Suggested citation format:
Ciolek, T. Matthew. 1995-present. Sanbo-Kyodan: Harada-Yasutani School of Zen Buddhism. Canberra: - Asia Pacific Research Online.

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Harada-Yasutani School of Zen Buddhism
References & Footnotes number 501-600

This document is an integral part of the Harada-Yasutani School of Zen Buddhism page.
Both documents form a subsection of the Zen Buddhism section of the Buddhist Studies WWW Virtual Library.

Edited by Dr T. Matthew Ciolek

The purpose of this document is to provide comprehensive, factual and up-to-date information about the Sanbo Kyodan (Harada-Yasutani) school of Zen Buddhism. Any updated information, corrections or comments will be appreciated.

A Work in Progress - tmc


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References & Footnotes number 501-600

[501] [access 28 Oct 2022]
[502] [access 28 Oct 2022]
[503] [access 28 Oct 2022]
[504] [access 28 Oct 2022]
[505] [access 28 Oct 2022]
[506] [access 28 Oct 2022]
[507] [access 28 Oct 2022]
[508] [access 28 Oct 2022]
[509] [access 28 Oct 2022]
[510] [access 12 Nov 2022]
[511] "Edits to Zen lineageÊÊ [...] Sensei Barbara Craig died Dec 20, 2022 (in Janet Richardson line), Roshi Bruce Blackmon died May 3, 2021 (in Janet Richardson line) [...] Also Dr. Ciolek, ÊI wanted to let you know that under the Robert Kennedy lineage, you have titled the section ÒChristian ZenÓ but in fact it is really interfaith Zen. Maybe you could change the heading? Many of us under the Kennedy lineage are Unitarians, atheists, Jews and also Christians. Thank you,Ê Martine Palmiter Sensei", email 6 Jan 2023.
[512] "On Tuesday, December 1 [2009], Roshi Robert Kennedy, S.J., will sit, give a dharma talk and take questions at FordhamÕs Interfaith Zen Group, in the Blessed Rupert Mayer Chapel, Room 221 Lowenstein Center, Lincoln Center campus, from 6:10 to 7:45 p.m. For this visit, Roshi Kennedy will speak on the question, ÒWhat is it when the story ends?Ó He will bring to this his uniquely seamless experience of both Zen and Catholic practice, a subject very much in the air since Paul KnitterÕs book, Without Buddha I Could Not Be a Christian", Fordham News, 30 Nov 2009, Fordham The Jesuit University of New York, [access 8 Jan 2023]
[513] "[...] Thank you so much I agree that Christian and Interfaith [a label, suggested on 8 Jan 2023 by TM Ciolek for a section of Harada-Yasutani page] is appropriate; also that heading also needs to go down a little further into the Jinne Richardson/Bruce Blackman line. Many of those teachers are also Christian and also other faiths. One of them is an atheist even, so that same heading would be useful for that section as well. Martine", email 9 Jan 2023.
[514] & [access 9 Jan 2023]
[514] [access 9 Jan 2023]
[515] [access 9 Jan 2023]
[516] [access 24 Feb 2023]
[517] [access 24 Feb 2023]
[518] [access 24 Feb 2023]
[519] In 2023 studies with teachers of the "Vine of Obstacles Zen" cyber-sangha have costed $1500 a year: "Tuition is $125 a month and includes access to the online study, practice and sangha forums, dharma talks, daily group zazen, online retreats, and regular meetings with one of the teachers." [access 24 Feb 2023]
[520] [access 27 Feb 2023]
[521] [access 27 Feb 2023]
[522] [access 27 Feb 2023]
[523] [access 3 Mar 2023]
[524] [access 3 Mar 2023]
[525] [access 3 Mar 2023]
[526] [access 3 Mar 2023]
[527] [access 5 Mar 2023]
[528] [access 5 Mar 2023]
[529] [access 9 Mar 2023]
[530] "Hi, I wantedÊto point out a mistake and and a few updates for the Al Rapaport line:
You have him under the "MERZEL, DENNIS GENPO" line but he has not been affiliated with him for a long time.
Al Rapport received dharma transmissionÊfrom Jules Shuzen Harris in 2008.Ê (Source:Ê and should be in the Maezumi->Bernie Glassman->
Pat Enkyo O'Hara->Jules Shuzen Harris line.
Four updates to Rapaport's line:
-ÊRev. Russell Kyofu Seikyo Mitchell has dharma transmission as of 2022
- Rev. Joshua Kojo Paszkiewicz has dharma transmission as of 2023
-ÊTim Ryuko Langdell was made an assistant teacher in 2022
- Angie Reed Shinho Garner was made an assistant teacherÊin 2022
(Sources for all the above atÊ
Thank you for all that you do maintaining this list. Bows, Ganbo Berry Crawford", email, 6 April 2023.
[530] [access 11 Apr 2023]
[531] "Dear Matthew, My name is Frank Diaz and I am listed on your meticulously documented Sanbo Kyodan online reference page at: I would like to give you some updates so that my current listing is more accurate. Ê
The current record reads: ÒDiaz, Frank Seisho (b. 19??-). Senior Assistant Zen Teacher (Hoshi) in the Open Mind Zen Lineage [446]. Ph.D., member of the faculty at Jacobs School of Music, Indiana University [446]. Member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association ( [435].Ó Ê
For my birth year, it should list Ò1975Ó. I am no longer an Assistant Teacher, and am now a sensei, having received dharma transmission from Al Fusho Rappaport in 2021. I am also the resident teacher at Open Mind Zen Indiana, which has been in existence since 2016:
Thank you very much for your work in preparing and preserving this impressive and valuable record. Kindest regards, Frank", email, 26 Apr 2023.
[532] James Ford's "Letter of Resignation", Wed, January 4, 2023, addressed to Rev. Dokai Georgesen, President, Soto Zen Buddhist Association ""; the Board and Ms Anna Breckendridge, SZBA Operations Manager "".
-    The following three long-term members of the SZBA have tendered their resignations from membership within the Soto Zen Buddhist Association: Rev. James Myoun Ford, Empty Moon Zen; Rev. Melissa Myozen Blacker, Boundless Way Zen Temple and Rev. David Shunyo Caruso, Boundless Way Zen Temple.
-    The triple resignation was triggered "by the recent suspension of Dosho Port's membership" and by loss of the 3 teachers' alignement with the organisation due, as they put it, to "our perception of an expanding list of expectations starting with formation requirements which we do not expect from our students, and extending to what are considered ethical violations that seem at once both overly broad and randomly specific". The email was subsequently confidentially shared with "" on 6 Jun 2023.
[533] "Dear Dr. Ciolek, I hope you are well. ÊBelow you will find some information to add to the Sanbo Kyodan Lineage.
Please let me know of any questions or clarifications and i continue to be so very grateful for you holding this vast and varied Dharma Family. With deep bows, ÊDouglas (San'Un) Phillips
(please edit as appropriate)
Coghlan, Peggy. ÊMyoen Jisen Haru'Un, Roshi. (b. 1954) Former student of Rev. Da'i-En Benage, Roshi (mid-1990's). Ordained Priest (2005) by Rev. Kyoki Roberts (Katagiri Lineage); Head Novice Shasta Abbey (2009); Dharma Transmission from Kyoki Roberts (6/10/12), ÊInka Shomei (6/27/2023) from Douglas Keido Kaishin San'un Phillips, Roshi, and Mary Keido Koshin Sho'un Gates, Roshi. ÊCurrent Director of the Boisie Zen Center (affiliated with Flower Mountain Zen). Member Soto Zen Buddhist Assn. Registered Physical Therapist. Ê Known teachings:Ê
Lastly, would you and to my bio: ÊLIc. Clinical Psychologist, Lexington, MA", email, 8 Jul 2023
[534] Boise Zen Center July/AugustÊNewsletter, 1st August, 2023 - [access 11 Aug 2023]
[535] "Dear Dr. Ciolek, Here is an item for your Sanbo Kyodan page:Ê
On August 15 2023, Julie Myogen Seido Nelson, Sensei received full Dharma transmission (Denbo and Denkai) from Myoyu Roshi. [...] Seido Sensei is a part of both the Greater Boston Zen Center as well as the Great Plains Zen Center. She began practicing Zen in theÊRobert AitkenÊlineage in about 2004. She received Denkai transmission in that lineage in the spring of 2021 and continued her studies with Myoyu Roshi in 2022 after they met through the Buddhist Healthy Boundaries course. - access 12 Nov 2023]
[535 continues] "Myoyu Roshi isÊANDERSEN-PALMER, SUSAN MYOYUÊin your list.
Seido Sensei is the same person as you have listed asÊÊNelsonÊJudy [sic] Seido (b. 19??-) Dharma HolderÊin the Ford/Bartok/Hartland line.
Seido's birth year is 1956.
Bows, [Julie] Seido", email, 20 Sep 2023
[537] [access 12 Nov 2023]
[538] [access 22 Nov 2023]
[539] [access 22 Nov 2023]
[540] [access 24 Nov 2023]
[541] [access 24 Nov 2023]
[542] "Dear Dr. Ciolek,
This is Tenney Nathanson, listed on your Sanbo Kyodan page as part of the Joan Sutherland line. IÕm pleased to report that I received transmission and am now a Roshi in the Open Source / Pacific Zen School. I received transmission from both Joan Sutherland Roshi and Sarah Bender Roshi, on May 16, 2023
IÕm still leading Desert Rain Zen (part of the Open Source) here in Tucson, Arizona. HereÕs a related web page:
or also:
IÕm hoping you can update my entry", Tenney Nathanson, email, 26 Nov 2023
[543] "Hello Matthew
I am offering an update to your record of Sanbo Kyodan*: Harada-Yasutani School of Zen Buddhism and its Teachers
The listing for myself is currently as follows:
Grant, Steven (b. 19??-) Roshi [280][313][320]
Director of the Rockridge Meditation Community in Oakland, CA [313][320]
Updated information:
I parted ways with Pacific Zen Center in 2019. (The Rockridge Meditation Community in Oakland disbanded during covid.) I now teach from my home in Pittsboro, North Carolina. My birth year is 1962.
On November 8, 2023 Dr. Illana Berger Received Dharma transmission from me. She leads the Seven Directions Zen Community in Scotts Valley California. Her birth year is 1954.
Thank you for tending to the record of the lineage.
Best Wishes
Steven Grant", email, 28 Nov 2023
[544] " [...] We don't generally use the Japanese pronunciation in our communities, but the characters are as follows
John [Tarrant] gave me "Brown Bear (人熊) by the Bright River" (明川)
We never worked out the Japanese pronunciation
I gave Illana [Berger]
Great Tree (巨木) of Complete Perception (完 悟)
I believe that is Kyo Moku Kan Go", Steven Grant", email, 28 Nov 2023
