Suggested citation format:
Ciolek, T. Matthew. 1995-present. Harada Sogaku, Kuroda-Osaka-Maezumi & Harada-Yasutani Schools of Zen Buddhism and their Teachers (formerly Sanbo Kyodan: Harada-Yasutani School of Zen Buddhism and its Teachers). Canberra: - Asia Pacific Research Online.

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Harada Sogaku, Kuroda-Osaka-Maezumi & Harada-Yasutani Schools of Zen Buddhism
References & Footnotes number 001-200

Est.: 13 Apr 1995.
This document is an integral part of the Harada Sogaku, Kuroda-Osaka-Maezumi & Harada-Yasutani Schools of Zen Buddhism page.
Both documents form a subsection of the Zen Buddhism section of the Buddhist Studies WWW Virtual Library.

Edited by Dr T. Matthew Ciolek

This document aims to provide comprehensive, factual, cumulative and reasonably up-to-date information about the Harada Sogaku, Kuroda-Osaka-Maezumi and Harada-Yasutani schools of Sōtō-Rinzai Zen Buddhism. Any updated information, corrections or comments will be appreciated.

A Work in Progress - tmc


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References & Footnotes number 001-200

[1] O'Halloran Maura. 1995. Pure Heart, Enlightened Mind - The Zen Journal and Letters of an Irish Woman in Japan. London: Thorsons - an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers.
[2] Tworkov (1989:25) [Tworkov, Helen. 1989. Zen in America: Profiles of Five Teachers. San Francisco: North Point Press.]
[3] Tworkov (1989:37)
[4] Augusto Alcalde, personal communication, Jul 1991.
[5] Subhana Barzaghi, personal communication, Apr 1991. She has received full transmission 9 Mar 1996.
[6] Robert Todd, email, Apr 1994.
[7] Ruben Habito, personal communication, May 1995. Rex Robertson, email, Feb 1997
[8] Kapleau (1980:285-288) [Kapleau, Philip (Ed.). 1980. The Three Pillars of Zen. Garden City: Anchor Books/ Doubleday.]
[9] Mind Moon Circle, Summer 1989 p.23, Michael Ladach, email, Feb 1998.
[10] Date of birth after Maezumi, in Yamada (1979:x), date of death after Fr A.Samy Aug 1990.
[11] Jaffe Paul. 1996. Translator's Introduction, pp. xvii-xxxvi. In: Yasutani Hakuun. 1996. Flowers fall - a commentary on Dogen's Genjokoan. Shambhala: Boston and London.
[12] Yamahata (1991)
[13] John Tarrant, personal communication, Sep 1991.
[14] Danièl Terragno, personal communication, Mar 1996.
[15] The following corrections have been requested by Roselyn Stone Roshi: deletion of asterix next to Enomiya-Lasalle; - change of name from Makamura to Nakamura; move of "several apprentice teachers" from underneath Kopp to Jaeger; change of term from "apprentice teachers" to assistant teachers; Neudecker has been moved to underneath Jaeger, and given an asterix to denote assistant teachership under him. Src: Michelle Spuler, email, Nov 1995
[16] Steve Griffin, email, Feb 1996.
[17] "I never got first person mail back from Tetsugen Glassman about the transmission to Lex Hixon, but the most recent issue of _Mountain Record_ mentions that it was in fact given, at the memorial service'. And the lineage chart published in Hixon's last book, _Living Buddha Zen_ (Larson, 1995) shows his place in the lineage and gives his Dharma name.", Dharman Craig Presson, email, 13 Mar 1996.
[18] Src: Prairie Zen Center Home Page
[19] C.G. Fraser was given hoshi (dharma holder, 'apprentice teacher') status on Dec 25, 1995. Src: John B.Wolff, email, Mar 1996
[20] Joe Bobrow became a full roshi in a transmission ceremony conducted by R.Aitken in June 1997. Scott Ruplin, email, Jul 1997
[21] David Loy, email, Apr 1996
[22] Deguchi Tetsujyo Roshi, email, Jun 1996
(Deguchi Roshi received dharma transmission in 1983)
[23] Stephen Slottow, email, Jun 1996
[24] Frances Mitra Bishop, email, Mar 1997, Apr 1997, Jan 1998, Apr 2000. Ordained a Zen Buddhist priest in November, 1986.
[25] Avelino de Pablo Aragon, email, Aug 1996
[26] Kopp, Wolfgang. 1994. Free Yourself of Everything - Radical Guidance in the Spirit of Zen and Christian Mysticism. Boston, Rutland, Vt., Tokyo: Charles E.Tuttle Co.
