zen Master (=Shōshike) by the Abbot YAMADA Ryōun Rōshi." [529]. Taught with Kubota Akira Rōshi at The Center for Health Care & Public Concern (Tokyo Kembikyoin Medical Center), Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan [157]

        • USAMI, SHUE REIUN-KEN (b. 19??-) Rōshi [87]
          Teacher at Senkobo, Kuwana-gun, Mie-ken, Japan ( [157].
        • Usami Line (3rd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

        • Yamada, Masamichi Ryōun-ken (b. 1940-) Shōshike (Rōshi).
          Son of Yamada Kōun Rōshi [529]. "At age 16, became a student of Yasutani Rōshi. In 1978, finished koan study under KōÕun Rōshi. In1985, dharma transmitted from KōÕun Rōshi and appointed Authentic Zen Teacher" (=Shōshike) [529]. Assisted Kubota Rōshi in directing the Sanbo Kyodan Zen community. Abbot of the Sanbo Kyodan Zen since Oct 2004. Teaches at the San'un Zendo in Kamakura, Japan [157][160][208].

        end of Yamada Line (2nd generation of teachers since YASUTANI Rōshi)

    end of Harada-Yasutani Line

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    Updates and corrections to this page have been kindly provided by:

    Nicholas Aalders Rōshi, Gretha Myoshin Aerts Rōshi, Paul Gyodo Agostinelli, Robert Aitken Rōshi, Tom Aitken, Robert Joshin Althouse Sensei, Barbara Alzinger, Bryan Andersen, Michael J. Andrechak, Avelino de Pablo Aragon, Kathryn Argetsinger, Arul Maria Arokiasamy (Ama Samy) S.J., Rōshi, Lance Ashdown, Allison Atwill Sensei, Bill Atwood, John Muju Bannon, Matthew Barram, Alison Barrows Ronn, Doug Bates, Laren Hogen Bays, Chris Bell, Sarah Bender Sensei, Illana Berger Rōshi, Charles Birx Sensei, Frances Mitra Bishop Sensei, Bruce Seiryu Blackman Sensei, Joseph Bobrow Rōshi, Thomas Bolling, John Bretz, Daniel Kousen Bruner, Prof. Peter Bruza, Charley Burns, Ray Cicetti Sensei, Richard Clarke, Marc Colbeck, Andrew Codispoti, Dr Christopher Collingwood Sensei, Kim Collins, Margo Conover, Paul Cooper, Tammy Coppens, Gillian Coote Sensei, Mary Yugen Courtney, Tina Cuyugan, Alexander Cox, Berry Crawford, Ellen Davison Sensei, Deguchi Tetsujyo Rōshi, Pierre Delmas, Ven. Timothy Denton Sensei, Caroline DeVane, Frank Michael Diaz Sensei, Per Drougge, Wlodzislaw Duch, David Dunley, Kennyo Dunn, Zarah M. Earles, Panos Economopoulos, Hubert Edin Rōshi, Robert Ertman Sensei, Rev. Barry FarrinÊRōshi, Michael Fieleke Sensei, Kirk Fisher Sensei, Prof. Matt Fisher, Peter Fisher, James I. Ford Rōshi, Nelson Foster Rōshi, Cecil Fuerch, John Gage Sensei, Daniel Gallagher, Peter Gallagher, Gregg Garfin, Mary Gates Rōshi, Kevin Paul Geiman, Jennifer Gentle, Paul Gerstein, Bernard Glassman Sensei, Alasdair Gordon-Finlayson, Steven Grant Rōshi, Adam Green, Steve Griffin, Ruben Habito Rōshi, Iris Hagemann-Schimitzek, Dr James Haines, Michael Jikai Doko Hatchett, Pat Hawk Rōshi, Matt Hellige, Leslie Herzfeld, Arno Hess Kyoshi, Arlette Hitz, Chris Hoff, Hogen NN, John Edward Hoag Holmgren, Steven van der Hut, Lou Anne Jaeger, Mary Jaksch Rōshi, Joan Yamaguchi, Jeffrey Jongeward, Robert Joyner Rōshi, Rev. Paul Genki Kahn Rōshi, Rev. Monika GenmitsuÊKahn Rōshi, Daniel Kaplan, Vladimir Keremidschieff, Per Kielland-Lund, Bill Kish, Adam Knowles, Juhani Korhonen, Joe Koudelka, Arne Krüger, A. J. (Rusty) Kuntze II, Stuart Lachs, Michael Ladach, Rich Lafferty, Richard Lechner, Derek LeDayn, Shuna Lennon, Miguel Leon, Ed Kenzan Levin, Ernie Lim, David Longerbeam, John Daido Loori Sensei, Albert Low Sensei, David Loy, Susan Lutzke, Philippe Lyons, Susan McCallum, Karen McCormack, Barry Magid, Sarah Malzone, Leonard Kansho Shi'un Marcel Rōshi, Jeremy Marshall, Jason Martin, John Miller, Jan Millwood, Joseph L. Montani, Len Moskowitz, Susan Murphy Rōshi, Tenney Nathanson Rōshi Carol Neese, Craig Daiken Nelson, Julie Seido Nelson Sensei, Steven E. Newton, Ake Nordebrand, Rosemary O'Connell, Pat Enkyo O'Hara Rōshi, William OÕNeil, Edward Keido Sanshin Oberholtzer, Kurt Oberndorfer, Regina Oberndorfer, Karin Odland, Michel Oltheten,, Peter A. Ott, Nicholas A. Ottavio, Andrew Palmer Sensei, Martine Palmiter Sensei, Adam Payne, Ramon Pedrosa, Douglas Keido Kaishin San'un Phillips Rōshi, Ann Pirruccello Rōshi, Bill Press, Dharman Craig Presson, Wayne Rankin, Al Rapaport Sensei, Steve Reese, Timon Reichl, Fredrik Renander, Mari Rhydwen Rōshi, Rex Robertson, Marianne Roche, Roland R. Ropers, Scott Ruplin, Bob Ryan, Timothy St. Onge Sensei, Greg Sanders, Peter Schmid, Cam Scott, Kate Sheridan, Jeff Seul Sensei, Steve Sidner, Michael Sierchio, Mushin Slawek, Stephen Slottow, Elihu Smith Sensei, Carol Spooner, Dr Michelle Spuler, Dr Manfred Steger, Jonathan Steinhart, Kees Steeneken, Dr Sei'un An Roselyn Stone Rōshi, Joan Sutherland Rōshi, Dr Lynda Swaddling, Tommy Tabatowski, Sr. Madeleine Tacy Sensei, John Tarrant Rōshi, Daniel Terragno Rōshi, Angela Thelen, Dr Will Tuladhar-Douglas, Thayer Kyusan Case, Robert Todd, Mark Vetanen, Laura S. Wallace, Jeff Ward Kagetsu Kikai-ken Sensei, Watt Malcolm, David Weinstein Rōshi, Gerry Wick Rōshi, Peter Wicke, Bruce Wilson, Chris Wilson, Jeff Wilson, Marcel Wolbers, John B. Wolff Sensei, Gregory Wonderwheel, Michael Zickar and Michael Zimmerman Sensei.

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