[545] Miura Isshū & Ruth Fuller Sasaki, The Zen Koan; Its History And Use In Rinzai Zen,
New York, Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc., 1965
[Revised and expanded version of the book was published by Harcourt, Brace & World in New York in 1967 as 'Zen dust; the history of the koan and koan study in Rinzai (Lin-chi) Zen']
[546] Kynan Sutherland [in:] & [access 25 Dec 2023]
[547] Shona Pierce [in:] [access 25 Dec 2023]
[548] "Hi Matthew. IÕll try to answer all your inquiries below [...]
>> My previous Dharma name was Forest Waters [tmc - were there any japanse kanjis of the name?], given to me by John Tarrant [tmc - what date, please?]. <<
It was given to me Sept 26, 2021. He didnÕt use Kanjis he used [tmc - Chinese] ancient oracle bone symbols
>> Info about me: I have a PhD [tmc - awarded when?] in Traditional Knowledge and Recovery of the Indigenous Mind (not Psychology).<< I received my PhD in 1999 from California Institute for Integral Studies. ItÕs no longer offered. It was its own department. [...]
>> was a member of Pacific Zen Institute [tmc - since what year?] and co-director of the now disbanded Rockridge Meditation Community until 2018.<< I started at PZI 2003 (ish) [...]
>> I am now [tmc - starting year, please?] the Director of Seven Direction Zen in Scotts Valley, California with a virtual sangha (not a practice leader).<<
I began in March 2020.
Hope that is all clear. Let me know if you have any other questions." Illana Berger, email, 16 Dec 2023.
[549] Jon Joseph; Michelle Riddle [in:] [access 26 Dec 2023]
[550] "Received appointment to teach as October 2009 - I took my first refuge in 2009, second Rakusu and new dharma name September 2021", Illana Berger, email, 26 Dec 2023.
[551] [access 6 Jan 2024]
[552] "Dear Dr. Ciolek,
The link you have for the Missouri Review interview with Peter Matthiessen no longer works. A minute of searching turned up that the URL for that interview is now
Best, Matt", Matt Fisher, email, 13 Jan 2024.
[553] "Dear Mathew,
Just letting you know that Hogen Yamahata (successor of Harada Tangen) passed away on 31.03.2024.
Also, my birth year is 1962 (Peter Bruza, listed under Hogen Yamahata's successors)
Hoping that you are well and thanks for your ongoing efforts to curate this very valuable resource.
Your sincerely Peter Bruza", email, 1 Apr 2024; also [access 2 Apr 2024]
[554] [access 2 Apr 2024]
[555] [access 15 Apr 2024]
[556] [an email Q from tmc, 3 Apr 2024] "So, .... Emma Genko Cain, did you formally nominated Ê or invited her (to use a neutral word) to act in a greater capacity than that of an aspirant with a jukai under belt or a novice monk?"
[A] "Yes. I gave her permission to teach, but she is not fully transmittedÊyet. Gassho,ÊPeter", Peter Bruza, email, 5 Apr 2024. & "Thanks for the updates to our lineage and no need at all to apologize. I gave Emma Cain permission to teach in 2022. Her dharma name "Genkō" can be rendered as "Dark Radiance", Peter Bruza, email, 20 Apr 2024.
"[...] I'm wondering if I might request an update to my entry under Danan Henry Roshi ( Currently my entry reads:
Holmgren, John Edward Hoag (b. 1964) Apprentice Teacher.
Authorised by Danan Henry Roshi on April 26, 2018 [388].
Could you please change to:
Holmgren, Hoag (b. 1964) Sensei.
Authorised to teach by Danan Henry Roshi on April 26, 2018 [388]. Received Dharma transmission from Danan Henry in June 2023.
Here's a link to the July 2023 newsletter from Bodhi Manda Zen Center (where the ceremony took place)
that features a write-up about the transmission ceremony along with a photo of Hosen, the abbess of Bodhi Manda,
Danan Henry, and me:
A couple other updates under Danan's section: --Ken Morgareidge is currently teaching independently and no longer affiliated with the Zen Center of Denver. --Peggy, Karin, Rafe, and Ken now use the honorific Roshi rather than Sensei", Hoag Holmgren, email, 28 Apr 2024.
"Dear Dr. Ciolek,
I hope you are well. When you have time, would you please add the following to the Sanbo Kyodan lineage?
Tanguay, Thomas Keido Kaiju (b. 5/2/46), received Denkai (Dharma Holder) transmission on 17 May 2024, from Douglas Phillips, Roshi. He is the guiding teacher of This Just This Sangha ( in Mount Desert, ME.
Thank you and, again, thank you so much for your caring for our wild and far flung lineage so well.
With a deep bow, Doug Phillips (Keido San Un)", email, 20 May 2024.
"(1) Dear Mr Ciolek,
here some "new" informations about the Harada-Yasutani-lineage in Germany esp. concerning the dharmaheirs of Rolf Drosten Roshi.
They all are teaching in the "Wolken und Mond Sangha" at different places in Germany.
[...] [complete data below - tmc]
You cant insert a link from "Wolken und Mond Sangha" to
Hubert Edin"
(2) "Dear Mr Ciolek,
since my last mail I've contacted my dharmasister Amelie an got her datas. So here there are all of us:
DROSTEN, ROLF Jushin Kokusho Ko' Un Ken (b. 1941) Roshi
"Wolken und Mond Sangha" (Clouds and Moon Sangha),
Lindlar, Germany