[27] John Muju Bannon, email, Oct 1996
[28] Charley Burns, email, Nov 1996
[29] Robert Joshin Althouse, email, Nov 1996
[30] Paul Gerstein, email, Dec 1996
[31] Vladimir Keremidschieff, email, Jan 1997
[32] Elihu Smith, email, Feb 1997
[33] Enomiya-Lassalle Hugo Makibi (13 Nov 1898-7 Jul 1991). Date of birth is stated after Enomiya-Lassalle (1988:149). In Enomiya-Lassalle (1990:10) the day of birth is given as 11th of November. The date of death is after Kadowaki (1990:136-138)
[34] 'Maitai Zendo News', Nelson NZ. Jul 1996 v.1 No 2. Bolleter received full transmission 9 Feb 1997
[35] Elaine MacInnes, Roshi. Born in Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada, on 2 Mar 1924. The name 'Koun-an' means 'The Cloud of Light Hermitage'. In August of 1980 Sister Elaine completed her koan study in Japan, and along with Rev. Enomiya-Lassalle S.J., was given the title "Roshi" by Yamada Roshi. Src: 'The Three Jewels, a Memorial Book', 1986. Zen Center for Oriental Spirituality in the Philippines. Ernie Lim, email, Mar 1997
[36] Michael Sierchio, personal communication, Mar 1997
[37] Charles Birx, email, Mar 1997, May 1997, Aug 2000; Charles Birx, email, Mar 1998 wrote: 'On March 27th [1998] Charles Shinkai Birx and Ellen Jikai Birx became dharma successors of Roshi Robert Jinsen Kennedy, S.J. in the lineage of the White Plum Asanga.'
[38] Tina Cuyugan, email, Mar 1997
[39] "csjp" in Sensei Richardson's name stands for 'Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace'.
[40] Zen Center for Oriental Spirituality in the Philippines. 1996. 'This Very Mind, The Zendo'. Marikina, Manilla: ZCOSP.
[41] Leslie Herzfeld, email, Apr 1997
[42] Manfred Steger, email, May 1997
[43] Patrick Kearney, personal communication, Jul 1990.
[44] Contradicting Philip Kapleau's emphatic views on the issue [as represented by Mitra Bishop, emails, Mar/Apr 1997] Richard Clarke, email, 8 Jun 1997 wrote: '... The expression "no implicit or explicit connection to Kapleau..." is unclear. I received Transmission from him along with Toni Packer, Sonja Kjolhede, Sunyana Graef and others in 1976. All this is documented. If you wish to communicate with me on this, my e-mail address is'.
On 21 Jul 1997 R. Clarke wrote: 'Dear Dr. Ciolek: Please correct the entry for me in your Harada-Yasutani lineage, so that it is more acccurate. Instead of "sometime student" please state "was student and disciple of Philip Kapleau for 14 years, from 1967 to 1980, and received Transmission in November 1976." Philip Kapleau cannot deny this. There were certain, from my viewpoint, petty differences between PK and myself, but he cannot deny the above, though what he says about not being ordained by him nor given formal permission to teach is true. I have been teaching many Zen students in our Living Dharma Sangha and have validated the kensho of some and given Transmission to a few. We have a very vital Sangha which emphasizes the core of Zen, beyond the distractions of robes and titles, following the example and inspiration of the great T'ang and other Masters of the past.'
On 16 Jan 1998 Lou Anne Jaeger wrote: 'The quote from Richard Clarke regarding his transmission in 1976 is certainly inaccurate. He states that he received transmission from Roshi along with Sunya Kjolhede, among others. Sunya Sensei received transmission in August of 1995. I attended the ceremony.'
[45] Jack Duffy became a full roshi in a transmission ceremony conducted by R.Aitken on 20 June 1997. Scott Ruplin, email, Jul 1997.
[46] In June 1997 Thomas Bolling has supplied the following extract from "Northwest Dharma News", vol. 9, no. 6, June/July 1997, p. 21: "Jack Duffy began practicing Zen in 1972 after reading "The Three Pillars of Zen" and Gary Snyder's "Earth Household." He started working with Aitken Roshi in 1981 and began teaching at Three Treasures Sangha in Seattle five years ago. Jack has also studied and spent time in Europe with Joan Rieck and Thich Nhat Hahn.
Coincidentally, Jack's spouse and partner, Eileen Kiera, was acknowledged as a dharma heir by Nhat Hahn in 1990. She leads groups throughout the greater Northwest. Eileen and Jack have been collaborating with others in starting the Mountain Lamp Community, a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating a rural practice center in the Pacific Northwest to support people practicing meditation and mindfulness. They have recently purchased 40 acres of land approximately 20 miles east of Bellingham.
Jack brings his roles of spouse, father and psychotherapist, as well as years of endangered species work and wilderness wanderings, to his teaching of Zen Buddhism in the line of Robert and Anne Aitken and the Diamond Sangha.
[46] J.Duffy's date of birth was kindly provided by Thomas Bolling, email, Dec 1997.
[47] M. Danan Henry's date of birth was kindly supplied by Joe Koudelka, email, Aug 1997
[48] Data after
[49] Data after
[50] Date of birth supplied by Kurt Oberndorfer, email, Oct 1997
[51] Data after Ordinary Mind Zen School Teachers and Centers
[52] Dates of birth supplied by Jonathan Steinhart, email, Dec 1997
[53] Year of birth supplied by Donagh O'Shea, email, Dec 1997
[54] Charles Birx, email, Jan 1998 wrote that that inka was conferred upon Kennedy Sensei and upon Richardson Janet Jinne on 30 Dec 97 by Tetsugan Glassman Roshi thus elevating Kennedy and Richardson to the status of Roshi.
[55] "On June 28, l998 Rosalie Jishin McQuaide became dharma successor of Roshi Janet Jinne Richardson, csjp in the lineage of the White Plum Asanga" - Charles Birx, email, Jun 1998.
[56] Sunya Sensei received transmission in August of 1995. Src: Lou Anne Jaeger, email, Jan 1998
[57] Miguel Leon, email, Jan 1998 writes that Pedro Flores became an assistant teacher on 6 Jan 1998, and that Ana Maria Schlüter's address is: Apartado 20, 19400 Brihuega, Guadalajara, Spain.
[58] Will be given authority to teach (S. Ross on 24 Jan 1998, S.Poromaa on 11 Mar 1998) - Src: Sangha newsletter of the Rochester Zen Center, Jan 5, 1998 cited by Francis Mitra Bishop Sensei, email, Jan 1998. Developments confirmed by Greg Sanders, email, May 1998.
[59] Craig Daiken Nelson, email, Jan 1998.
[60] Kim Collins, email, May 1998.
[61] James Ishmael Ford, email, Sep 1998.
[62] Robert Aitken Roshi, email, Oct 1998.
[63] Mary Jaksch, email, Dec 1998.
[64] Jennifer Gentle, email, Dec 1998, quoting Sallie King (p.513-524) in: Lopez, Donald S. Jr. (ed.) 1995. Buddhism in Practice (Princeton Readings in Religions). Princeton: Princeton University Press.
[65] Rosemary O'Connell, email, Feb 1999 "Robert E. Kennedy, SJ Roshi...has asked that you list Sr. Janet Richardson as his first Dharma successor, Charles Birx and second and Ellen Birx as third."
[66] URL provided by Jeffrey Jongeward, email, Apr 1999.
[67] J.C.S. Bay's date of birth was kindly supplied by Laren Hogen Bays, email, Apr 1999.
[68] Sr. Kathleen Reiley Sei-un's date of birth, and other details, were kindly supplied by Ramon Pedrosa, email, May 1999.
[69] P.B.Kjohelde's date of birth was kindly supplied by Jeff Wilson, Tricycle: The Buddhist Review, email, Jul 1999.
[70] Steve Rese, email, Jul 1999 "During our archiving work, our attention was caught by several hand written documents of Yasutani Hakuun Roshi. One in particular (dated 12 Nov. 1972) contains the entire Dharma lineage through Dogen back to Shakyamuni Buddha and establishes Brigitte (Koun-An) D'Ortschy Roshi as one of Yasutani Roshi's Dharma sucessors. Considering this, and also that there seem to be no documents that she is the Dharma sucessor of Yamada Koun Roshi we feel that it would be appropriate to correct this widespread misunderstanding."
[71] An appointment on 10 Sep 1999 by S. Barzaghi Roshi, with approval and encouragement by Robert Aitken Roshi. Src: Mind Moon Circle, Spring 1999. Date of birth's details, Gilly Coote, personal communication, Mar 1990.
[72] In the late 1999, the California Diamond Sangha's resident teacher, John Tarrant, took the group out of the Diamond Sangha's framework. Src: Aitken, Robert. Nov 8 1999. "To the Newsletter of the California Diamond Sangha from Aitken Roshi". Reprinted in: Sydney Zen Centre Newsletter, Dec 1999-Jan 2000, p.7.
[73] Details of M. Poromaa's DOB, as well as the URLs of the Stockholm and Helsinki Zen centers were kindly supplied by Per Drougge, email, Jan 2000.
[74] 'Diamond Sangha Teachers Circle Open Letter to John Tarrant', dated 16 Dec 1999 and signed by Robert Aitken, Augusto Alcalde, Subhana Barzaghi, Gillian Coote, Jack Duffy, Nelson Foster, Pat Hawk, Danan Henry, Michael Kieran, Leonard Marcel, and Marian Morgan. Reprinted in: 'Sydney Zen Centre Newsletter', Feb-Mar 2000, pp. 4-5 [, 1.5 MB].
[75] 'Pacific Zen Institute Newsletter' (formerly California Diamond Sangha Newsletter), Feb-Mar 2000.
[76] Peter Bruza, email, Mar 2000.
[77] - a marker for a disused reference and source material.
[78] On 20 Apr 2000 Joan Sutherland emailed T.M.Ciolek: "In my listing, I would appreciate it if you would list me as co-founder of Pacific Zen Institute, guiding teacher of the Springs Mountain Sangha in Colorado Springs, and a teacher of the Mountain Cloud Zen Center in Santa Fe. I would also appreciate it if you would use for me, as you do for others, my title of Roshi."
[79] "In November 1999 I received Dharma Transmission from Charlotte Joko Beck of the San Diego Zen Center. I am currently the Zen Teacher at The Ordinary Mind Zendo in New York City. Further information (beyond my having been born 19 XII1949) and selected Dharma talks are available at the zendo website:", Barry Magid, email, May 2000.
[80] May 2000 URLs supplied by Per Kielland-Lund, email, May 2000.
[81] Rachel Howlet, PZI, email May 2000.
[82] Chris Wilson, PZI, in the email of 14 June 2000 wrote: "In December of 1999, the Board of Directors of the California Diamond Sangha voted to separate from the Diamond Sangha. [81] Robert Aitken acknowledged the separation as amicable and as based on increasing differences in teaching philosophy. [72] Subsequently, The Diamond Sangha Teacher's Circle strongly criticized John Tarrant for failing to utilize Teacher's Circle procedures to address the serious grievances of a group of his former students that had been pending for more than two years [74]. The California Diamond Sangha, since renamed the Pacific Zen Institute, having previously offered internal sangha grievance procedures, has more recently proposed the grievances be processed in a neutral forum by respected members of the larger Buddhist community, but no agreement had been reached as of June 2000."
[83] Ian Sweetman was authorised to teach on 20th Oct 2000. Src: "Zen Group of W.A. Newsletter, Oct-Nov 2000."