* Drosten Line (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Roshi)

* Zill, Burkard Doshin Daiboku Gyo Un Ken (b 1959) Roshi
Veitsrodt, Germany

* Haffer, Amelie Seikyo Genko Ji Un An (b 1965) Roshi
Essen, Germany

* Schwarzer, Christoph Daishin Shosei Ko Un Ken (b 1968) Roshi
Bremen, Germany

* Edin, Hubert Daion Hoshin An Un Ken (b 1965) Roshi
MŸnster, Germany

Mit freundlichen Gr٤en
Hubert Edin", 2 emails, 17 & 22 May 2024.
[560] (access 22 May 2024)
[561] (access 12 Jun 2024)
[562] (access 14 Jun 2024)
[563]'Ortschy.html (access 14 Jun 2024)
[564] (access 14 Jun 2024)
[565] (access 18 Jun 2024)
[566] (access 10 Jul 2024)
[567] (access 10 Jul 2024)
[568] (access 10 Jul 2024)
[569] (access 12 Jul 2024)
[570] (access 12 Jul 2024)
[571] (access 12 Jul 2024)
[572] (access 12 Jul 2024)
[573] (access 12 Jul 2024)
[574] (access 12 Jul 2024)
[575] (access 12 Jul 2024)
[576] (access 12 Jul 2024)
[577] (access 12 Jul 2024)
[578] (access 13 Jul 2024)
[579] (access 13 Jul 2024)
[580] (access 13 Jul 2024)
[581] (access 13 Jul 2024)

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