[86] "On Dec 17, 2000 Janet Jiryu Abels became Dharma successor of Roshi Robert Jinsen Kennedy, SJ." - Charles Birx, email, Dec 2000.
[87] Per Drougge, email, Jan 2001; and
[89] dates DOB & DOD after Bryan Andersen, email, Feb 2001
[92] "On 6/28/01 Bruce Blackman became an assistant teacher under Janet Jinne Richardson." - Charles Birx, email, Jun 2001.
[93] Robert Aitken, email, Aug 2001.
[94] Barry Magid, email, Aug 2001.
[95] Rosemary O'Connell, email, Aug 2001.
[96] Sangha News (, Zen Group of Western Australia Newsletter, Jul-Aug 2001.
[97] Charles Birx, email, Aug 2001.
[98] "Zen River" (, email, Aug 2001.
[99] David Weinstein's DOB and information that Daniel Terragno received transmission in January 2001 - David Weinstein, email, Oct 2001.
[100] "Augusto Alcalde has officially left the Diamond Sangha [around April/March 2001]. He's also given up the title 'roshi.' [..] and has basically stopped teaching except for his annual visits to Melbourne. He visits in the early part of the year to do a residential sesshin and in mid-year to do a non-residential intensive. Both seem quite popular. Other than that, he doesn't teach at all, not even in Argentina.", Vladimir Keremidschieff, email, 28 Oct 2001.
[101] DOB provided by Peter Gallagher, email, 19 Oct 2001.
[102] James Ford, email, 29 Nov 2001.
[103] Zarah M. Earles, email, 28 Nov 2001.
[104] URL provided by Doug Bates, email, 12 Dec 2001.
[105] S. Barragato and L. Paquin's dates of birth provided by James Ford, email, 14 Dec 2001. Also acc. to the source, L. Paquin received denkai transmission from S. Barragato.
[106] URL provided by Peter Bruza, email, 06 Dec 2001.
[107] URL provided by Hubert Edin, email, 24 Jan 2002.
[108] URL provided by Jan Millwood, email, 22 Jan 2002.
[109] Daniel Terragno, email, 11 Feb 2002: "I am sending you some update information about my teaching endeavors and affiliations. I am a member of the Diamond Sangha Teachers Circle even though my teacher John Tarrant resigned from it. I did get full transmission on January 26, 2001 and I started teaching as an apprentice teacher 9-11-95 [this means, most likely, 11 Sep 1995 - ed.]. I live and teach at Rocks & Clouds Zendo in Sebastopol, Ca. (618 South Main St.). I am also the visiting teacher for the Yellow Springs Dharma Centre and the Columbus Zen Corner in Ohio and in Buenos Aires, Argentina."
[110] Robert G Joyner, email, 17 Apr 2002.
[111] Formerly Fletcher Saunders. Src: Tommy Tabatowski, email, 08 Apr 2002.
[112] Tammy Coppens, email, 08 Apr 2002.
[113] "Michael Kieran. ... As you know, Michael stepped out of active practice for a number of years. He eventually resumed practice with me, and in September, 1999, I named him a teacher (using the title 'Dharma guide'). Honolulu Diamond Sangha then asked him to teach and installed him on November 17, 1999. Since that time, we've been sharing teaching responsibilities there." Nelson Foster, email, 19 Apr 2002.
[114] Regina Oberndorfer, "Sanbo-Kyodan has newly established a Homepage: ", email, 14 May 2002.
[115] DOD as stated by
[116] "On Thursday, June 27, 2002 Barbara Shoshin Craig, RSM became dharma successor of Roshi Janet Jinne Richardson, csjp in the lineage of the White Plum Asangha." Charles Birx, email, 29 Jun 2002.
[117] "I have edited 7 of Lassalle's German books and was his disciple for 13 years. Bede Griffiths was my spiritual master who finally initiated me. Lassalle was born on November 11 (not 13) 1898 and died on July 7, 1990 (not 1991)." Roland R. Ropers, email, 27 Jun 2002.
[118] "Please note that on the Diamond Sangha Home Page, Teacher's Roster, Dr. Leonard Marcel is still listed as apprentice. It is my understanding that he is now Roshi." Susan Lutzke, email, 19 Jun 2002.
[119] DOB and other details supplied by David Weinstein, email, 18 Aug 2002.
[120] Berry Crawford, email, 17 Oct 2002.
[121] "Please note that I have given Dharma Transmission to Margaret Ne-Eka Barragato, Sensei on August 3, 2002." Stefano Barragato, email, 5 Oct 2002.
[122] "Dear Mr. Ciolek, My new address is: Friedhofstr. 1a 51789 Lindlar [Germany - ed.] Kind regards Rolf Drosten." Rolf Drosten, email 30 Sep 2002.
[123] Src: Barzaghi, Subhana. 2002. New Apprentice Teacher in the Diamond Sangha. Sydney Zen Centre Newsletter, Nov-Dec 2002, p.1-2.
[124] Src: Matt Hellige, email, 22 Nov 2002.
[125] Src: Margo Conover, email, 10 Dec 2002. See also
[126] Src: Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, Bronx NY, Weekly Newsletter, Oct 11-12, 2002.
[127] Src:
[128] "On December 15, 2002 Raymond Cicetti became an assistant teacher under Roshi Robert Kennedy." Charles Birx, email, 29 Dec 2002.
[129] "Regarding my listing at the HY [Harada-Yasutani] page. It might be appropriate to note my Dharma transmission from Jiyu Kennett. And also John [Tarrant] considers my authorization from him to be as a teacher not an assistant teacher." James Ishmael Ford, email, 31 Dec 2002.
[130] Src: This link was kindly provided by John Edward Holmgren, email, 22 Apr 2003.
[131] "Hello Dr. Ciolek, In the listing you have of me you have as a teacher in Pacific Zen Institute. I do not teach there, my connection with them is practically nul except that I am an heir of John Tarrant. I am a member of Diamond Sangha Teachers Circle", Daniel Terragno, email, 11 May 2003.
[132] In late July 2003 (Tue?, July 29th?) Maggie Gluek is named as Assistant Zen Teacher at the Sydney Zen Center. Src: Gilly Coote, personal communication, 1 Aug 2003.
[133] "Please note I have done my best to be accurate, but the details as posted here have not been double checked by any of the individuals concerned.
1. Forest Way Zen - Practice Leader: Barry Farrin, a highly qualified Relationship Counsellor. An offshoot of the original Brisbane Zen Group and the longest running Zen Group in Queensland (actually older than the Sydney Zen Group). Located at Doonan on the Sunshine Coast. Farrin is a student of Subhana Barzaghi and has studied with Robert Aitken, Roselyn Stone (first kensho), Jeff Dawson and Kwang Myong Sunim (12 mnths residence in her Brisbane Korean temple). Has close ties with Greg Howard's Ordinary Mind Zen School in Brisbane (Greg received permission to teach from Joko Beck). Barry came to Zen through martial arts practice. Wife Marie Farrin, also an experienced zen student. [info from newsletters and Sesshin flyer sources and interviews with Barry].
2. Bob Joyner received transmission from Ross Boleter on July 20 2003 (AZG special issue of newsletter) [he introduced me to zen in 1988]." Name Witheld, email, 22 Sep 2003.
[134] Iris Hagemann-Schimitzek, email, 30 Nov 2003,
[135] "Nico Sojun Tydeman has received Dharma Transmission from Genpo Merzel Roshi during the 'Big Mind'-retreat (januari 4th 2004 - januari 18th 2004) in the Netherlands, thereby becoming one of his Dharma successors." Steven van der Hut, email, 18 Jan 2004,
[136] "greetings dr. ciolek, i deeply appreciate your maintaining the current Sanbo Kyodan lineage on the web. i noticed that you are missing one of joko's heirs. his name is ezra bayda. he received transmission a few years ago, and he current teaches at the san diego zen center with joko and his wife elizabeth hamilton (also a successor of joko's, as you noted in your page). he is also the author of "being zen", published a year or two ago by shambala." Bill Press, email, 28 Jan 2004.
[137] DOB and other details supplied by Susan Murphy, email, 4 Apr 2004.
[138] Susan Murphy, email, 4 Apr 2004.
[139] "That Kapleau never received Dharma transmission was exposed in a public letter from Yamada roshi dated, 1/16/86. Koun Yamada was Yasutani roshi's Dharma heir. He became the leader of the Sanbokyodan school of Zen started by Yasutani. Also see the public letter from Mr. Kapleau to Yamada, dated 2/17/86. I have copies of these letters. If some one would like copies, please email me at:" Stuart Lachs. 2002. Richard Baker and the Myth of the Zen Roshi, section on "The Zen Institution". (see also
[140] "I just noticed that Mary Jaksch of the Maitai Zendo was recently made Roshi by Ross Bolleter. There's a reference to the ceremony on their website." Hoag Holmgren, email, 16 Apr 2004. See also's%20transmission.html
[141] Mary Jaksch's DOB is based on
[142] "On April 17, 2004 Kevin Jiun Hunt became a Dharma successor of Roshi Robert Jinsen Kennedy, SJ.", Charles Birx, email, 18 Apr 2004.
[143] "Please note: Abels, Janet Jiryu is Roshi Kennedy's 4th Dharma successor. Hunt, Kevin Jiun is Roshi Kennedy's 5th Dharma successor." Charles Birx, email, 19 Apr 2004.
[144] Peter Bruza, email, 6 May 2004, and
[147] "Philip Kapleau passed away last Thursday (the 6th of May) [2004]. A friend told me he was sitting in his wheelchair in the garden in Rochester and passed quietly." Scott Ruplin, email, 9 May 2004, and "Founder of local Zen Center dies at 91" at
[148] "Ross Bolleter Roshi transmitted Robert Joyner Roshi on 20th. July, 2003. Regards, Bob Joyner." Robert G Joyner, email, 24 May 2004.
[149] "An update for the Harada-Yasutani lineage page. Charles Tenshin Fletcher Sensei gave dharma transmission to Barry Kaigen McMahon Sensei, a lay student, during the first week of November 2003." Tommy Enko Tabatowski, email, 8 Jun 2004.
[150] "On Thursday, July 1, 2004 Bruce Seiryu Blackman became dharma successor of Roshi Janet Jinne Richardson in the lineage of the White Plum Asanga." Charles Birx, email, 3 July 2004.
[151] Adam Knowles, email, 29 Nov 2004.
[153] "On December 12, 2005 R. Cicetti became Roshi Kennedy's 6th Dharma successor. Maezumi Line - Glassman Line - Kennedy Line - Cicetti, Raymond Ryuzan Sensei (10 May 1950) (Teacher at Empty Bowl Zen Community, Morristown, NJ, US)" Charles Birx, email, 15 Dec 2004.
[154] "In the Yasutani Roshi -- Maezumi Roshi -- Genpo Roshi -- Genno Sensei lineage there have been some changes. Last week, Genpo Roshi made Genno Sensei a Roshi. She is now Genno Roshi. Genno Roshi has a new successor, Sensei Amy Hollowell. She will soon have a second successor, Frank de Waele (who is at present an assistant teacher) in July. Thank you for your time, Daniel Gallagher [...] Paris, France." Daniel Gallagher, email, 26 Jan 2005.
[155] "I am listed under the Harada-Yasutani lineage, Genpo Merzel Roshi. I used to be an assistant teacher in Salt Lake City with Kanzeon Sangha, but now have established a new group/school in Florida. It is called 'Open Mind Zen School' in Melbourne, FL, and I currently have one assistant as of 2004 named Rick Owen. Should you need any additional info, let me know. Thanks, Al Rapaport", Al Rapaport, email, 28 Jan 2005.
[156] Short History of The Sanbo Kyodan [] (v. 3 Feb 2005).
[157] Sanbo Kyodan Zen Leaders with Their Zen Centers [] (v. 3 Feb 2005).
[158] "I was browsing through the WWWVL-Zen on Sanbo Kyodan - the link to Elaine MacInnes teachings is broken, and David Loy has got quite a bit published now but no link. has got links to some of his work, under Think Sangha. -Will." Will Tuladhar-Douglas, email, 31 Jan 2005.
[159] KUBOTA Ji'un On Leaving the Post of Abbot of the Sanbo Kyodan [] (v. 5 Feb 2005).
[160] YAMADA Ryoun On Assuming the Post of Abbot of the Sanbo Kyodan [] (v. 5 Feb 2005).
[161] KUBOTA Ji'un. 2000. Apology for What the Founder of the Sanbo Kyodan, YASUTANI Haku'un Roshi, Said and Did during World War II [ ,1 February 2000; reprint from: Kyosho #281 [March/April 2000]. (v. 5 Feb 2005).
[162] Kees Steeneken, email, 26 Apr 2005.
[163] Rancho Penasquitos Zen Center
[164] "The community I lead has changed its name from Zen Community of Boston to Boundless Way Zen, for various reasons not the least of which is to acknowledge we're a non-geographical sangha with sitting groups in various parts of New England. The old webpage address no longer functions. The current address is", James Ford, email, 10 May 2005.
[165] "Hi Mathew, I noticed that Mervyn Lander and Cecilie Lander have received transmission from Rosalyn Stone. In addition, Jan Millwood has been given the title 'honorary teacher' See", Peter Bruza, email, 1 Jun 2005.
[166] "Dear Dr. T. Matthew Ciolek, My Buddhist name is Kuzan Genki, Empty Mountain Mysterious Function. My American name is Paul Wyant Kahn. I am Spritiual [sic] Director of High Mountain Crystal Lake Zen Community in Wyckoff NJ, I am a Dharma and Lineage Holder. I became a monk with Taizan Maezumi Roshi at the Zen Center of Los Angeles in 1974. [...] I am part of the Zen Peacemaker Family and have Hoshi from Bernie Glassman, Roshi and Denkai (full priest ordination) from Denis Genpo Merzel, Roshi, head of The White Plum Asangha. In gassho, Genki", Paul Kahn, email, 3 Jun 2005.
[169] "Here is a new entry to add under Jack Duffy, Roshi: Zeedyk, Jana (29 May 1953- ) [associate teacher] Jana was appointed a Diamond Sangha associate teacher in a ceremony on Jan 21, 2005 by Jack Duffy, Roshi." Jeffrey Jongeward, email, 19 Jun 2005
[170] "I'm writing to inform you that John Tarrant gave inka skomei and the teaching name Zeno Myoun Roshi to James Ford on the 6th of August, 2005. If I can provide additional information or be of any additional assistance, please feel free to contact me." Chris Bell, email, 16 Aug 2005.
[171] "Dear Sir: I'm a zen student with Ki-Un-Roshi, Ana Maria Schluter Rodes (Yamada Line). I'd like update you some information of your page The changes in Ki-Un line are as follow: Meneses, Berta (*1945- ) Chosui Sensei, Zen Teacher. Flores, Pedro (.*1940- ) Neisui Sensei, Zen Teacher. Arrate Etxenausia, Kepa (*1938, Kisui Sensei, Zen Teacher. Perez Betran, Jordi (*1.940), Assistant Teacher. The Ki-Un-Zendo has their own web site in Thanks a lot for your work." Avelino de Pablo Aragon, email, 27 July 2005.
[172] "Frank de Waele received transmission from Catherine Genno Pages in july 2005", Peter Bruza, email, 1 Nov 2005.
[173] "Dear Dr Ciolek, I am writing to you to request that you update and insert a link to Sun Mountain Zen on your Harada Yasutani school of Buddhism virtual Library. Please note under the Stone line, that Dr. Cecilie Lander and Dr. Mervyn Lander have been given Dharma transmission from Roselyn Stone and as such have formed their own Sangha. They are authorised teachers of the Sanbo Kyodan lineage and their web address is as follows: We would appreciate if you could insert the web link into the virtual Library. Many thanks, Arno Hess, Webmaster, Sun Mountain Zen", Arno Hess, email, 21 Apr 2006.
[174] "I thought you would like to know that on Friday, April 28th, 2006 James Ismael Ford gave Dharma transmission to Melissa Keido Myozen Blacker Sensei. (born March 19, 1954). She's co-teacher of the Worcester Zen Sangha, an affiliate organization within Boundless Way Zen.", Chris Bell, email, 17 May 2006
[175] "It should be noted that Ford's principal teaching focus is as Head Teacher of Boundless Way Zen He remains an adjunct teacher with the Pacific Zen Institute, but it's really nominal since Ford's focus is in New England and PZI is in California. You may find Ford's bio at Wikipedia useful to link to.
Also of possible interest is that Ford named Melissa Myozen Blacker as a Dharma heir in April 2006. . Blacker Sensei leads the Worcester Zen Community ", Doug Bates, email, 17 May 2006.
[176] "Dear Dr. Ciolek, I just happened to coast on the website where my sister's name appears (Ma. Lourdes Mila Golez) whose Zend name was Gyoku-un. Since you asked for updates, I need to tell you that she just passed away on June 3, 2006. She was teaching Zen meditation mostly to a group of impoverished people in a certain place (Ibayo) in the Philippines for years as part of her mission when she joined the St. Katharina Werk Secular Institute in Switzerland. She was 70 yrs. old." Dr. Zinnia Callueng, email, 8 Jun 2006.
[177] "Dr Ciolek, What do the question-marks mean after the names listed in my lineage? [an indication that the dates of birth/death are missing in the document - tmciolek]. If titles, we in the Yamada lineage tend not to use titles exccept, perhaps, Teacher and Assistant Teacher though several of us do have the authority to allow our students to call us "Roshi", should they wish to do so. Ko'un Yamada Roshi impressed upon us the fact that "Roshi" or "Sensei" are honorifics improperly assumed to oneself. At the same time, the Sanbokyodan Lineage Abbot (now, Ryo'un Yamada and before him, Ji'un Kubota) reserves to himself the right to designate those entitled to the designation "Roshi" (namely, Associate Zen Masters and [full or "Authentic", which as one of us said is an awkward translation of the Japanese as it implies that Assoc Zen Masters are "inauthentic"!] ), or "Sensei/Teacher" In my line, the Landers, as noted, have received transmission from me and are entitled to the designation, Teacher. And a correction: Judy Kennedy as also received Dharma transmission from me (January 2006) and is Teacher in the Mountain Moon Sangha. The others are properly designated Assistant Teacher. Please add a web-link to my sangha's web-site: Thank you for your work over the years on this matter. Sei'un An Roselyn Stone Ph.D, Founder, Mountain Moon Sangha (Toronto and Brisbane); Associate Zen Master, Sanbokyodan", email, 18 Jun 2006.
[178] "Sensei Eve Myonen Marko is Bernie Glassman's third wife. She is also the head of the local Zen community attached to the House of One People at the Maezumi Institute in Montague Massachusetts." Len Moskowitz, email, 9 Jul 2006.
[180] [version from early July 2006]
[181] "I am a member of a small Zen meditation sangha here in Bisbee, Arizona, USA, called the Bisbee Lotus Sangha. We have been growing slowly for a couple of years. The two people who started this group are affiliated with the Diamond Sangha through the teacher Pat Hawk, although we have no "official" affiliation and we still do not have a resident teacher. Our sangha, however, is dedicated to the practice of Zazen and to the growth of the Dharma. To do this, we have just created a new website of which I am the webmaster. You can see the website at: and you are welcome to link to it if you like." Charles Martinson, email, 10 Aug 2006.
[183] "Hello Dr. Ciolek, [...], you may be interested in noting that Sensei Sunyana Graef is no longer the teacher at the Toronto Zen Centre, instead the teacher is now Senei Taigan Henderson, who was ordained by Sensei Graef and is a full Dharma heir of Sensei Graef. [...] [See also his biography in]", Marc Colbeck, email, 8 Sep 2006.
[184] "A few updates for the Fletcher line of the Harada-Yasutani lineage. Tenshin Fletcher received inka this year from Genpo Roshi and is now referred to as Charles Tenshin Fletcher Roshi. In October, he gave dharma transmission to his student Philip Shinko Squire, Sensei, teacher at Green Mountain Zen in Wellington, New Zealand ( Also, they are now referring to Zen Mountain Center as Yokoji Zen Mountain Center, as a return to the temple name Dounzan Yokoji and to differentiate the center from Tassajara Zen Mountain Center." Tommy Tabatowski, email, 01 Nov 2006.
[185] "On February 18 [2007], Paul Genki Kahn will be participating in a Denbo ceremony culminating in Shiho, transmission, at the Maezumi Institute in Montague, MA with Roshi Bernie Glassman officiating. This ceremony will empower him as a Sensei in Bernie Roshi's lineage and in the Zen Peacemakers Sangha." Len Moskowitz, email, 08 Feb 2007.
[187] "Hi again Dr. Ciolek, You might want to include Kenneth Tetsuji Byalin in your Web page:
He was empowered by Bernie Glassman as Priest (Jan. 17, 1999) and Dharma Holder (Jan. 17, 1999).
At today's Shiho transmission ceremony at the House of One People in Montague, Massachussets (USA), Bernie Roshi transmitted the Dharma to both Paul Genki Kahn and Kenneth Tetsuji Byalin . Both may now be called "Sensei". You might have a look at this Web page for reasonably up-to-date information about the Zen Peacemaker Sangha Dharma Family: ", Len Moskowitz, email, 18 Feb 2007.
[191] "Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2007 From: Len Moskowitz Subject: Bernie Glassman Roshi Empowered Four New Senseis (Feb. 25, 2007), Dear Dr. Ciolek, In two Shiho ceremonies at The House of One People (in Montague Massachusetts USA), Bernie Roshi empowered four new senseis:

  • Sheila Jinen Hixon, Empowered by Bernie Glassman as Dharma Holder (Jan. 17, 1999), Buddha Seat Holder, Empowered by Pat Enkyo O'Hara and Bernie Glassman as Multi-Faith Peacemaker, Empowered by Bernie Glassman as Multi-Faith Dharma Holder (Feb. 18, 2007), Empowered by Bernie Glassman as Sensei (Feb. 25, 2007).
  • Robert Sokan Lee, Empowered by Bernie Glassman as Elder of the Family (June 2004), Buddha Seat Holder, Empowered by Bernie Glassman as Sensei (Feb. 25, 2007).
  • Francisco Genkoji "Paco" Lugovina, Empowered by Bernie Glassman as Priest (Jan. 17, 1999), Empowered by Bernie Glassman as Dharma Holder (Jan. 17, 1999), Buddha Seat Holder, Empowered by Bernie Glassman as Social Action Dharma Holder (Feb. 18, 2007), Empowered by Bernie Glassman as Sensei (Feb. 25, 2007).
  • Fleet Shinryu Maull, Empowered by Bernie Glassman as Dharma Holder in June 2004, Buddha Seat Holder, Empowered by Bernie Glassman as Social Action Dharma Holder (Feb. 18, 2007), Empowered by Bernie Glassman as Sensei (Feb. 25, 2007).
  • This information comes from this Web page:
    Warmly, Len Moskowitz"
    [192] "Date: Sun, 3 Jun 2007 - The Kanzeon sangha (Dennis Genpo Merzel) has moved to With Genpo Roshi's link now. There are new successors: Michael Zimmerman Nancy Gabyrsch Diane Hamilton see Note Paul Genki Kahn isn't listed as a successor and Al Rapaport in no longer in "good standing" Finally, Genpo Roshi's assistant teacher Irene Kyojo Bakker has a website: - Peter Bruza."
    [194] "Date: Sun, 3 Jun 2007 - Dear Dr. Ciolek: I have some additional information for your records of Zen Dharma transmission in the United States. Roshi James Zeno Myoun Ford of Boundless Way Zen gave Dharma Transmission in the Jiyu Kennett and Robert Aitken lineages to Sensei Sevan Keido Sei'an Ross of the Chicago Zen Center on May 17, 2007. Sensei Ross is the resident teacher of the Chicago Zen Center and a Dharma lineage holder in the Kapleau line. He received transmission in that lineage from Roshi Bodhin Kjolhede on June 1, 2001. The recent ceremony with Roshi Ford took place in Chicago. [...] Caroline DeVane for the Chicago Zen Center", email.
    [195] Habito, Ruben L. F. 1990. In Memoriam: Yamada Koun Roshi (1907-1989) Buddhist-Christian Studies, Vol. 10, 1990 (1990), pp. 231-237 JSTOR: In Memoriam: Yamada Koun Roshi (1907-1989)
    [197] "Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2007 From: Timothy Denton [email address] Subject: Louis Mitsunen Nordstrom
    Dear Dr. Ciolek, I wanted to advise you of at least one omission from the very good information you have posted on the Sanbo Kyodan lineage.
    Louis Mitsunen Nordstrom (b. 1943 - transmission 1998) is also a Dharma successor and teacher in this lineage. Officially, according to the Kuroda family (Taizan Maezumi Roshi' s family), he is a Dharma heir of Taizan Maezumi Roshi. This is somewhat clouded by the fact that the actual transmission was given by Bernard Tetsugen Glassman Roshi three years after Maezumi Roshi' s death! The Kuroda family regards it as an omission that Maezumi Roshi did not live to give transmission in his own name and are quite insistent that he is Maezumi' s successor. However, I believe Glassman Roshi regards Nordstrom Roshi as his successor, as well, with some justice. Nordstrom Roshi also studied with Nakagawa Soen Roshi, and there is reason to believe he holds that lineage as well, although I do not know if it is documented. Mitsunen Nordstrom Roshi has two Dharma successors: Timothy Issai Denton (b. 1953 - Shiho 2003), priest and teacher at Wagyoji Temple, Oceanside, NY Roger Hawkins (Birth and Shiho dates unknown - he is a lay successor with a community in Florida. I can get this info if you want it. Denton Sensei is a priest.) For simplicity' s sake, it would probably be easiest to list Nordstrom Roshi under Glassman Roshi' s line. I' ve no doubt you get bombarded with requests for changes, updates, or inclusions, and only plead our case because I feel it is so important that people who are looking for the teachings be able to find them. All our little groups are kind of like the kid in the back of the class who has the answer but never gets called on because of all the more popular kids in the front. In any event, I thank you for your time, as well as for your efforts in posting this information and keeping it up to date. Zen families are like the genealogies of medieval kings, including all the rival and spurious claims. It must be an incredible chore keeping them all straight! Thank you. In the Dharma, Issai Ven. Issai Chizen Denton Wagyoji Zen Temple Oceanside, New York (516) 868-0577 [email address]"

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